For Huo Zun's question, Xia Yi pondered for a moment, and then said: "at present, I'm not sure. If I want to find out whether there is any problem with the composition of the medicine, I have to go through the test." She turned her head, reached out to Chen Qie, and said, "you hand in all the medicines Huo Shao took, and I will take them for testing."

"All right."

Up to now, Chen CE has no other way but to put all the medicines out and hand them to Xia Yi.

Xia Yi takes the paper bag, stands up and beckons Chen CE and Huo Zun to help Huo ting.

Now that he is in a coma, he can't be allowed to lie here like this.

Xia Yi arranges a ward for Huo Ting, leaving Chen CE and Chen CE to watch him. He leaves and finds someone to test the ingredients of those medicines.

When Huo Ting woke up, he found that he was weak, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

He was propped up and wanted to sit up.

"Don't move." Xia Yi's voice suddenly sounded nearby. She pressed his shoulder and made him lie back with a little force.

"What do you do?" Huo Ting frowns a little displeased, "get out of the way."

Xia Yi flicks his hair apart, and a faint smile appears on his handsome face. "Court, how can I say that I am also your benefactor? I don't think so."

"Continuous..." Huo Ting was afraid of Xia Yi's eyes.

There was a lot of confusion in my mind, and a lot of chaotic scenes appeared before my eyes.

He vaguely remembered that the doctor rushed out to tell himself that Su was suffering from continuous dystocia and massive bleeding. He remembered that he told the doctor to keep the big and discard the small, as long as it lasted.

Why, who can tell him why it happened?

Huo Ting thought that this was God punishing him. Since Su Mian got pregnant, the situation of adults and babies has been very good. How could the position of the fetus suddenly change, and then it is difficult to give birth?

"No, it won't." Huo Ting holds his head and shouts in a low voice.

A stabbing pain came from his head, and he felt that he could not control his mind again.

"Calm down!"

"Mianmian, how is she?" Asked Huo Ting, gritting his teeth.

At this moment, Huo Ting hates himself very much. Why does he have such a strange problem as hallucination. Is everything before real or illusory?

He did not know clearly, only that a heart was entangled, confused like a thread, and could not understand a head.

Xia Yi shouted, "all the previous illusions are not true. You should be sober."

Huo Ting's heart is stunned. Is he hallucinating?


For a long time, his hallucinations only appear when he goes to bed at night. This time, it's clearly daytime. How can he have hallucinations when he is still awake?

Is it serious again?

Huo Ting frowned, raised his hand, and pressed his brow hard, as if to relieve the pain in his head.

"Court, you are the only one who can help you now. You have to rely on your own willpower to break the illusion, you have to tell yourself that all this is not true, you can do it. " As soon as summer is around, a deep voice reminds me. "Hoting, you can do it."

Hoting closed his eyes and said nothing.

Who knows how painful he is at this time, no, no one can know.

The pain in his head was like monkey king running into his head, waving a golden cudgel and making a mess.

That kind of pain will never be understood.

After a long time, Huo Ting's face relaxed slightly, only the cold sweat on his forehead showed how he had suffered before.

"How are you? Are you ok?" At one end of summer, he handed the water cup on the tea table to Huo ting.

Hoting shook his head slightly. "It's OK."

At the first sight of Xia, he felt relieved and admired Huo ting. It's not easy that we can survive this situation by our own perseverance.

"Mianmian is all right. Her mother and son are all in the ward now." Summer and road.

"You, are you serious?" Huo Ting some can't believe to grasp Xia Yi's wrist, the strength big let the latter involuntarily wrinkly brow. "Mianmian is really OK?"

Xia Yi opened his hand and said, "although I don't look like a woman, I'm still a woman in fact. With such great strength, I feel pain too. Understand?"

She stood up and looked down at him. "What I said is true. Mianmian and the child are OK. It's you. I just took a sedative. I'd better have a rest before I go to see Mianmian and the children. "

"No." Huo Ting rejected her proposal. "I want to see it now." He sat up, propped up, and lifted his quilt to get out of bed. "I want to see her now."

He held the bedside table in one hand, supported the bed in the other hand, and stood up with all his strength.

"Continuous..." Wait for me. Huo Ting takes a hard step forward.


Huo Ting's legs were weak, his body trembled, and he directly turned back and fell heavily on the bed."My God!" When Xia was frightened and was about to reach out to help him, he saw him shaking his head at himself, and then he stood up to get up.

"Forget it." Xia felt that it was better not to be a villain at this time. He immediately called two people in and helped Huo Ting get up and go to the ward to see Su Mian.

When we arrived at Su Mian's ward, Huo Ting didn't realize that his heart was floating in the air until someone stood in front of the hospital bed and saw the pretty face that seemed to be engraved in his mind.

"Continuous." Huoting murmured and sat on the chair beside the bed with the help of Huo Zun.

He held Su's hand and looked at her face with eager eyes, as if he could never see her again after missing this moment.

That kind of feeling spread throughout the room, but it was touched by the people present.

At this time, a little nurse came over, stood beside Huo ting and asked softly, "Huo Shao, do you want to see the children?"

Huo Ting was stunned, and a strange look appeared on his face.

After waiting for a long time, Huo tingcai finally said, "is it a girl?"

"No." The nurse shook her head and said with a smile, "it's the childe. Both of them are CHILDES."

"Is it?" Huo Ting's tone doesn't sound happy at all, even makes people feel lonely.

That suddenly depressed tone, let a person very clear can feel, he is not too happy at this moment.

"Huo Shao, do you need me to bring the baby to you?" The nurse asked again.

"No more." Huo Ting waved, "I want to accompany you for a long time, you all go out."

The little nurse was stunned, as if she had never met such a situation that her son didn't want to see.

And Mrs. Huo is not easy to give birth to the baby. Huo Shao doesn't even want to look at it. What's the situation?

"Get out!" Cried hoting impatiently.

The nurse was frightened, afraid of thinking any more, and hurried out.