However, the boss's performance did not make Bai Jing feel happy.

On the contrary, her expression at the moment is very serious, as if she is angry.

The boss is also a bit of a jerk. He can't understand it at all.

He looked at Bai Jing and said nervously, "don't you believe what I said? I can really swear."

As he said it, he raised two fingers of his right hand and made a gesture of swearing, "I swear, I really like you. When I saw you at the first sight, I knew that you were the one I was looking for."

Bai Jing frowns at him and doesn't speak.

"Don't you really believe what I said?" The boss is a little anxious. "What do you want me to believe? You can do anything if you want to believe me. "

Who knows, the more he said it, the more ugly Bai Jing's expression was. Those two beautiful little eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, like little twist.

"Give me a chance." The boss said seriously and nervously, "I will try my best to make you like me. I believe I can do it, just need you to give me a chance. "

"Needless to say." Bai Jing gets up directly and interrupts him. Looking at the stunned expression on the opposite man's face, she didn't have any soft heart.

She felt like a fool. Maybe she shouldn't have promised to come here today.

Black housekeeper doesn't like her. Why does she need to find a sense of existence in other people?

It's not like her.

Bai Jing sighed and said, "I have something else to do. Let's go first."

With that, she turned and left.

The boss was in a hurry. He pushed away the chair and ran after her. He grabbed her arm if he didn't want to. "Miss Bai, then, can you leave me a phone number? Shall we make an appointment for dinner next time? "

Bai Jing pushes his hand directly, without hesitation.

With her temper, in fact, some don't like the boss's sticky performance. So, the more pressing he was, the more uncomfortable and upset she felt.

"No more." She shook her head slightly and said directly, "in fact, it's unfair for you that I came here to see you today."

"Not fair?" The boss was puzzled. "Why do you say that?"

"Because I already have someone I like." Bai Jing said.

The boss felt like a pause for a moment, the feeling of sudden cardiac arrest was extremely uncomfortable, as if he had been suddenly and directly abandoned by the world.

He looked at her, but Bai Jing opened her mouth again.

Her expression with a shallow sadness, very light very light, as if can not see, hidden in the depths of the eyes.

But the boss was still aware of it. At that moment, he felt very angry and wanted to clean up the man who made her sad.

However, the white face is the most calm and natural. She can say what she thinks so calmly, which makes the boss feel more real and difficult to control. "

Bai Jing smiled and said, "the only pity is that the people I like don't like me. So, I'm here to see you today. My intention is to find another boyfriend. But now I think it's not the right thing to do. "

She took a step back and opened the gap between herself and her boss.

What is on the face is still that bright and frank smile, "in fact, this is unfair to you and me. When I haven't completely let him go, it's hard for me to accept another person. Even though I promised you at this time, in fact, my heart... "

She shook her head slightly and did not go on.

But we are all smart people. Who can't understand what she wants to express.

"I can't accept you like that." Bai Jing said. "So I think it's better not to waste each other's time like this. And... "

All of a sudden, Bai Jing pulled her short hair and smiled at herself, "I don't like the long hair, skirt and high-heeled shoes you like. I was not the real me at all. "

She is a very straightforward, like a boy as capable, let her go to wear a skirt, it is just like a man pass skirt as uncomfortable.

"Don't let your illusions affect your feelings. In fact, what you like is the general girl's appearance, not the man and woman like me. "

"I don't mind." The boss shouted in a hurry.

Bai Jing frowns, and obviously doesn't like the boss's reaction.

"I don't think it's my own delusion. Yes, I like your long hair very much, but I prefer your short hair. Your generosity, your generosity, is all I like. In fact, I don't like the girl's affectation at all. In your words, reality is the most important thing. "

The boss is worried that Bai Jing won't give herself a chance to talk, so he speaks very fast. Before he had finished one sentence, he immediately followed and said: "these are all words from my heart, without any mixed lies in them. Bai Jing, believe me, will you give me a chance? "Bai Jing is really a little unhappy. She doesn't like it. She feels that the boss is wasting each other's time.

She shook her head slightly. "I'm sorry, I really don't think it's good."

It's not what she wants, it's wrong, she doesn't want to go on wrong.

"That's it." She turned around and left. She didn't give the boss a chance. She was very fast and disappeared in a flash.

But the boss is standing in place, some silly looking at the direction of her departure.

Those words just now are really his inner thoughts.

He really felt that this girl was so kind. In fact, she could not say anything at all, happily accept him and enjoy his pursuit.

But she did not.

How can he miss such a good girl.

And the most important thing is that her character really suits his appetite, not affectation, real her, real smile, real everything.

He knew, clearly knew, that she was the one he had been waiting for.

When I didn't see her before, I had no idea in my heart. But when I saw her, he knew that he had met her with only one eye.

That feeling can't be an illusion.

Looking at the direction of Bai Jing's departure, the boss rubbed his face and suddenly felt that he should shave his beard and come back again. I don't know if his sweetheart would be frightened by himself?

He looked at the front and murmured, "it's all said that happiness is to pursue by myself. How can I give up halfway like this? There's no phone. I can't help it. Bai Jing, I must catch up with you. "