Today's weather is very good. Along the way, the security guards are talking about how blue the sky is and how fresh the air is. They also advise him to go out more often.

In the past, if someone dared to talk in front of him like this, he would have been angry.

Now, listening to those nonsense, it gives him a sense of inexplicable existence, making him feel that he is still alive.

Turning into the garden, Huo Zhenyuan looked up and saw that the sky was as blue as the nurse said, just like washed by water. There were only two clouds floating in the far sky. Looking at them, his mood became distant.


Very light, very stuffy a sound, woke Huo Zhenyuan.

When he looked down, he found that a ball with blue stripes on its surface was rippling back and forth at his feet, like expressing his dissatisfaction with being blocked in the front.

The light step sound comes from far and near, and Huo Zhenyuan's subconscious turns to see it.

A wisp of slanting sun shot straight into his eyes, and the scene in front of him seemed to take a kind of dreamlike circle.

The breeze mixed with a light fragrance ran into the nose, Huo Zhenyuan quietly took a breath, "good fresh taste."

Under the magnificent sunset light, a girl in a white skirt came running with a small step.

Shoulder length hair, gentle sweetheart smile, like the small white flowers growing in nature, in the sunshine, the wind blowing, slowly swaying their posture, showing their best side.

This girl can not say how beautiful, but it will give a very comfortable feeling, people will feel close and like it at a glance.

But Huo Zhenyuan's eyes changed quietly when he touched the girl's face.

What kind of eyes is that?

Bewilderment, palpitation, nostalgia, nostalgia All kinds of mixed emotions were interwoven, which made him feel that he could not see the people in front of him.

He subconsciously reached out his hand, as if to hold the person in front of him.

"I'm sorry, uncle. Did the ball hit you just now?" Qiao Anqi ran to the wheelchair to stop, she slightly bent down, in the sun to see Huo Zhenyuan in front, a brilliant smile from the lips. "Uncle, can you give me the ball back?"


Huo Zhenyuan's eyes slowly began to become clear, as if the confusion before was just a flash across, a fleeting meteor.

He slightly looked up at the person in front of him. Looking closer, she seemed to be smaller, and her skin was very good. She was white and could not even see her pores.

"What's your name?" He asked in a low voice.

"My name is Joanne."

She is a little embarrassed to spit out tongue, "uncle, I'm sorry, just carelessly the strength of the ball, didn't hit you?"

Huo Zhenyuan shook his head, handed the ball in his hand and asked. "Are you a patient here?"

"No, I'm a part-time carer." Qiao angqi smiled shyly. "It's a work study program. When there is no class, she will come here to help look after some children."

"You are very sensible." Huo Zhenyuan said.

Qiao angqi stood up with the ball. "I'm a college student. I can support myself. By the way, uncle, I have to go back first. Thank you."

She smiled and raised the ball in her hand. "Goodbye, uncle."

With a smile, Qiao Anqi is far away.

Huo Zhenyuan watched her leave and watched her run to a child. They played and played football. The whole garden became more angry because of them.

Gradually, they ran away and the garden became quiet again.

Huo Zhenyuan sat quietly and didn't know what he was thinking, while the nurse was drowsy and could fall to the ground at any time.

After a long time, Huo Zhenyuan photographed the wheelchair, "go back."

"Ah?" The nurse was alert and swayed. She looked around vaguely, raised her hand and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth

"Well." Huo Zhenyuan looks back and gives her a look of displeasure. The more he looks, the less satisfied he is.

I don't know where Huo Ting found the waste, standing can sleep.

"Mr. Huo, I'll push you back." The nurse smiled awkwardly. "It's such a nice day, it's easy to get sleepy when the sun shines."

She began to recite, and whether Huo Zhenyuan was angry or not, she kept on talking.

She didn't notice that Huo Zhenyuan's face was already completely dark.

Back in the ward, Huo Zhenyuan sent the paramedics to leave and called his housekeeper.

When the phone was connected, he said in a deep voice, "check out a person right away, Qiao Anqi, 20 years old, with long hair and shawl, sweet face, college student."

"Yes." The housekeeper promised earnestly.

Huo Zhenyuan hung up and looked out of the window. He looked as if nothing had happened.

Wait It's the only thing he can do.……

Huo Ting didn't know that Huo Zhenyuan met "true love" again.

After he left the hospital, he received a call.

"Huo Shao, long time no see. I'm Chen Jianbin." The other side's voice was harsh and harsh.

Huo Ting frowns. Chen Jianbin is the only boy in the third generation of Chen family. He is not a man of any kind. He can only play with women and gamble. If he is not a special identity, people in the circle will not take care of him.

He estimated that he also knew his ability. He would hold the leg of the young master of the Zheng family most. The circle said that this was a dog raised by the young master of the Zheng family.

Such a person, Huo Ting is usually lazy to even look at him, let alone talk to him.

"What is it?" Hoting asked coldly.

"Haha, I'd like to invite Huo Shao to a fireworks party on my yacht tonight." Chen Jianbin said with a smile.

Huo Ting said with a sneer, "Zheng Shao asked you to come here?"

Recently, huoting and the young master of Zheng's family are fighting for a piece of land in the new area.

"No, but Zheng Shao will also attend..." Chen Jianbin paused and said, "I think Huo Shao will come to attend..."

"I'm not free." Huo Ting was about to hang up.

Hear Chen Jianbin shout, "your wife is on my side!"

Huo Ting said with a fierce look, "what are you talking about?! Say it again! "

Chen Jianbin is a counsellor. Hearing Huo Ting's words, he suddenly withered.

He clenched his teeth and threatened, "Madam Huo and little master Huo are here for tea. Don't worry, Huo Shao. As long as you come on time tonight, they will be ok If not, I think Mrs. Huo plus her stomach and little master Huo Ha ha... "

After Huo Ting hung up the phone, he was mad!

He smashed his cell phone!

"Help me find out if what he said is true!"

Better not be true! Otherwise!