In the next two days, Huo ting and Huo Zun were dealing with Qiao Anqi. But now Qiao Anqi is pregnant and well protected by Huo Zhenyuan. It's not easy for them to catch people silently. So they are not in a hurry to start, but they are waiting for the most suitable opportunity.

That night, when huoting returned home, Su Mian had already fallen asleep.

He walked slowly, sat down by the bed, bent over her forehead and gave her a kiss.

Raised body, looked at her peaceful sleeping face, Huo Ting's tired look slowly disappeared.

A trace of softness slowly emerged, and his vision slowly moved down, falling on her round belly. After two eyes, he leaned over and put his ears on her abdomen.

Half a sound later, he suddenly felt that his right face was propped up by something.

He was touched, and his face grew softer.

Looking up, he held out his big palm and put it on Su's small belly. The strength just propped up seemed to be still there, and Huo Ting also pressed down slightly.

At that moment, Huo Ting seemed to feel the blood relationship between the father and daughter.

That's right! Up to now, Huo Ting still firmly believes that the girl is in her belly.

However, the child soon calmed down.

Huo Ting watched for a while, and saw that he was still quiet, so he went to the bathroom to take a bath with a little satisfaction.

More than ten minutes later, Huo Ting came out in a robe like pajama. The neckline of the pajama was open, showing his solid front chest. A belt was loose and tied to his waist.

He grabbed a clean towel and wiped his hair half dry. Then he went back to bed and lay down beside Su Mian.

As if knowing that he had come back, Su Mian naturally leaned against him and embraced his hand.

Hoting relaxed and let her hold her. He side body, looking at her with a trace of satisfaction sleep face, slowly closed his eyes.

After a long time, Huo Ting opened his eyes.

Still can't sleep?

Suddenly, there was a slight pain in the head. Huo Ting was shocked and hurriedly raised his hand and pressed his temple hard to relieve the pain.

However, the pain is extremely severe. It's like someone is scraping his head with a knife. The tingling sensation, however, is that Huo Ting's endurance is amazing. At this time, he can't support it.

He was biting his teeth, trying to bear it. He didn't want to make a noise because Su Mian was on his side. He didn't want to wake her up, let alone let her know about his situation.

His mind began to blur. He opened his eyes clearly, but he could not see everything in front of him.

Vaguely, he saw Su Mian.

She held up her waist in one hand, touched her belly in the other, and a satisfied and brilliant smile hung on her face.

"Uncle." She waved as if to say hello to him.

Huoting subconsciously wanted to walk towards her, but at this time, Su Mian exclaimed, and the heavy body fell to one side.

"Continuous!" Huo Ting cried in surprise, and ran to her with all his strength, trying to catch her.


Su Mian falls to the ground heavily, in the sad moan, a touch of blood red spreads from the bottom of her skirt.

When his eyes touched the bloody red, Huo Ting felt the pain of heart pumping, as if there was something important to stay away from him.

He stretched out his hand and tried to hold on to anything, but he could not touch her, no matter how hard he tried.

He can only watch Su Mian's blood slowly increase and slowly merge into a stream.

Su Mian looked at him with that kind of weak and sad eyes, and called uncle in his mouth.