As a result, huoting massages Su's calves every night.

If Su Mian had not seen it with her own eyes, she could not have imagined that such a cool and handsome person as uncle would do such a thing for her.

At this time, Su Mian's foot was carefully served by Huo Ting, and the other foot reached in front of uncle's stomach to warm his feet.

"Uncle, you should be more powerful." Su Mian said comfortably, "yes, that's it."

Huo Ting is very good tempered. He said to Su Mian, "I'll go with you for the birth examination tomorrow."

“……” Can't you?

Uncle will ask many questions to the doctor every time he goes with him. If he still doesn't answer well, I will abuse your family's horrible face in minutes. The doctor is very stressed.

Most importantly, uncle's question is still very strange.

For example, if you are sure which baby I interact with?

Trough! Doctors are not gods. They can't be distinguished unless they follow B ultrasound.

Besides, both of them are men. What's the matter with their sisters?

The doctor is so worried.

After a B-ultrasonic examination, the doctor took Su Mian's hand and explained the baby's gender issues to her very gently.

To be honest, when Su Mian knew it, he was a little lost.

She thought, there are two babies, there is always a female baby, right?

Where to expect, unexpectedly both are male baby.


Uncle and Dongdong are shorter than sister every day. If you know the truth

Come on, let's hide it first.

"Mianmian, what are you thinking?" Huo Ting has finished pressing one foot for Su Mian. Looking up, she finds that she is in a daze and doesn't know what she is thinking.

Su Mian went back to his mind and said, "uncle, you are so busy. I don't need you to accompany me with such small things as the birth examination. I can go by myself."

As soon as huoting heard this, he was not happy.

He said, "are you not happy that I didn't go with you last time?"

That's why I'm just having fun. I won't let him accompany me this time.


Not really!

The last time the uncle didn't come, the doctor's pressure suddenly reduced a lot. In this way, she secretly told Su Mian about the baby's gender problem.

However, Su Mian saw that uncle was not happy, and hurriedly said, "without such a thing, I'm afraid you are too busy."

"Not busy." Hoting said.

Su Mian sips her mouth and says, "uncle, what did you say about naming the babies?"

She plans to use her name to gently remind the uncles of their gender.

"Huo Baobao and Huo Beibei together are babies!" Huo Ting is satisfied to say, "this name, I think for a long time to decide."


How did the style of painting suddenly change!

Isn't Dongdong called huochendong?

How come there is a baby Huo and a baby Huo Beibei all of a sudden? Do the babies cry?

These two names are just random.

And it's not good for boys to call babies. It's a bit of a sissy.

"Uncle, the names are It's a little too feminine. It's the words of the boy who comes out of Wan's life... "

Huo Ting interrupts Su Mian's words and says, "it won't be a boy, it must be a girl in your stomach."


Why are you so sure?!

Why are the two men of the Huo family so sure?!

The belly is hers, not theirs!