After everyone went out, Huo Ting was able to relax completely and pour all his heart and soul into looking at Su Mian.

Although I haven't seen her for only one night, in Huo Ting's heart, I miss her as if I haven't seen her for many days.

He holds Su's hand and sticks it on his side face, feeling the light temperature from her small hand.

Because of the anesthesia caesarean section, Su Mian's face also looks pale. Her lips are full of imprints, deep and deep marks, and some parts even have broken skin. What kind of pain she suffered before can be seen.

Seeing this, Huo Ting was a little distressed.

He reached out and touched her lips, as if trying to remove the blood from her lips.

However, when the index finger is about to touch her lips, it suddenly retracts, as if it is afraid of something.

Huo Ting was also stunned, and then his face was a little ugly.

Is hallucination so serious?

Clearly holding Su Mian's hand so clearly, he could not tell whether it was a fact or an illusion.

He firmly shook Su's hand, and really felt the greasy feeling, which was a little relieved.

"Mianmian, you must be OK." Hoting murmured.

After waiting for about an hour, Su Mian still has no sign of waking up.

Huo Ting began to feel bad. He was sedated before, but soon woke up. Why does Su Mian not wake up when he arrives?

After waiting for a while, Huo Ting began to feel uneasy and uneasy, which made him impatient and unable to wait.

He gently put down Su Mian's hand, covered the quilt for her, and stepped out.

As soon as the door was opened, Huo Zun and Xia came up.

"Brother, is sister-in-law awake?" Huo Zun's probe is going to look in the door.

Huo Ting, however, frowned, raised his hand, held his forehead and pushed him back. "Not yet awake."

He turned his head, looked at Xiayi, and said softly, "why is it continuous or not awake?"

"It's not time yet." Xia Yi's answer is even more straightforward.

When can you wake up after anesthesia? It's totally different. People's constitution is different, and the time of waking up is also different.

"Are you sure?" Huoting showed a trace of suspicion.

Xia Yi is straining his face, looking at Huo ting with some unhappiness. He says smilingly, "are you questioning my professional ability?"

Huo Ting is silent for a moment, closes the door gently, and walks back to accompany Su Mian again.

Xia Yi snorted displeased and said, "Huo Ting's ability to stab a knife at people's hearts is really getting stronger and stronger."

"Don't worry about my brother. He is very ill." Huo Zun sighed, and then saw Xia Yi smiling at him strangely. He touched his face and said, "what's the matter?"

"You said the court was very ill. I heard you."

Huo Zun laughs and takes a step forward. He tries to put his arm around Xia Yi's shoulder and says, "I'll talk about it casually. Don't worry about it, doctor Xia."

"Well?" As soon as Xia turned around, his eyes swept like a cold knife. "Don't you want your claws?"

"Yes, of course."

Huo Zun recoiled and stepped back awkwardly. "I don't always forget you are a woman."

Looking at Xia Yi's side face, Huo Zun mutters to himself that if a woman is good, she will be more handsome than a man. Do you bully people?