Su Mian was silent for a while, and felt that he would tell Uncle "truth" from another angle.

"Uncle! You see, the name of Dongdong is huochendong, and then the name of huobaobao in my stomach is huobeibei. The obvious style is different! If it's brother, eh, brother and sister, the names are not similar. They have one word in common, but they all need the same style, right? "

If Dong Dong grows up, he will introduce his two younger brothers to his little friends.

Hello everyone, they are my brother, a name is Huo Baobao and Huo Beibei

QAQ! It's funny, isn't it?!

"Little sheep, maybe you don't know." Huo Ting said seriously, "the names of boys in our family are all taken casually. Girls are different. You can't see the two words baby and Beibei are simpler, but they have different meanings. They are the treasure of our family. They are on the top of our hearts. I will raise them as little princesses and give them the best!"

I'm very moved

However, for her son paper, still can't marry such a name! QAQ!

"I thought about I still want to take whatever I want... " Su Mian took Huo Ting's hand and said, "I prefer that style."

Huo Ting frowned and said, "little sheep, you can't appreciate it Come on, let's not talk about it. It's almost time. You should go to bed. "

"Ah! Uncle, don't change the subject! It's only half past nine. What can I sleep for! It's time to get up and have a good time! "

“……” Huo Ting looked at Su Mian and said, "if you don't sleep, I'll read you a story book."

You, you Naturally, Su Mian and the babies in her belly.

"Can you change a story today? I don't want to hear Cinderella. " Said Su Mian.

"No problem. Today we talk about snow white."

Su Mianmian: "..."

Isn't that good?!


The next day, the doctor answered Huo Ting's question with a shudder, and then he was relieved.

In order to answer Mr. Huo's question, has she picked up the book again?

Su Mian looks at the doctor and shows sympathy for her.

The doctor looked at Su Mian and asked, "is Mrs. Huo less active?"

Su Mian was slightly shocked and said, "what sport do you mean?"

As soon as the words were said, the two present looked at her.

Su Mian just reflected what he said.


Trough! What a shame!

"I, I mean pure sports. Don't think about it!"

The doctor coughed awkwardly.

Huo Ting was very calm. He said, "it's too big to have a long stomach. We have solved it by hand these two months..."

Su Mian couldn't hear any more when she heard it. She put her hand over Huo Ting's mouth and said, "ha ha, it's a nice day today!"


In fact, what the doctor asked is really pure exercise, and I don't know how it can be so serious.

"My wife's leg edema is a natural phenomenon. I don't need to worry about it. She will have a baby in ten weeks. I suggest that she can do some proper exercises, such as walking or doing some yoga during pregnancy, which are helpful for the baby." It's not easy for the doctor to reply to his serious face and continue to talk about this topic!

"Well, I'll listen to you. I'll go for more walks later in the evening."

The doctor nodded and said, "that's OK. Let's see you next week."

"Yes, thank you, doctor."


two people left the hospital, Su Suan can not help make complaints about the hall.

"Uncle, what you just said is so humiliating! The doctor doesn't mean that. Why do you go there and say it! "

Huo Ting reached out and rubbed Su's head and said, "what's this? Sex is human nature. "


All right! She can't compete with her thicker skin.

Su Mian rubbed his face and stopped talking to uncle.

When they got home, the black housekeeper rushed to meet them. He asked in a bit of panic, "master, I have something to ask for leave, please allow me."

The black housekeeper has always been light. The only time he changed his face was because of Bai Jing. This time, I don't know what happened.

"Why do you want to ask for leave? How many days off do you want? "

Black housekeeper was silent for a second, he thought, if he said he had a terminal illness, would the probability of success be higher?

"I'd like to have a week..." The black housekeeper looked at Huo Ting's face, and then said, "no, five days will do."

"Too long." Huo Ting said, "and you haven't said why you asked for leave."Su Mian can't see any more. She takes La hoting's hand and says, "uncle, you agree with the black housekeeper. He looks so worried. It must be something big happened at home If not, the responsible black housekeeper would not ask for leave... "

However, before Su Mian finished speaking, he heard Bai Jing's excited voice coming from the front.

"Continuous! Long time no see! " Bai Jing comes over, avoids Su Mian's stomach and hugs her. She wants to be pushed away by Huo Ting when she kisses her.

Bai Jing doesn't mind either, she says smilingly, "Hey, miss me?"

Su Mianmian was also very happy to see Bai Jing. She nodded her head and said, "when did you come? Don't tell me how to achieve it. "

"I don't want to surprise you! Are you surprised? "

"Yes." Su Mian said with a smile.

"But why are you all standing outside?" Bai Jing asked.

Su Mian said, "black housekeeper......"

All of a sudden, there is a flash of inspiration. Is it because of Xiaojing that the black housekeeper asks for leave?

Bai Jing sees Su Mianmian say half don't say, she asks, "what happened to black housekeeper?"

Huo Ting looked at Bai Jing, then turned to the black housekeeper and said, "because of her?"

The black housekeeper's face turned white, which was the default.

"What riddle are you talking about?" Bai Jing asked with a puzzled face, "can you say it straight and white? I can't understand! "

Su Mian sips her lips and says, "black housekeeper wants to ask for leave..."

"Why?" Bai Jing said, "why did I just come here and you are going to ask for leave?"

"There is something in his family..." Su said softly.

She still doesn't want Xiaojing to get hurt.

Bai Jing did not think much after listening.

She turned to the black housekeeper and said, "if there is something in your family, hurry to do it! If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know! "

Black Butler desperately rubbed his forehead, how could there be such a person?

I can't hear any refusal?! He's drunk, too!