When Huo Zhenyuan receives such an unexpected call, Su Mian's side is really very warm everyday.

In fact, it's not too "warm" to be exact.

If you ask Su Mian what is the saddest urge after she is pregnant?

That is, you can't eat as you like. You want to eat sweets? No, control it!

If pregnant women do not pay attention, it is easy to hyperglycemia.

If you don't eat longan, it's OK.

Why don't Hawthorn cakes be eaten?

Hawthorn said danger that even if, why hawthorn cake not to ah?!

Su Mian is about to cry QAQ! Uncle is too strict.

"Little cute, you can bear it." Xia Yi looked at Huo Ting, who had been staring at him. He smiled and said to Su Mian in a low voice, "your family! He is ill. "

"Ah?" Su Mian looks at Xia Yi with wide eyes.

Xia Yi and Gongbei city come to visit today. If it had been before, Huo Ting would have gone out to drink with Gongbei city for a long time. How could it be like this? Where Su Mianmian is less than five meters away, his eyes are always on them


"Don't you see that he's getting more and more controlling?"

Su Mian nodded with great approval. Before, uncle didn't exaggerate. Since she was pregnant, if he could, he would definitely control how much water she drank every day.

"Do you know why?"

Su Mian begged, "doctor Xia, please don't show off..."

"He..." Xia Yi said in a low voice, "want dissatisfaction."

Su Mianmian: "..."

QAQ! Dr. Xia is so bad. He teases her.

Huo Ting here sees Su Mian's face and wants to cry, while Xia Yi's smiling face is rippling. He can't help but walk towards them. Just then, his cell phone rings.

He glanced up and saw that it was Huo Zhenyuan's phone. His brow was slightly wrinkled. Then he took the mobile phone and pressed the call key.


"No, Mr. Huo. Mr. Huo has just had another accident. He is in the process of rescue." The porter cried out in a hurry.

Huo Ting's face changed slightly and asked, "what's the matter?"

The paramedic croaked over what had happened before.

"I'll be right there." He hung up directly.

Su Mian saw that he had answered the phone and asked anxiously, "uncle, what's the matter? What happened? "

Huo Ting shook his head slightly, got up and went over, looked at her and Xia Yi, and said, "the old man wants to see me. It's nothing serious. I'll go out and come back soon. Remember not to steal food, I will come back to accompany you for dinner. "

"Dad, is he OK?" Su Mian automatically ignores what he says. She grabs his palm and gets up, saying, "otherwise, I'll go with you."

"No, I'll be back soon." Huo Ting leaned over and kissed Su Mian on his forehead. He looked at Xia Yi and said, "you can go back almost."

Su Mian cried feebly, "Uncle..."

Xia Yi smiled back and said, "I'm going to have dinner again."

Huo Ting looked at her again and said nothing. He turned around and left.

When he got to the front yard and got on the car, Huo Ting looked up at Chen CE, the front passenger seat.

The latter nodded at once. He opened the document and replied without expression, "boss, our man got stuck when he found Mr. Chen. He seems to have disappeared from the world without any trace left."

This Mr. Chen is the person who led Fan Shi to gamble. When something happened, he disappeared immediately. There is absolutely a problem.

"It's obvious that someone is designing the Fanshi." Chen CE said.

"Later." Hoting closed his eyes and said nothing more.

Soon arrived at the hospital. When huoting arrived, Huo Zhenyuan had been rescued. His face looked much better than before, but he was still depressed, like he lost his soul.

Huo Ting talked with the doctor and confirmed that there was no major problem before entering Huo Zhenyuan's ward.

His step is very light. He didn't want to wake Huo Zhenyuan.

Who knows, Huo Zhenyuan seems to have already known that he has come, and his eyes are indisputable, saying: "people are old, and their hearts are soft."

Hottington stopped and frowned.

Huo Zhenyuan's voice is lifeless, just like a fish pulled out of the water, losing breath and hope of returning to the water.

Such Huo Zhenyuan made him feel strange.

After half a sound, he went over and sat down on the chair beside the bed. "I'll find out the whole thing for you. You'll feel at ease."

"It's really cheap." Huo Zhenyuan opened his eyes tremblingly. He seemed to use a lot of strength and struggled for a long time to open his eyes.

The pale and bloodless face is like withered weeds, which will turn to ashes when the wind blows."When I'm gone, I'll think about how well she's been all these years." Huo Zhenyuan's eyes were slightly red, and he said, "no matter what, she has tried her best to take care of me for so many years."

Did he push her too hard?

The caller said that their car was deliberately bumped into each other.

Would it be better if he gave more time?

Although he didn't love Ms. fan very much, he was accompanied by people for so many years.

As we get older, we have fewer and fewer old friends. Sometimes we see each other less often.

Huo Zhenyuan really felt that he was old, no longer wise and rational when he was young.

At this time, he just felt very tired.

His heart was like a knife, he could not think of anything.

"It doesn't help to think about it." Huo Ting said softly.

Huo Zhenyuan closed his eyes and said again, "maybe all I can ask for now is an answer, a real answer."

He knew from the beginning that Ms. fan poisoned him, and now He felt that Ms. fan had no reason to poison him. Was it really for 10 million yuan?

No, it shouldn't be that simple.

"Give me time." Huo Ting said lightly.

"Well." Huo Zhenyuan closed his eyes wearily and never said a word again.

Just from the shaking eyelids, it can be seen that his heart can not be calm. After all, Ms. fan has been with him for so many years and left suddenly. He can't be sad at all. Even though that woman betrayed him, but in the end Many years of love cannot be erased.

"You have a good rest. Everything will pass." Hoting added.

Huo didn't react.

Huo Ting sat quietly for a while, then got up and went out.

He told the paramedics to guard Huo Zhenyuan well and call him if you have anything.

Later, he talked with the doctor about Huo Zhenyuan's condition for a while, which led Chen CE to leave the hospital.

When arriving at the underground parking lot of the hospital, Huo Ting ordered Chen Qie to say, "you go back to the company and continue to trace this matter. I'll go home first and call me if you have anything."

"OK, boss, don't worry." Chen CE agreed in a hurry.