The room is very quiet, only the sound of instruments can be heard.

Huo Ting lay down and closed his eyes slightly.

Bart is a talker. He always wants to chat with Huo ting. As a result, Huo Ting doesn't like himself, so he has to operate the instrument.

After a while, Huo Ting asked, "how many opportunities do you have to retrieve your memory this time?"

Bart was stunned. He put down his instrument, got up and went to his desk. He picked up a briefcase and came back.

He hung his head and opened the briefcase. He said after half a sound: "Mr. Huo, in fact, when you asked for me, I once told you. The odds are not very high. "

Huo Ting: "..."

"Mr. Huo, do you want to continue?"

"Go on!"

Bart came over and continued to stick some strange small copper pieces on huoting's head, similar to the EEG, but in a large number.

When everything was ready, Bart stood up, looked at huoting seriously, and said again: "Mr. Huo, I need to ask you again seriously, are you sure you want to continue the next experiment? Even if there is a high probability of danger in the process? "

Huo Ting: "..."

He was so speechless that he kept asking back and forth.

Bart said a little wrongly, "I'm not afraid..."

"Shut up! Let's get started! " Huo Ting's whole forehead is covered with things. It's not a good taste.

Bart could not help saying, "Mr. Huo, I admire your attitude. Well, now that you're ready, let's start now. "

“……” Hoting closed his eyes.

A soft music sounded, and Bart's voice also faded, "Mr. Huo, first listen to this music and feel it You are on holiday at this time, in front of you is the endless sea, and at your feet are stepping on the clean and delicate sand. Your mood is very comfortable... "

A few minutes later, he was already in deep sleep.

At this time, Bart's face is more dignified. He sat in front of Huo Ting's head, holding a probe like thing in his hand. He looked at Huo Ting, took a deep breath, and said softly, "Mr. Huo, turn around and look at your back. A girl came here. Her name is Su Mian. She is your favorite person."

Huo Ting's face changed a little, as if confused.

But Dr. Bart's hand moved at this time, and something like a probe hit a black spot on the helmet.

Bang Bang twice, but Huo Ting's body vibrated twice.

I don't know what the stimulation was. Huoting's head began to shake in a small range, just like being shocked.

In fact, Dr. Bart is using electric current to stimulate the memory area of hoting's brain. Of course, the current is still the range that the human body can bear.

"Mr. Huo, do you remember where you first met?" Asked Dr Bart in a low voice.

Huo Ting's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled, as if he was in great confusion and could not be separated.

His head began to shake more and more, and Dr. Bart was even more nervous. He stared at the computer screen nearby for a moment, afraid of any problem.

"I, we..." Huo Ting suddenly opened his mouth. His voice was trembling and fuzzy. He could not hear it clearly.

Dr. Bart showed a glimmer of joy, as if he could open his mouth what a rare thing.

The probe in his hand shifted a small angle and pointed at a black bump next door.

Huo Ting's head rises suddenly, then falls heavily.

Fortunately, I wear a helmet, otherwise it will be smashed.

Dr. Bart stared at the computer screen nervously, and asked softly in his mouth, "where have you met and gone? What did you say? "

"Grass, strawberry cake..." Hoting murmured.

"Have you had strawberry cake?"

Strawberry cake seems to be the catalyst, which makes huoting's face more and more ugly. It seems that he wants to break away from some shackles but can't break away. His face is even distorted.

One after another, Huo Ting trembled, and Chen CE's eyes were red. He didn't expect that the process would be so painful.

"Ah!" Bart was startled by the sudden call. He looked at the data displayed on the computer screen, did not dare to delay, and cut off the current in a hurry.

Later, he fell in huoting's ear and whispered, "Mr. Huo, it's late. It's time to go home and rest. Let's go home first." As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and made a ring of fingers.

Hoting opened his eyes and gasped hard.

"How do you feel?" Bart asked.

Huo Ting touched his face and asked hoarsely, "where is it now?"

Bart was stunned and said, "do you remember who I am?"Huo Ting replied, "I remember you It's OK. I was just in a trance... "

He seemed to see a girl in the fuzziness, saw some fragments, but the girl's face was not clear, he was not even sure that these fragments were the memories he had experienced.

After telling Bart how he felt, hoting said, "go ahead." He said and closed his eyes.

Bart was stunned, and then he said: "Mr. Huo, you can't continue today. You need a rest."

"I don't need it." Hoting opened his eyes. "Go on."

"No way." Bart also insisted, "you should believe my professional judgment, today has reached the limit you bear, you can't continue, and the most important point is that if you continue, it won't have any effect..."

Huo Ting frowned for a while, then nodded.

Bart took off his helmet and other things for him, then helped him to the ground.

"Mr. Huo, do you feel any discomfort?"

"Does headache count?" Asked hoting.

"Headache is normal. If you have too much pain later, I will prescribe some painkillers for you. Well, I'll ask the nurse to take you upstairs to your room for a rest. "

Huo Ting nodded expressionless and walked out with him.


Huo Ting hasn't smoked for a long time, but now he wants to smoke one.

Hearing this, Chen CE quickly took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit it and handed it to Huo ting.

Huo Ting took a deep breath and slowly vomited.

Chen CE saw Huo Ting's fuzzy face in the smoke. He thought for a moment and said, "boss, just now my wife called. I said you are in a meeting. I'll call her back later."

Hearing this, Huo Ting said, "give me the phone."

Chen CE delivered the phone without expression.
