Su Mian listened to the movement outside the door curiously while drinking soup.

Huo Ting looked at her, sighed and said, "winter winter, you go out to have a look."

If things are not solved outside, Mianmian can't concentrate on soup.

Winter Oh, jumped off the sofa.

Their ward is a luxurious ward, with three rooms in total. The babies are in the innermost room, while Su Mian is in the middle, and there is a living room in the front.

Huo Zhenyuan kicked the door of the first room.

When Dong Dong walked out of the first room, he continued to hear another thud at the door, just like someone deliberately kicked on it.

He frowned, who is so bold?! Dare to make trouble in his territory?!

"What's the noise?!" Winter said loudly.

When the door opened, Huo Zhenyuan's crutch almost hit Dongdong. Fortunately, the bodyguard stopped him.

But Huo Zhenyuan was pushed back by such a force, and Qiao Anqi was also pulled back several steps, almost falling.

No! She should have wrestled. When she was about to wrestle, she was stopped by the bodyguard behind her.

Her face slightly changed, she stood up straight, reached for Huo Zhenyuan, and said exaggeratively, "brother yuan, are you ok?"

Huo Zhenyuan had been scared, which would be called by Qiao Anqi, and his head began to prick.

He was just about to get angry, and then saw Dong Dong holding his chest in both hands, smiling at him.

This smile reminds him of Huo Chen. He can't help but look a bit dazed.

I haven't seen you for a while. I grew up in winter and winter.

Because Huo ting and Huo Zun have been fighting against themselves during this period of time, so he misses Huo Chen, who died early. He will see Dong Dong, and he is very rare to lose his temper.

He said, "Dongdong, why haven't you come to see grandpa for so long?"

Dongdong raised his eyebrows. He was a sensitive child.

From the beginning of his memory, he found that Huo Zhenyuan did not like himself, so he would not actively approach him except as a last resort.

When he knew his identity, he knew Huo Zhenyuan's strange performance.

This meeting, listen to his abnormal appearance, Dongdong's heart is more prepared.

"Good Grandpa." Dongdong deliberately showed a innocent touch and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Huo Zhenyuan's face changed. In front of his grandson, he could not say he was stopped outside.

It's a shame.

But Qiao Anqi is cheeky. She doesn't care. She says, "I come to see brother yuan for a long time. Who knows that some people without eyes won't let us in..."

"Auntie, who are you?" Dongdong asked curiously.

Joanne Qi's face is a little bad. She can't say she's his grandma, can she?

Most girls care about appellation.

Huo Zhenyuan's anger was extinguished by the appearance of Dongdong for more than half of the time. He suddenly thought it was so strange and uninteresting.

He said, "come on, let's go back."

Qiao Anqi would not go back. She reached for Huo Zhenyuan's hand and said softly, "brother yuan, go down first. I'll have a look at it. Anyway, it's all at the door. If you don't go in It's a bit hard to say. '

Huo Zhenyuan looks up at Dongdong and finds that he is still smiling, but he is not close to himself at all. He doesn't say let himself in to have a look!

As expected, it's the child raised by Huo ting. It's so big that he will be angry!


"Goodbye grandpa!" Dongdong said sweetly, "I will tell daddy and mummy that you have come to see them. Walk slowly and I will not send them!"

Huo Zhenyuan's words were phrased in his chest, which means neither saying nor not saying.

"We're not going. We're going to have a look." Joanne said with a smile, "take us in."

Dong Dong smiles more politely, but his words are not like this.

"No way! Baa Baa now sleeps, cannot see the stranger. "


Are they outsiders?!

Huo Zhenyuan wants to curse again.

Qiao angqi continued, "then we can't see the continuity. Go to see the little babies. It doesn't matter if the little babies fall asleep. Let's just have a look. You see, we all brought gifts..."

Dongdong squints her eyes slightly and stares at her face.

How strange this man is! Why keep going in!

Hum! Never let them in.

Dongdong was about to say two cruel words to drive them away when he saw his second uncle coming!

As soon as Huo Zun saw that Qiao Anqi was like a firecracker being ignited, he said angrily, "what are you doing here?"

"Son of a bitch?! Pay attention to your attitude! " Huo Zhenyuan scolds and goes back."What's wrong with my attitude?" Huo Zun's voice also grew up.

It's a pity to take a step back in winter. Alas, when the adult comes, it's natural that he can't speak.

He turned and walked in.

When Su Mian finished his soup in the room, he asked when he came in.

"Why do you go out so long?"

Dongdong blinked, just thinking how to answer.

"To be honest," said hoting

Dong Dong scratched his curly hair and said, "Grandpa is here with a woman."

Huo Ting frowned and thought, is it too late to pretend to hear nothing?

"Oh, then the second uncle came. They should not Do you want to fight? " Winter said.

Huo Ting: "..."

"Next time you finish speaking in one breath, don't stop halfway." Huo Ting taught.

Dongdong is so cute.

Su Mian reached out and pulled his hand, saying, "Dad has come. Help me up."

She wants to meet people in the living room.

It's not good for her to lie in bed.

Huo Ting's face is not willing.

Su Mian looked at him and whispered, "or, tell me, what's the matter with your medicine?"

In Chen CE's mouth, Mianmian knows that Huo Ting's medicine is to cure hallucinations. But in fact, he still hasn't said it. Otherwise, Huo Ting won't let him live.

Su Mian doesn't know that Huo Ting is in a serious state at the moment.

However, no matter how she asked Huo Ting these days, he would not say the specific situation. Su Mian wanted to ask Chen ce again. As a result, Chen CE met her like a sheep met a wolf, and there was no sign of running

Huo Ting immediately said, "let me go out and have a look. Dongdong, you hold your mommy."

Su Mianmian: "..."

Dongdong obediently comes and supports Su Mian's hand.

Su Mian touched his head and said, "don't follow your father's example in the future. If you encounter something you don't want to answer, run away."

Dongdong said, "I won't because I'm a good boy."
