She was stupefied, and suddenly her chest jumped very fast, and there was an indescribable uneasiness.

She ran out a little flustered, and then saw the black housekeeper. She asked, "how about uncle?"

The black housekeeper said with a gentle smile, "the host is on a business trip. He just left. Look..."

Su Mian looks along the direction of his fingers and sees a black car driving out.

"Madam, do you need to call the host?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "no need..."

"The master will be back soon." Said the black housekeeper.

"Yes, I will be back soon..."


At this time, on a quiet road in the suburb, a black Shijue came slowly.

Light rain poured down, sliding down the window, leaving a blurred mark.

Looking out of the car window, there is a misty area everywhere. It looks like the morning by the lake. The smoke rises slowly, which is beautiful.

But Huo Ting's mood is not so beautiful.

This time out is not to travel, but to find their own memory.

Although Su Mianmian always said he didn't care, he knew that the deepest heart of the little sheep still cared. That memory was not only his, but also his.

So, he came here at this time to find his memory, and wanted to surprise the little sheep and the children.

"Boss, I'm going to Dr. Bart's lab soon." Chen CE's voice sounded from the front passenger seat, interrupting Huo Ting's thoughts.

Huo Ting opened his eyes, looked out and nodded slightly.

The car slid into a forest lane, where the rain seemed to be a little bigger, and the raindrops hit the roof, banging.

Huo Ting looked up and saw that there was an independent two-story building in the deepest part of the path. It was European style and looked like it had been several years.

There is a small flower bed in front of the small building. The flowers and plants with good growth are swaying in the wind and rain. They are full of vitality and make people look at them. They are in a good mood.

Just as the car stopped in front of the small building, a big man opened the door and ran out with an umbrella.

"Mr. Huo, are you here?" Bart opened the door for hoting with a hearty smile and tilted his umbrella forward.

"Well." Huo Ting answered lightly and got out of the car.

Bart smiled and waved to Chen CE. "I'm ready for everything. Mr. Huo, let's talk about it first."

"Good." Huo Ting's eyes wandered around the small flower bed not far away, wondering whether he should bring some fresh flowers back to the lamb when he went home.

The three walked down the path into the building, and Bart led the two into his office.

A little nurse brought tea, and then respectfully retired.

Bart picked up the tea cup and said with a smile, "Mr. Huo, this is the flower tea that I specially asked someone to make. I can't buy it outside. The effect of concentration and calmness is good. Would you like to try it?"

Huo Ting hung his head. In the cup just before the meeting, there was a brown liquid lying on it. It seemed that there was a dry flower swaying with the fluctuation of the water pattern.

He nodded and took a sip from the glass. "Not bad."

"If Mr. Huo likes it, how much should I ask the nurse to pack for you when you go back? Three or two at most. I don't have any more. "

Huo Ting looked at him and said, "I'm not interested in your tea. Let's start."

"Well, you have to get into the topic slowly. You are so anxious..." Bart complained for two times. Seeing huoting's face was not good, he continued, "human brain is very strange and mysterious. Even though the medicine is updated day by day, there is still no significant effect in the development of brain

Then Bart looked up at him, hesitated and advised, "so in fact, your lost memory doesn't have a great impact on you. You really don't have to be so anxious to find it back."

"That memory is very important to me." Huo Ting's light answer.

"I understand." Bart smiled and said, "I don't mean you don't want to find your memory, but you can change it in a gentler way."

Huo Ting looks up and sweeps, "what kind of gentle way?"

"Time." Bart seriously replied, "this is part of your memory loss, which is the aftermath of the brain being hit. In general, it has a chance to recover. Maybe one day when you wake up in the morning, it will recover itself. "

Huo Ting's eyebrows are wrinkled deeper. Is this the so-called gentle way?

Bart wasn't the first to say that to him, but he couldn't wait.

What's more, this kind of gentle way is not absolute. Maybe the memory in this life can't be recovered by itself.

"Mr. Huo, although I am an authority in brain science, I can't guarantee to retrieve your memory. Moreover, there are also risks in the process. I...... "

"I've decided." Huo Ting lightly interrupted Bart's words, "I'm ready, you can start at any time."Bart flat mouth, want to persuade again, but when the eyes see huoting that cold face, and think of his temperament, he still decisively closed his mouth.

"Well then."

Bart stood up, quite helpless. "Mr. Huo, please wait here for a while. I'll get ready."

"Well." Huo Ting nodded quietly and continued to drink tea.

He didn't come back for more than half an hour. Huo Ting was impatient. When he wanted Chen CE to have a look at the situation, the little nurse who brought in the tea opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Huo, Dr. Bart is ready. You can go there."

Huo Ting nodded slightly, got up and walked out with the nurse.

I thought Dr. Bart's lab was on this floor, but when the nurse opened a door to the basement, Huo ting and Chen CE suddenly found that the lab was underground.

Walking through a zigzag stairway, I was suddenly enlightened in front of me. A huge laboratory was displayed in front of everyone.

The lab is divided into several parts, and the nurse leads them directly to the biggest room.

"Dr. Bart, there's always Huo." The nurse pushed the door in and said softly.

"Well, yes." Bart turned back and smiled at Huo ting. "Mr. Huo, everything is ready. You need to change into a sterile suit first. Let's go in."

Huo Ting nodded quietly, changed the sterile clothes with the help of the nurse, and then walked into the inner room with Bart.

Seriously speaking, this room is a bit like the hospital's intensive care unit, aseptic room. It is divided into inner and outer layers, separated by glass doors in the middle. People outside can also clearly see the situation inside.

Hoting followed Bart into the inner room and lay down on a special bed as he asked.

Bart immediately raised his face and put a strange looking helmet on Huo Ting's head skillfully and seriously.