Huoting is like a wild animal in a state of outbreak, pushing Huo and Zun away directly.

The two men were so frightened that they ran to stop the doctor from hurting people.

Huo Ting glared at them angrily, intending to seize the doctor, but under the support of Huo Zun and his wife, there was no chance.

He was angry, turned around to the wall and smashed his fist on it.

"Why?" He hissed and roared, and even some mists were slowly growing in the corner of his eyes.

As if he didn't know the pain, he hit the wall with fist after fist, and relieved the pain in his heart by the pain in his hand.

"I don't want children." Huo Ting suddenly turned his head and shouted angrily to the doctor, "I just want to keep it, you just need to keep it."


"Big brother, what's the matter with you?"

Huo Zun went over with a puzzled face, reached out his hand and put it on Huo Ting's shoulder. "Big brother, what do you say?"

From the beginning, Huo Ting was alone there shouting and shouting. Now he went crazy to smash the wall.

What's the situation?

Huo Zun is a little silly. "Chen CE, elder brother, is it too much to be stimulated and crazy?"

"Go away." Huo Ting pushed him away directly. He hit the wall with a fist again. His mouth was still muttering, "Baoda, I want no one as long as I stretch."

Huo Zun didn't expect Huo ting to be so powerful. He was pushed to the ground directly, and his arm hit the ground, making a crack.

"Two little." Chen CE hurriedly ran over and helped Huo Zun to stand up.

Huo Zun looks at Huo Ting, whose fist hit the wall. His eyes are surprised. "How could this happen? Chen CE, what's the matter? "

"Er Two little, is your hand OK? " Chen CE did not immediately answer his words, but asked his hand.

Chen CE intentionally shifts the topic. Huo Zun is not a fool. How could he not know.

He rubbed his arm and said unhappily, "it's not broken yet, but if you don't make it clear, my brother's hand will be broken."

Huo Zun doesn't care about his own hand. He rushes to hold Huo ting.

However, huoting was too strong to control by himself.

"Advice." Huo Zun turned back and shouted, "can't you help me?"

Chen CE walked helplessly to help hold huoting.

"Go away, all of you." Huo Ting seems to be crazy, struggling with all his strength.

The strength of both Huo Zun and Chen CE is out of control.

"No, this is not the way." Huo Zun doesn't know what happened to Huo Ting, but it's obvious that his situation is not right at this time.

Huo Zun suddenly pushes away Chen CE and hugs Huo ting from behind, "Chen CE, hurry to find Xia Yi."

"OK, two less." Chen CE is also a little flustered. He doesn't care about the consequences of finding Xia Yi. He turns around and runs to find someone.

Huo Zun is unlucky. Huo Ting is in a state of illusion. He can't control his emotions at all. The whole person is like a madman, venting the panic in his heart.

However, after several struggles, Huo Zun has been thrown to the wall by Huo ting and injured.

When Xia Yi and Chen CE arrived, they saw such a scene.

Huo Zun is strangled by Huo ting and pressed on the wall. He punches Huo Zun's ear. Xia Yi and Chen CE are shocked, for fear that the fist will hit Huo Zun's face.

“BOSS。” Chen CE ran to hold Huo Ting's arm.

"Bastard, if you don't come again, I will be killed by big brother." Huo Zun is so furious that he doesn't care whether his arm is hurt or not. He directly controls Huo ting with Chen CE.

Without any delay, Xia took out the sedative he had already prepared and stabbed Huo ting in the arm.

With the tranquilizer pushed into huoting's arm, his mood slowly eased, and finally he closed his eyes and fell into Huo's arms.

"Shit, my arm is going to be broken."

Huo Zun grinned, but he helped Huo ting and Chen CE to sit down on the chair.

"Chen CE, tell me clearly, elder brother, what's the matter?" Huo Zun grabs Chen CE's Lapel in a hurry. "Don't use your consistent prevarication to perfunctory me."

Chen CE's face stiffened. When he reached his mouth, he swallowed again.

Well, he was just about to say he didn't know.

Huo put out his hand, pointed Chen CE's chest with his right index finger, pushed him back step by step, "you are my elder brother's intimate special care. You know the most about him. If you dare to say you don't know, I will make a decision instead of elder brother. From today on, you can go away."

"Two little, that's not very good." Chen CE frowned. "I'm just following boss's will. He doesn't want you to know. I can't say it."

"Chen CE, things are not right." Summer one is a sudden voice.She straightened up and went to the front of the two men. Her face sank. "I just checked for the court and found that his condition was very bad. If it goes on like this, something may happen. Chen CE, if you want him well, tell us the truth. "

Chen CE was shocked. He didn't think it was so serious.

"Xia Yi, how serious is it?" Chen CE asked uneasily.

"Yes." Xia nodded. "According to my professional judgment, the situation in the court is very bad. But specifically, it also needs to be checked before it can be determined. "

Chen CE looked at huoting, who was asleep because of the sedative, and started a war between heaven and man.

As hoting's personal assistant, he should not have told his personal story. But right now It seems that he can't do without speaking.

"All right." Chen CE compromises, telling Huo Ting's hallucinations to the two.

"By the way, Chen CE, is there anyone more stupid than you?" Huo Zun just found out the situation and scolded, "why don't you tell us when you know that elder brother's situation is not good?"

Xia Yi also nodded, "Huo Shao's situation should not be concealed. He needs our help. But, as you say, things don't seem quite right. "

"What's wrong?" Huo Zun frowned. "Is there any other problem with big brother?"

He looked at Huo ting with a look of guilt. It turns out that there are so many injuries hidden in huoting's body, but he, as a younger brother, doesn't know at all.

Not only can't help him on weekdays, but also make him worry about himself.

"Big brother......" Huo Zun gently called, "I will not let you have anything."

"No." Xia Yi suddenly said, "I can't say for a while. It's said that Dr. Bart prescribed Huo Shao medicine, which should be able to control his condition. How now, not only has the situation not been eased, but it is more serious. "

Huo Zun and Chen CE look at each other, and the same idea comes to mind quietly.

There's something wrong with the medicine!

Huo Zun said coldly, "Xia Yi, do you have any way to find out what medicine is wrong?"