Fan Shi sat in the car, holding the steering wheel with both hands, as if grasping the life-saving straw. His eyes were staring at the door of the villa on the right side.

His face was a little strange, as if he had been stimulated by something. His eyes were red, as if he could bleed.

He said, "sister, only you can help me, only you."

The continuous shouting seemed to be the crazy people who lost their wits, and they were stunned.

At this time, the gate of the villa suddenly opened, and a black BMW came out of it.

Fan Shi was ecstatic, and the whole person was in a state of madness. He stepped on the accelerator directly and followed him out.

He didn't follow too closely, as if he was afraid of being found by the people in front of him. If he left, there were about two cars in the middle.

While driving, Fan Shi kept talking about her sister, looking crazy.

At last, the car in front entered a fork in the road.

There is not too much traffic on that fork road. Fan Shi knows that his chance is coming, so success or failure depends on it.

He stepped on the gas and the car rushed out.

Soon, the car and the car in front of him with the car for a long time side by side.

He rolled down the window and shouted excitedly, "sister, please help me! I am your brother, dear brother! "

Ms. fan was thinking about how to explain after meeting with Huo Zhenyuan. She would hear someone calling her. She would not help turning around and seeing it was Fan Shi, but she was even more surprised.

"Fan Shi, what do you want to do?!"

In fact, what she wants to ask is why he appears in this place at this moment.

"Elder sister, I come to you, I I'm dying. Sister, only you can help me this time. " Fan Shi shouted excitedly.

Ms. fan was frightened by his crazy expression, and hurriedly turned the steering wheel to another direction.

"Fan Shi, I have done everything I can." With a helpless look, Ms. Fan said, "haven't I helped you enough over the years?"

She felt very sad. She did so many things for the sake of the only family member.

Fan Shi used her reputation to cheat money. She didn't know it.

Huo Zhenyuan didn't know, but we all stopped talking.

But this time, it's really too serious!

"Fan Shi, why don't you know how to advance. Do you know that elder sister has I'm sorry, Fan Shi. I really can't help it this time. "

"No way." Fan Shi is going mad. "Elder sister, those people are terrible. If they can't pay back the money, they will kill me."

Fan Shi is crazy because of what he thinks. He knew those people so well. Their means were terrible. Even if he wanted to die, it would not be so easy.

"Elder sister, in this world, I only have you as a relative. Are you really willing to watch me die?"

"I don't give up." Ms. fan shouted angrily, "but what can I do? No amount of money is enough for you to spend. Fan Shi, I really have nothing

"I don't believe it." Fan Shifen shouted, "sister, please help me."

Ms. fan was very sad. "Fan Shi, I'm already in trouble. Do you know?"

She is like a fish on the chopping board now. I don't know when she will be killed with a knife. Where can I care about him.

"Sister, you don't care about your family?" Fan shinu said.

Ms. fan was frightened by the ferocity on his face. Subconsciously, she wanted to hide again. "You, what do you want?"

"Elder sister, I don't want to die. Give me the money and I'll go right away."

Ms. fan shook her head. "I really have no money, Fan Shi, you believe me."

"You asked for it."

Fan Shi roared loudly. His face was as ferocious as a ghost. His hands because of the hard grip of the steering wheel, blue tendons are highlighted.

He hit the car hard to the left, with a ferocious smile on his face, "ha ha ha, elder sister, let's die together."

"You, you are crazy." Ms. fan was stunned.


Fan Shi's car crashed into Ms. fan's car. The creak of the car crash made people's teeth ache.

Fan's eyes widened in horror, trying to control the steering wheel, trying to control the car.

However, the strength of the collision is too great. The collision force makes her unable to fully control it.

"Fan Shi!" Ms. fan screamed. I wish I could kill him.

In the loud bang, two cars turned over directly, and Ms. fan's car had two 360 degree reversals in succession.

When the car finally stopped, the cars of the two men were all upside down. The flames were blazing. The black gasoline flowed out of the car and soon spread all over the place.In the last moment of her life, Ms. fan looked back with all her strength to see where Fan Shi was.

There was a smile of satire around her mouth, brother The only family she has left in her life, on which her heart depends.

But who could have thought that the one who finally wanted her life would be the younger brother who had been loved for so long?

"Did I do it wrong?" Ms. fan was confused and slowly closed her eyes.

The fire gradually spread towards the gasoline side. In the sound of stabbing, a fire burst into the sky.

Bang bang!

The violent explosion sounds one after another. It seems that a woman is murmuring in the fire, "am I wrong?"

At this time, Huo Zhenyuan was lying in the hospital bed, sleeping in a daze.

His body is not good, plus the blow from Ms. fan, the whole person is extremely depressed, so it is difficult to get better with the disease.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the phone.

He opened his eyes in a daze and looked at the landline on the nearby table.

"Mr. Huo, don't move. I'll come." The paramedic called in and grabbed the phone.

After listening for a few seconds, the nurse put the microphone in Huo Zhenyuan's ear, "Mr. Huo, someone is looking for you to say something important."

Huo Zhenyuan nodded slightly and listened attentively.

"Mr. Huo? No, it's a big deal. Just now, Ms. fan and Mr. Fan Shi had an accident. They They all died on the spot. "

Huo Zhenyuan's eyes suddenly bulged, just like the tongue of the person strangled by his neck.

His throat was shaking, and there seemed to be something fuzzy about it.

"What's the matter with you, Mr. Huo? Come on, doctor. Come on, Mr. Huo has an accident. " The paramedics screamed and pressed the emergency bell.