Huo Zun whirled around in the room, his mouth crackling, completely ignoring Huo Ting's face, which was on the verge of collapse.

Huo Ting can't bear it any longer. He still feels it's hard to beat his younger brother in front of outsiders.

"Chen CE, you go out first." Huo Ting's cold way.

Chen Ceru, Meng Dashe, hurriedly turns around and rushes out in a hurry. He also takes the door in a thoughtful way.

But the door was damaged by Huo Zun. It was not closed tightly and cracked.

Chen CE can't care so much. He's so quick.

Some things, still can't know too much.

When there were only two brothers left in the room, Huo Zun was still full of serges.

"Big brother, this time, nothing can be said to let the old man do such a thing. How old is he? It's good to eat tender grass. It's a shame. I can't look up in front of my brothers. "

Huo Zun raised his forehead hair and put on a cool expression, "my image of Huo Er Shao's wisdom and martial arts can't be buried by the old man like this, elder brother, please think about something."

"Have you said enough?" Huo Ting endured the anger in his heart and said coldly.

How old are you? I'm still struggling all day. I don't have a qualitative time.

Aware of Huo Ting's bad tone, Huo Zun suddenly turned to him with a smile. "That's what, brother, I'm not angry."

Under the cold gaze of the latter, Huo Zun obediently sits on the opposite sofa in good order.

"Why did you come back suddenly? What about the animal world? "

"It's done." Huo Zun held up his chin proudly, "elder brother, can I still be defeated by such a small thing? Oh, big brother, now is not the time to say this. Tell me quickly, what do you have to do with the old man's matter? " He can't wait to ask.

There must be a way for a ruthless person like big brother.

Hoting took a deep breath and said coldly, "that woman is pregnant."

He told himself that there was only one brother and he could not beat him to death.

Huo Zun curled his mouth, "lying groove! The old man has a strong heart But is that child really his? " He has serious doubts about it.

I can't blame him for thinking so. The old man has been in poor health in recent years, and Mrs. fan and he haven't been pregnant for so many years. Why is this new girl pregnant all of a sudden?

"How do I know..."

"I don't recognize this wild species." Huo Zun said angrily.

Huo Ting looked at him and said, "there's another thing. This woman's face is almost like her mother's face."

At the time of his mother's death, Huo Zun was still very young, so he had no memory.

After hearing the news, Huo Zun became more angry.

He said, "lying in the trough, it's too shameful! Who is this disgusting old man? "

This is the bottom line of Huo Zun.

Seeing that he was so angry, Huo Ting thought for a second and said, "don't be angry, I will deal with this matter."

"This woman has a lot of guts." Huo Zun sneered and asked, "I don't believe that there are such similar people in the world, big brother. Do you mean that the woman made a template with our mother's face and made a face that looks like?"

"It seems that your IQ has not been eaten by the dog."

"Brother, did you hurt me like this? I'm a man with an IQ of 180. "

Huo Zun suddenly laughs, his eyes are full of evil luster.

"Big brother, I have a good idea." Huo Zun said, he couldn't help laughing first. "How can I be so clever?"

"Say the point." Hoting impatiently interrupts his fantasy.

Huo Zun coughs awkwardly and straightens his face, "brother, actually I know a good basic friend. He is a plastic surgery expert, and is definitely a master. Do you know what he is good at? Ha ha, you can't guess. "

Huoting looked at him coldly, frowning slightly, "go out without saying the key point."

Huo Zun's laughter stopped abruptly, and elder brother Xin Dao was too boring. Is such a life interesting? I don't understand how sister-in-law can stand it.

In his mind, he put on a serious look on his face. "Elder brother, my good friend's greatest ability is not plastic surgery, but to restore people to their original appearance. You said that if we take that woman back and make her look the same, hahaha If the old man sees it, will he be scared to death? "

Huo Ting began to think about his idea seriously, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became. The reason why Huo Zhenyuan allows Qiao and Angie to approach him is nothing more than her face.

If that face doesn't exist, Huo Zhenyuan can't tolerate her staying by her side.

Even though she has children in her stomach, with Huo Ting's understanding of Huo Zhenyuan, you can find someone to bring up the children, but you won't let Qiao Anqi stay by your side.

"Big brother, isn't this a good way?" Huo Zun is particularly excited at the thought of being able to make bad things immediately. "Elder brother, when do you think we should start?""Let's discuss it." Hoting said.

This matter is so involved that there can be no omissions, so Huo Ting is particularly serious.

The two brothers have been discussing in the study. It took about an hour for Huo Zuncai to leave excitedly, and the plan to let Qiao Anqi return to his original appearance has obviously stepped into the right track.


Just after Huo Zun left, Dongdong came.

"Eh? What about the second uncle? Didn't the black housekeeper say he was here? " Dongdong looked around and did not find Huo Zun.

"What are you looking for him for?" Asked hoting.

"Nothing..." Dongdong's eyes turned and said, "I just haven't seen him for a long time. I have a little thought Daddy, I'll study first. "

"Stop!" Huo Ting cried out for winter.

Dongdong turns around stiffly.

"Tell the truth!" Hoting said coldly.

"All right! I'm working on a program. I'm stuck in the most important step. I want to find uncle Er to help me see what's wrong. "

"What procedure?"

These two people have bad records.

"A game program." Dongdong proudly said, "Abby, I'm growing up now, and I can earn money to support my family. When I do this program, you will be shocked!"

Huo Ting looked at him deeply, and after confirming that he had not lied, he let him out.

After Dongdong left, huoting turned on the monitor again, and watched Su Mian bask in the sun on the balcony. The sun was shining on her, with a light light. Huoting watched, and his heart seemed to gradually calm down.

Even if there is more unhappiness, there is always something that makes him feel happy