Su Mian finally understood what happened after hearing Huo Zhenyuan's confused words.

It turns out that Joanne's baby is gone.

But what's the matter with her?

Su Mian was afraid to hide behind Huo Ting, and said with a probe, "Dad, did you misunderstand me? How could I hurt your son? And I don't have to. "

"Who else are you?! Angie said that she drank a glass of water on your side today. Besides, she didn't eat anything else. "

Is this a lie down shot?

What's the matter with her?!

Su Mian listened to more speechless, she said, "that water is very common water, everyone has drunk, there is no matter..."

Huo Zhenyuan is angry. Looking at Su Mian's innocent expression, he feels very angry.

This woman is obviously pretending to be stupid. It's her fault to pretend to be innocent.

"You're still quibbling!"

Huo Zhenyuan is angry at the top of his heart. He rushes to Su mianmianmian when he does not want to.

He suddenly gave Su Mian a hand and scared her. However, before she could shout, Huo Ting had already made a hand and directly grasped Huo Zhenyuan's walking stick.

Huo Ting said angrily: "I think you are crazy. Do you know what you are doing? Things haven't been found out yet. If only one woman said that, you would rush to hit my woman at midnight. I think you are so old that you are living in vain. "

Before he finished speaking, he grabbed the crutch and threw it at the back.

Huo Zhenyuan's strength is no match for Huo Ting's. by his push, the whole person immediately retreated under the strong impact.

However, Huo Zhenyuan is too proud to call for help even if he is about to fall.

But at this time, the bodyguard in black suddenly stepped forward and helped Huo Zhenyuan.

"You bastard." As soon as he got back to his feet, Huo Zhenyuan couldn't stop roaring. He pointed Huo Ting's head with his index finger in his right hand, and trembled with rage. "You dare to fight me?"

On the right side of his hand, he pointed to Su Mian again. "You even started to fight me for this snake hearted woman? I am your father! "

His last words were just a roar, which looked like a devil.

"You should think of this result when you do something about it." Huo Ting's cold way. "You can come and beat my woman for your woman. Am I going to see nothing done?"

He doesn't do it for his father's sake!

"I don't care!" Huo Zhenyuan stares at huoting coldly, "you dare to fight me, you bastard..." He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

But Huo Ting didn't say a word, just looked at Huo Zhenyuan with that cold eyes, obviously didn't want to say a word more to him.

"If you want to add sin, why bother! You are really confused, old man. You should check Qiao Anqi... "

"Bastard! What kind of person is she? Don't I know? " Huo Zhenyuan has been completely blinded by Qiao Anqi and can't see anything else. He scolds, "evil son! I'm going to cut you off. "

Huo Ting was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Huo ting to say that.

However, he soon recovered his calm. He looked at Huo Zhenyuan and said lightly, "you've lost your mind now. Since you say that, let's do it." He didn't have any idea of saving it.

Su Mian saw that the situation had reached this stage and was shocked. She took Huo Ting's hand and urged him, "Uncle......" Don't be impulsive.

"You don't have to say anything." Huo Ting patted Su Mian's hand.

"Well, hoting, you'd better remember this day and not regret it." Huo Zhenyuan glanced coldly at Su Mian and said, "you vicious woman, don't think that's all I have to do. I'll see if he can protect you all the time. "

Then he gave her a cold stare.

Su Mian is not good at all!

What's this all about?

After Huo Zhenyuan left, huoting said to the bodyguards, "don't let him in later, especially can't get close to his wife, do you hear?"

"Yes!" Said the bodyguards.

Su Mian said with tears and smiles, "are you really afraid of how Dad treats me?"

The constant threat to him was not on his mind.

"He's not a father." Huo Ting said seriously.

Su Mian patted Huo ting on the shoulder and said, "are you serious? Dad must have been angry! "

Huo Ting reached for Su Mian, put his chin on her shoulder, and said, "if you are threatened, you can't! Say it again! No one can bully my woman, even if that person is my father! "Su Mian's heart warmed, and she raised her mouth slightly, reached for Huo Ting's waist, and said, "it's OK, I don't mind, Dad It may be said in a moment of anger. "

“…… Don't talk about it. " Huoting didn't want to continue this topic. He picked up Su Mian and said, "you should go to sleep."

“…… All right! "


Su Mianmian thought Huo Zhenyuan was angry for a while, but it turned out not to be so. She saw that the next day's newspaper used a page to publish the story of their relationship breaking.

Moreover, Huo Zhenyuan directly announced to the media that he was divorced from huoting's father son relationship, which caused a lot of turbulence to Huo's stock market and killed them by surprise.

Huoting was cried by Chen CE early in the morning and begged to go back to the company to preside over the overall situation.

Of course, before he left, he arranged ten bodyguards to stand at the door of Su Mian's ward to ensure that even a fly could not come in, so he was unwilling to leave.

Not long after Huo Ting left, Xia Yi went to find Su Mian, who was in trouble at the door. Finally, he called Huo ting and confirmed Xia Yi's identity before Xia Yi was allowed in.

To this end, Xia Yi, after seeing Su Mian, couldn't help making fun of him and said, "if I didn't know that the person inside was you, I thought it was a big man from somewhere. The bodyguard outside the door was a bit exaggerated."

Su Mianmian said with embarrassment, "that's what uncle I'll make you laugh. "

Xia Yi replied with a smile, "he's really nervous about you, and he can only listen to your words..."

Su Mianmian is slightly stunned. Xia Yi seems to have other meanings in this sentence.

She asked, "does Dr. Xia have something to say to me?"