Su Mian has already hung up before the boss responds. Listening to the busy call, the boss was a little surprised.

He was hung up by Su Mian?

Looking up, the boss smiled awkwardly at Bai Jing.

"Er..." The boss opened his mouth and suddenly found that he didn't know what to say.

Bai Jing stared at him without blinking. She had a calm expression. She looked like a female general. Her eyes were searching and examining.

At that moment, the boss suddenly felt that his heartbeat was beginning to get out of control.

He secretly aimed at Bai Jing and touched his chest in secret. The violent vibration beyond his imagination made him a little surprised.

He, is his heart beating faster?

Touching the chest, the boss's face began to heat up. He felt that there was something special in his blood suddenly.

It was that factor that made him understand that the girl in front of him seemed to be very important.

"Hello, my name is Bai Jing."

The boss is a little silly. Is this the rhythm of speaking to him?

He reached out his hand foolishly, "I, my name is Hello, you. "

Bai Jing is looking at the boss's hand. After half a sound, she reaches out and shakes his hand vigorously. She nods, "hello."

"Are you a continuous friend?" The boss asked nervously.

"No." Bai Jing shook her head a little seriously. "I'm her classmate."

"Oh." The boss answered with a low voice, smiled, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He hesitated and went to watch Bai Jing secretly. I don't know why, he would like to look at her, as if looking at her like this can be very happy.

Bai Jing doesn't have a shy expression of a girl. She lets the boss look at her.

After half a sound, she asked aloud, "is that enough?"

The boss's face turned red. He hung his head awkwardly. He didn't dare to breathe too loudly.

I was afraid that Bai Jing was angry.

At this time, he didn't know what he should do and how to make Bai Jing not hate himself or be angry with him.

"I'm sorry." The boss whispered, "I didn't mean it."

"Why apologize?" Bai Jing is a little surprised. Did he do anything wrong just now?

The boss is also a little confused, looked up, did not see Bai Jing show anger, but also a brain paste. "You just asked me if I had seen enough. I didn't mean to look at you like this. I, I just feel like looking at you. "

He said, his face reddened, and he was so nervous that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Bai Jing is also a little surprised. I didn't expect that the boss would say such a thing directly.

However, she was soon back to normal. She was not that kind of flirtatious girl. The word "shy" seemed not to match her.

"I just want to ask. If you don't think you've seen enough, you can keep looking and look carefully." Bai Jing said very seriously.

The boss was stupid, but then his heart began to speed up violently, and little stars began to appear out of his eyes.

It's so cool. It's so appetizing. It's just for him. It's a perfect match.

The boss is silly. He looks at Bai Jing and even forgets to blink.

After a long time, the boss came back to himself. He grabbed the sleeve and wiped the saliva that didn't exist on the corner of his mouth.

"What do you think of me?" Bai Jing asked, "to be honest, I don't like to come here to empty." She followed the domineering one more sentence.

This time, the little stars in the boss's eyes are more dense.

"Good." The boss said that he didn't want to. Looking at Bai Jing, he didn't have any expression. He thought that maybe he didn't say enough, and then he said, "very good."

Bai Jing frowns, just a good word, what can it represent?

It doesn't matter that she frowns. The boss is getting nervous. He said uneasily, "what I said is true. I feel very sorry when I see you at the first sight..."

The boss suddenly got stuck, because he didn't know how to say it. Should he say it directly? At the first sight of her, he thought it was right for him, and he wouldn't scare people away.

"To be honest." Bai Jing said again.

The boss was stunned for a while, and suddenly he felt an impulse in his heart. He nodded his head and shouted, "actually, I like it. At the first sight of seeing you, I feel like it. I think it should be love at first sight."

He is a bit silly smile, "it turns out that there is real love at first sight in this world."

Bai Jing did not feel happy because of his sudden confession. She looked at him and said seriously: "you think I'm good, what's the good? Hair? Clothes? High heels? "

The boss grunted twice, looked at her hair, looked at the other two things, and finally said shyly, "all right."Long curly hair, skirt, high heels, just right match.

It's almost perfect.

"And if so, would you like it?" Bai Jing pulled off the wig on her head, revealing the beautiful short hair below.

She raised her hand to pick and pull for a few times, and felt that the whole person was very comfortable, as if her scalp and hair were cheering, because she could breathe fresh air.

She smiled brilliantly, just because she could be herself at last.

Beautiful long hair, beautiful skirt, everything is very good.

But unfortunately, these beautiful things are not what she likes.

She still likes to be real.

She looked across to see the disappointment of her boss.

Who knows that when I look at the past, I am surprised by her. He What is his expression?

The man on the opposite side, staring at a pair of big eyes, mouth half open, eyes from time to time out of the small stars.

My food, this is absolutely decisive.

The boss kept shouting and shouting in his heart.

Unconsciously, he called out.

"This is my dish." He murmured, his eyes never moving from her face.

"Your dish?" Bai Jing is stunned. What do you mean?

The boss hates to slap himself to death, how can he say it?

He smiled and shook his head in a hurry. "No, I didn't say that. I mean, your short hair is just as good-looking. I'm absolutely from the heart. If I'm sincere, I don't have any false elements."

As if afraid that she did not believe himself, he also made a gesture to swear, "I can swear."

Make sure you get her.

At this moment, this idea has become the most important idea in the boss's heart. There is no one but it.