As a result, Su Mian has officially started the life of hatching babies. At present, the progress of babies is 40%.

In April, Su Mian began to feel pregnant. She began to put on flat shoes and loose clothes, and her appetite became different.

She likes spicy food very much. She can't eat anything without spicy food.

In response, Huo Ting said he was very happy, because suan'er was hot. He was more sure that Su Mian's stomach was filled with his daughter.

Dongdong is also very happy. Recently, he has more opportunities to see Su Mian. He can see Mian Mian every day, and Mian will make him small biscuits and cakes. Let him take him to the kindergarten to share with his friends. Therefore, the children all know that Dongdong has a special mother who can make cakes and sweets.

This day, Dongdong leaned on Su's lingering stomach and listened for a while, saying, "BAABAA, when will my sister come out?"

As the Huo's father and son agreed to "decide" that Su Mian had two girls in her belly, Su Mian's explanation for this had been from the beginning to any of them later.


If not? What can she do?

"It's going to be about six months." Su Mian returns.

"It will be so long!" Dongdong looks up at Su Mian and says, "I can't wait! When my sisters come out, I will be a good brother! I will take good care of them! "

"OK." Su Mian touched Dongdong's head with a smile and praised, "Dongdong you are so wonderful!"

"Haha, I'm really a good boy!" Dongdong turned his eyes and said, "BAABAA, can you take me to school today?"

Hearing this, Huo Ting put the newspaper aside and said, "Huo Dongdong, you are all big children. How can you still be like a baby without a mother? Hurry back to your place and drink the rest of the milk. I will send you to school. "

Dongdong reaches for Su Mian's hand and says, "Baa Baa, will you send me? I don't want daddy to give it away. "

Huoting stares at Dongdong, but he stares at it because Dongdong doesn't look at him at all.

Huo Ting: "..."

"OK." Su Mianmian said, "but you have to drink up the milk first."

Dongdong frowned and said, "it's only for children to drink milk. I'm growing up now..."

"If you don't drink, you will only be so tall in the future." Huo Ting's bad threatening way.

After hearing this, Dongdong thought it was better to grow tall, so he looked up and took a sip of milk.

"BAABAA, let's go!" He took Su Mian's hand and said, "go slowly, I'll protect you."

Su Mian couldn't help popping and said, "you're exaggerating. I'm not a porcelain doll." They are really exaggerating.

She took the small backpack handed by the black tube family, took Dongdong's hand, and was about to leave.

Huo Ting took over from Su Mian's hand and said, "let's go together."

Dongdong blinked. He held out another hand to hold Huo Ting's hand.

Huo Ting's big hand holds Dong Dong's hand and asks, "what are you thinking about, kid?"

Dongdong wrinkled his nose and said, "Daddy, how can you think of me like this?"

Huo Ting looked down at him. Dong Dong's face was pure and innocent, even every little curly hair on his head was innocent.

He was silent and said, "OK, let's go."