"Boss, you call me?" Chen CE asked.

Hoting stood up, silent, and stared at him for a moment.

Chen CE stepped back a little uneasily and asked, "boss, you What do you want to do? "

"What do you think I look like now?" Asked hoting.

Chen CE's face is paralyzed and his face is almost tense. There are many strange ideas in his mind. One of them is that boss has changed its base after being shocked?

"Boss, I have someone I like. Xiaohua is waiting for me to marry her." It's over! The year-end bonus must be gone.

However, as a straight person, it is absolutely impossible to bend!

Huo Ting was stunned. He didn't remember what Chen CE said.

Dr. Bart said, "Mr. Huo, I suggest you take a rest and go back. Now you look Well, it's a bit bad. If you're worried about not sleeping, I can prescribe some medicine for you. "

When Chen CE heard this, he understood the meaning of the sentence huoting asked him.

He replied decisively, "boss, why don't I get a stylist?"

Huo Ting thought about it and said to Chen CE, "do as you say."

Bart was not surprised by hoting's decision. He said, "Mr. Huo, I'll give you the medicine on time."

Huo Ting nodded.

Chen CE added, "tell me, doctor, I will take good care of boss."



When Chen CE called huoting's exclusive stylist, he knew that he had gone to Linshi. He wanted to change a stylist, but after looking back at his boss's cold face, he decided to transfer the helicopter to meet him.

More than two hours ago, Huo Ting looked at himself in the mirror, and finally his brow was no longer wrinkled into a hill.

"Boss, we are now..."

"Go home." Huo Ting lightly interrupts Chen CE's words. He doesn't want to delay for a moment.

They said goodbye to Dr. Bart and got on the return train.

Near home, huoting dials Su Mian's cell phone.

When the bell rings twice, it is connected, but Su Mian's voice is not coming from the mobile phone.

"Good master."

Huo Ting's eyebrows wrinkled in an instant, "how are you? How about it? "

"Madame went upstairs to sleep, and her cell phone landed on the sofa in the living room." The black housekeeper replied solemnly, thought about it, then added, "just now my wife is watching horror movies downstairs, and I've locked the TV."

"Well done." Huo Ting replied lightly, then hung up the phone directly.

Huoting's work for the black housekeeper includes Su Mian's TV watching Cough, control.

Horror movies or something, that can't be seen!

Half an hour later, hoting came home.

The black Butler is waiting for him at the door.

"Welcome home."

"Well." Huo Ting should, step by step to go upstairs, said, "by the way, give me the cell phone."

The black housekeeper is busy handing Su Mian's mobile phone.

Huo Ting takes over and goes upstairs directly. At the second step, he stopped again, looked back, and said, "make dinner light." Some of the medicines Bart prescribed to him were not greasy.


Huo Ting didn't say much more. He turned and went upstairs.

When he arrived at the bedroom door, he gently grasped the door handle, unscrewed it with skillful force, and walked in slowly.

Su Mian is sleeping as expected. The curtain is drawn and the setting sun shines in, which makes the room more hazy and warm with golden light.

He walked slowly, sat down beside the bed, and looked at Su Mian in his deep sleep.

I don't know if there is something happy in her dream. Her mouth is slightly raised and her mood is very good.

He took her hand and felt the warm breath. A heart suddenly softened.

The pain in the head seems to be gone.

"Continuous!" He murmured softly.

The line of sight moved slowly down her face and landed on her abdomen.

Because she is covered with a towel quilt, the bulge of her abdomen is particularly obvious.

Huo Ting was a little stunned. After two months or so, the child seemed to grow up very well and could see his belly.

His face was soft and uncontrollable. He looked at her abdomen for a moment. Then he quietly lifted the towel quilt and put his ear on her abdomen.

It's said that children's movements can be felt across their belly. I wonder if they will kick them later?

The corners of huoting's mouth were quietly raised, and there was a faint expectation in his eyes.

In a daze, Su Mian in his sleep feels a little itchy on his stomach, as if there is something fluffy clinging to him, and a little warm, unspeakable feeling."Stop it." Su Mian painfully opened her eyes and scratched her stomach.

"Continuous." Huo Ting's low voice sounded softly.

Su Mian's eyes widened a little more. It's strange. How can I hear uncle's voice?

"Continuous?" Huo Ting called again. He sat up and touched her stomach with his hand. His face was softer.


Su Mian sits up on the bed, blinks and blinks. She has a fight with Dong Dong.

Huo Ting comes forward and puts up the pillow for her to lean on.

"Uncle?" Su Mian took his big hand and felt the warm touch, which made him slightly refreshed, but his eyes were still half narrowed and he could sleep again at any time. "Uncle, are you back?"

"Yes, I'm back." Huo Ting felt her face and her voice was very soft.

Su Mian holds his big hand and yawns, not fully awake.

"When did you come back?"

"Just, not long ago."

Huo Ting's other hand is still touching her stomach, some seriously asked: "have you had a good meal these days? Is there something I shouldn't eat while I'm not stealing? "

"Not at all."

Su Mian began to have some complaints. She thought that the black housekeeper was just a robot, which inherited the will of Huo ting. Under his watch, don't say it's a mess to eat, not a good meal.

"Uncle, the black Butler bullied me." She held Huo Ting's hand and pasted it on her face. "He won't give me longan."

"You can't eat longan." Hoting remembered that he had read it in a book.

Su Mian's face was wrinkled, "but he made a new type of longan for me to eat."

It's really an incomparable resentment. Now she has a shadow over longan. She's afraid that she will taste like an apple.

To find out what the black housekeeper did, Huo Ting was very satisfied with this. He secretly thought whether he should be paid more.

"When the baby is born, you can eat anything you want." Huo Ting made a serious commitment.

"Uncle, you bully me too." Su Mian's accusation of grievance is that she wants to eat now. After this period of time, she may not like it.