Su Mian is young after all. After a few days of observation in the hospital, there is nothing wrong with her body.

But, school class, she is not going to go to.

After communicating with her uncle, she decided to take a year off from school and go to class again a year later.

On this day, she went back to go through the formalities.

After Huo Ting accompanied Su Mian out of the headmaster's office, Su Mian said, "uncle, please wait for me in the car. I'll go to the dormitory to have a look."

"I'll be with you." Hoting said.

Su Mian said with a smile, "girls' dormitory men can't go in."

"Then I'll wait for you downstairs." Hoting said.

Su Mian saw that he had been insisting, and said, "OK."


Su Mian knocked on the door of the dormitory. There was a sound inside. Who?

"Xiaojing, it's me." Said Su Mian.

Then he heard the thumping sound, the dormitory door was pulled open, Bai Jingguang stood in front of Su Mian.

Su Mianmian said, "why don't you wear shoes?"

Bai Jing scratched her head and said, "I'm not afraid you're waiting too fast."

Su Mian smiled and hugged her.

Bai Jing hugs Su Mian, releases her hand and says, "how are you?"

Although she called Su Mian before, every time she said she was ok, but it's better to see him.

Because of her worry, she hasn't sent photos to the Mafia family to harass him recently.

"I'm fine." Su Mianmian said, "honey, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I've discussed with my uncle, and I'm going to suspend school for a while. I'll wait for the babies to be born."

Bai Jing opened her eyes wide and said, "babies? Don't you say... "

Su Mian smiled and nodded. "Well, I have twins in my stomach, so I want to take better care of them."

Mianmian is really different now, full of motherhood, the whole person will shine.

Bai Jing nodded to understand. She thought and asked, "are you going back to s city?"


"Honey, take care of yourself. I'll see you when I'm free." Bai Jing said.

"Yes, you are welcome at any time."

When they were talking, Qiao Anqi came out of the dormitory. She looked at Su Mian timidly and said, "I just thought, how can it be so like your voice? It's really you who came Mianmian, how are you? "

Because she helped Su Mian, Bai Jing is not so bad to her now.

Although they still don't talk much, at least they don't have the same tit for tat as before.

Su Mian sees Qiao Anqi coming. She says, "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. Angie, thank you for your help last time. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't get in touch with my husband so quickly. "

Qiao angqi said with a smile, "little things, you don't have to worry about them. By the way, are you here today?"

"I'm here to say goodbye. I'm going home to rest." Because Qiao Anqi helped her, Su Mian told her directly.

"Well! I wish you all the best. " Said Joanne.

"Thank you."


Su Mianmian said goodbye to his friend and went back to Huo Ting's side again.

Hoting took her hand and asked softly, "it's all done?"

Su Mianmian said, "well, let's talk to Xiao Jing. If she is free, come back to s city to see me."

"Then let's go home!"

"OK, let's go home."