Su Mian looked at them with wide eyes. She asked in fear, "who are you?"

But she can't be heard outside.

The car has been specially treated. The sound insulation is very good. Those people are also shouting. In the quiet condition, Su Mian heard what they said.

Dongdong hugs Su's arms.

The driver said anxiously, "madam, I'll go down and wait for a while. The captain will come soon!"

He said that he did not know where to take out a certain helmet to put on.

"You've gone somewhere else. It's dangerous outside." Said Su Mian.

"It's OK! I have a helmet! "

The people outside were impatient. One of them picked up the iron bar and hit the glass in front of the car.

"Ah!" Su Mian exclaimed. She quickly hugged Dongdong and closed her eyes!


Besides, on hoting's side, he has been a little uneasy since he got on the plane.

Of course, it may be that there is no sleeping relationship between the two days.

When Su Mian is around, he can still sleep for a few hours. Once Su Mian is not around, he can hardly sleep.

The effect of the medicine on him is getting weaker and weaker.

For three hours of flight, Huo Ting was very tired, but still couldn't sleep. When he got off the plane, his face was very bad.

After Chen CE saw it, he was shocked.

"Say something directly." Huo Ting's tone is not very good.

However, he didn't sleep much for several days. It's normal for him to have a bad tone.

Chen CE did not dare to speculate more about boss's idea. He looked down and said, "I found out about Huo Lao..."

Huo Ting stops and looks at him. Chen CE hands the report to him.

It turns out that

What a surprise!

“BOSS……” Chen CE is waiting for Huo Ting's next instructions.

Huo Ting put the report back in Chen CE's hands and said, "go to the hospital!"



When Huo Ting went to Huo Zhenyuan's ward, he saw Huo Zhenyuan sitting with his back to the window. The wheelchair was specially customized, very comfortable, and he would not be tired for a long time.

Huo Zhenyuan looks at the window without any expression on his face.

Even when he heard the footsteps behind him, the expression on his face did not change at all.

Huo Ting frowned, went to the chair behind him, sat down, and began to wait quietly.

After a long time, Huo Zhenyuan asked aloud, "there are results already?"

"That's right." Huo Ting's light answer.

Huo Zhenyuan began to turn around the wheelchair, facing his son, frowning, showing a look of dissatisfaction, "yes, no, no, how can this be considered?"

At this time, if you look carefully, you will find that Huo Zhenyuan and his son are really similar, especially when they are angry, their frown and angry look are similar to those from their bones.

However, neither father nor son obviously had such an idea.

Before coming to the hospital, Huo Ting wanted to tell Huo Zhenyuan about what he found, but when he saw such a lonely scene, he Hesitated.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "time is too short."

"When I was young, I could find out in minutes." Huo Zhenyuan snorted.

"Yes, when you were young." Huo Ting's eyes are drooping, which are light.

Huo Zhenyuan's face stiffened, as if he thought of something, and his face fell suddenly. He sighed in silence, and asked without any spirit: "what's the situation?"

That kind of lost tone makes Huo Ting frown for a moment. Huo Zhenyuan shouldn't be like this. He's not used to it.

However, he didn't say much, only after sorting out the words in his heart, he said: "according to the current information, it can be seen that Fan Shi caused the accident, which should be caused by his intentionally driving into her. According to the recording in the car, it seems that it was for money."

"Bastard!" Huo Zhenyuan can't help cursing.

That damned bastard, he always looked at that kid badly, and more than once said to Ms. fan, don't help him any more.

It's a bottomless hole. It won't help you to fill in as many things as you want.

Ms. fan, however, did not listen.

If she could listen to him, would everything be different today?

"Fan Shi's question is clear?" Huo Zhenyuan frowned and asked again.

There are obviously many problems in it.

Huo Ting nodded, "he should have been framed. Someone behind him ordered the whole thing. He was just a bad luck."

"Instigate?" Huo Zhenyuan's eyes suddenly showed a sharp look and asked anxiously, "is it the same with poisoning?"Who are these things against him?! Or they? The Huo family?

Huo Ting looked up at him. At this time, he had the taste of Huo Zhenyuan, not a dying old man.

What's more, his observation is still so sharp that you can see the problem of Ms. fan at a glance.

"Isn't it?" Huo Zhenyuan asked.

"Yes." "Huo Ting light answer," she should not know that it is a poison, is to be used

Huo Zhenyuan closed his eyes and felt that a string in his heart had broken quietly, as if a big stone had been removed. A comfortable and relaxed feeling hit his heart, and the look on his face was softened for a moment.

As expected, he did not see the wrong person, and she was reluctant to start with him.

It's not in vain that he has treated her so well over the years.

For Ms. fan, although he didn't have love, his family grew up with so many years of getting along.

Now, this is the best ending.

"What's behind the scenes?" After a long time, Huo Zhenyuan opened his eyes and asked with a trace of anger.

"I don't know for the moment. The specific situation needs to be checked again. That man is so hidden that I need time. "

Huo Zhenyuan nodded in silence, "it's up to you. Keep checking."

"Good." Huo Ting got up and went out, stopped at the door. "We don't need to think about the past. Take a good rest." At the end of the speech, he took a big step straight away.

Because of Huo Ting's departure, the room seemed to suddenly become a little cold and empty.

Huo Zhenyuan glanced around, suddenly feeling insipid. Now he seems to have become a lonely man, without the goal of life.

His health was not good, and he seemed to feel that it was no use living like this.

He sat alone for a while, and called for the caretaker to push herself downstairs to the garden.

In such a room, he is afraid that he will not be able to get rid of the shackles of loneliness, and he will send himself on the road of no return.

Alas, as expected, I am old!