"Don't be cute!" Huo Ting is firm in his opinion and has no intention of being soft hearted at all.

He has studied everything carefully. Pregnant women can't eat longan.

Su Mian turns a white eye silently. Who is cute? Who?

"Darling!" Huo Ting touched Su's head.

Ok She's good!

Su Mian said to black housekeeper for a while, and then he raised his lips happily, "uncle, it's nice that you're back."

Huo Ting's lip angle also slightly rises, the mood is very good. His big palm flicks gently on her belly, "Mianmian, our child grows very well, and your stomach is already big."

"Uncle..." Su Mian burst into red.

She pulled a corner of the towel quilt with some wriggling, afraid to look up at him.

"What's the matter?" Huo Ting is a little confused.

"Uncle, the child is only two months old. How can he grow up so fast?"

Huo Ting looks down at the belly under the palm. It's a little round, and the bulge is obvious. He shouldn't be wrong about it or touch it.

"I, I've been eating a little more recently." Su Mian suddenly leaned over and hugged Huo Ting, so that he could not see his red face that was about to drip blood. "I'm so hungry recently..." She didn't want to, but she was really hungry in a moment.

Huo Ting was also worried. He had heard from the doctor before that he could not eat too much, or the baby would grow too big, which was not conducive to production.

It seems that we should find a doctor to confirm it.

They hugged each other. After a long time, Huo Ting let her go.

He raised his hand and touched her face. His eyes were deep and inexplicable.

What do you want? I'm not going to give her any more rules?

She has been suffering enough in this period of time!


"Uncle, please let go! I'm just pregnant! It's not sick. There's no need for that... "

Huo Ting Leng Leng, thought, how is little sheep not a channel with him?

He coughed softly and said, "little sheep, this topic has passed! Anyway, whatever you think, you can only eat my food has the final say.

Su Mianmian: "..." QAQ!

"Look at my eyes..." Huo Ting said affectionately.

Su Mian saw that there was an indescribable taste in his eyes. It was cold, but there was a warm feeling, very familiar

"Uncle, you..."

"I have recovered my memory." Huo Ting said softly.

"Really?" Su Mian was surprised. He didn't expect Huo ting to find the lost memory just once.

Huo Ting nodded softly and said, "yes."

When I was on a business trip, my uncle would talk to her about the past every day. Although she knew that my uncle was recovering a little bit, she didn't expect that he would be so fast?!

"Uncle, didn't you lie to me?" This is really a big surprise!

"I'll never cheat you!" Hoting said coldly.

That's right! Uncle never lies to her!

Su Mian hugs Huo Ting, buries his head in his chest, excitedly says, "uncle, can you tell me something only you and I know?"

Now that the memory is restored, is there a test in general?

Huo Ting: "..."

He was silent for a while, then the big palm slowly slid down her head, finally landed on her waist, and said, "your favorite posture, I still remember Every time in that position, you always shout happily... "

No! No good?!

"All right! Don't say it! " Su Mian put his hand over Huo Ting's mouth and said, "I believe you remember!"

QAQ! Uncle, I'm so ungodly!

Su Mian's eyes are a little red, and her face is redder. I don't know if she is angry or shy. Maybe she has both?!

However, no matter what, uncle has recovered his memory, which is really great!

Su Mian sighed in his heart. He rubbed his stomach. He said with embarrassment, "uncle, I'm hungry again. Can we have something to eat?"

"Good." Huo Ting promised to pick it up and go downstairs.

"Uncle." Su Mian stretched out his index finger and nodded on his shoulder. "Then can we go out to eat?"

I'm not happy recently. I'm locked at home every day. I'm so sad.

She sent her arm to Huo Ting's nose. "Uncle, do you smell it? Does it smell moldy?"

Huo Ting smelt it carefully, shook his head and said, "it's very fragrant."

Su Mian was speechless. She said, "this is a metaphor. Do you understand the metaphor?"

"I don't understand." Huo Ting returned coldly.

Su Mian was stupefied and said again, "but I'm really bored. I'm almost forgetting the taste of fresh air. I'd like to go out for dinner, and then I'll stop by. "Shopping? It's not a good choice.

Besides, things outside are not sanitary.

Huo Ting subconsciously wants to refuse.

Su Mian has not been pregnant for three months. This is the most dangerous time. There are so many people in the shopping mall. In case of bumping, it's impossible.

His brow began to evolve towards the hill again. How could he not make the little sheep angry and not let her go to the mall?

"I really want to go..." Su Mian took his big hand and begged pitifully, "the baby wants to go out for a breath of fresh air, or you can ask him."

Huo Ting: "..."

How do you ask?

"OK..." Su Mian looks forward to huoting.

Huo Ting's heart began to soften, and he could not stand the poor appearance of the little sheep.

"All right." Huo Ting nodded helplessly.

He put her down and asked her to change clothes. He called Chen CE and gave him a simple command.

Ten minutes later, they set out to the largest shopping mall in the city. In fact, it was Huo Ting's shopping mall.

When we got to the place, huoting led Su Mian to the mall.

Su Mian was very happy at the beginning, and felt as excited as a criminal coming out to let the wind out.

But after walking in the mall, she began to feel something was wrong.

She took Huo Ting's hand, pushed it gently, and then turned to look around. She looked puzzled.

"I'm curious. How can it be so quiet in the mall today? I haven't seen anyone until now." Su Mian slants his head and tries to guess, "is the shopping mall decorating? But why can we come in? "

"It's all right." Huo Ting's light answer.

Su Mian blinks quietly. Uncle, can you raise your voice a little higher?

I've heard about the movie theater and the shopping mall?

"It's expensive, isn't it?" Su Mian has some heartache again.

"Small money." Huo Ting rubbed her head and led her hand forward.

It's not small money!

How nice to give her all the money?! QAQ!