Su Mian naturally didn't know what the two father and son thought. If she knew, she would slap them on the head!

How old are you all? Is it interesting to compete with a new baby?

Although Huo Ting's love for the two babies is not so good, it's worth celebrating to have a baby.

Without Huo Ting's command, his team prepared exquisite gifts for Huo's partners and employees. Naturally, Huo Zhenyuan's share will not be missed.

So when Huo Zhenyuan received the gift and heard that Su Mian had two sons, he was both happy and angry.

This is his long-awaited grandson, but he had a quarrel with Huo Ting not long ago, so Huo Ting didn't invite him to see it

His tangled heart made his angry mouth grow two bubbles. Qiao Anqi looked at her heart and despised her silently, but she was very considerate.

"Brother yuan, if it's inconvenient for you to go there, why don't I go there for you to have a look?" "They may be too busy to talk to us," Qiao asked softly

Huo Zhenyuan feels that what Qiao Anqi said really makes him feel comfortable.

He patted her hand and said, "Angie, you are always so kind Well, we elders don't care about them. Go and have a look for me. "



The reason why Qiao angqi wants to see Su Mian is not just to see her.

The reason why she can marry Huo Zhenyuan is that she is pregnant.


In fact, she was not pregnant.

Therefore, this nonexistent baby must have "miscarriage".

She is worrying about how to solve the problem!

As a result, this is the chance!

"Su Mian, I won't let you live!" Qiao Anqi sneered, tied a blood bag to her waist, put on her clothes and went out.


When Qiao Anqi got in the car, he saw Huo Zhenyuan was in the car.

"Yuan, brother yuan." She said in surprise, "how do you..."

"I've thought about it. I think you're right. As an elder, I shouldn't care about them. So I'd better go to see them."

"Oh, yes That's the truth. " Joanne Qi's expression could hardly last.

This old man, really! Say one is one!

"Angie, it's still close to you..." Huo Zhenyuan clapped Qiao Anqi's hand and said, "I customized a watch with you in Switzerland, you will like it."

When she heard that he had given her a gift, Qiao Anqi's face was a little better. She leaned on his shoulder and said sweetly, "brother yuan, it's very kind of you..."


But when they went to the hospital and were stopped in front of Su Mian's ward door, Huo Zhenyuan felt that his face had been severely slapped.

With a cold face, he looked at the black bodyguard in front of him. His eyes were filled with rage. He knocked his crutch heavily and said angrily, "do you know who I am?"

What a brave man! Where does Huo Zhenyuan want to go? How dare someone stop him?

"I'm sorry, boss told me, except for a limited number of people, no one can go in to see his wife." The black bodyguard's face was expressionless, as if he didn't really know the person in front of him.

"This is Huo Zhenyuan." He said coldly, "I'm going to go in and see my daughter-in-law. Why, it's not possible?"

The bodyguard in black frowned slightly, then took out a piece of paper in front of Huo Zhenyuan, checked it carefully for a moment, and shook his head slightly, "I'm sorry, there is no sir or your name on the list. Or, sir, you can contact boss to make sure that boss has left out your name. "

"Bastard." Huo Zhenyuan is really angry.

Again and again, he was stopped. What's more hateful is that Huo Ting deliberately did it. The so-called visit list didn't even have his name as Laozi.

Huo Zhenyuan's heart was full of anger, but he felt that his head was about to smoke.

"Brother yuan."

Qiao angel that Jiao Didi, soft voice is suddenly sounded in his ear.

She gently grasped Huo Ting's hand and said softly, "brother yuan, don't be angry, OK? It's not good for you. "

As she soothed, she reached out her right hand and stroked Huo Zhenyuan's chest. The tenderness was deliberate.

"Brother yuan, I think there must be some misunderstanding. Don't be so angry, or let's call Huo ting and ask him first? " Qiao Anqi whispered persuasion.

After a pause, she suddenly said: "brother yuan, in fact, we should inform them before we come. Maybe they have their own ideas and different arrangements. It's not very good for us to come here in a hurry. "Originally, Qiao Anqi's words of persuasion were a little relaxed.

Although he was angry with Huo Ting, he was his own son, and he didn't want to admit that he was blacklisted.

But later Qiao Anqi said that huoting was angry and angry. At that moment, he hated huoting very much.

With a roar, he grabbed his crutch and greeted the black bodyguard. "You bastard, don't open your dog's eyes to see who I am. I'm huoting's father-in-law. I come to see my daughter-in-law and my grandson. Do you dare to stop me? "

The bodyguard in black didn't dare to take over his stick.

Huo Ting's angry staff is not light even though he is not very well now.

The black bodyguard's shoulder was shrunk and the corners of his mouth were twitched twice.

But what makes Huo Ting even more angry is that he is still reluctant to let go even though he was beaten. He still pokes at the door like a piece of wood, and honestly works as a door god.

At this time, Su Mian, who was lying in bed indoors, seemed to hear the noise outside.

Super ward, sound insulation effect was very good. However, Huo Zhenyuan not only hit the black bodyguard with a stick, but also kicked him on the door.

It was the kick that made Su Mian hear.

She pushed open the spoon that Huo Ting handed to her mouth, looked sideways toward the door, "uncle, I seem to hear someone clapping the door."

"No one." Huo Ting denied her idea directly, "drink the soup quickly. It will be bad when it's cold later."

He said softly, and again put the spoon in his hand to Su Mian's mouth.

Caesarean section has been more painful than normal delivery, let alone in the stomach, hurt the vitality, do not make good repair, will certainly have an impact on the body later.

Huo Ting is more attentive than Su Mian himself. The soup he drinks is not heavy every day, and it's all beneficial to the recovery of the blade and replenishment of vitality.

He was moved by Su Mian's intentions. Although he felt that the soup was a little greasy, he opened his mouth and drank it.