Summer looked at the winter and winter in the room, and indicated that these words had better be said only by the two of them.

Su Mian nodded, stood up and said, "doctor Xia, please come with me."

Xia Yi hears the words and follows Su Mian's back. They come to another room where there is no one.

"Dr. Xia, can you say it now?"

Su Mian seldom saw Xia Yi's serious expression. When she didn't smile, she looked like she was smiling, but now her eyebrows were frowning.

"I'm sorry, little cute. You were sitting in the moon. I shouldn't have bothered you at this time. It's just For this matter, I think you should have the right to know. "

What she said was so serious, which made Su Mian's subconscious nervous.

"Is it about uncle?"

Xia nodded and said, "yes."

"I have a good mental endurance. Just tell me." Su Mian said with a smile.

In fact, even if Xia doesn't come to find himself, he will find her.

Because of the uncle's business, she really has no way to know something from his mouth.

Chen CE can't even catch the shadow.

So, all she could find was Xia Yi.

Xia Yi looks at Su Mian's face and says, "little cute, I don't know how much you know, but as a doctor and a friend, I will tell you the specific situation of the court now, he..."

Dr. Xia said that in order to retrieve the memories belonging to the two of them, uncle went to do an experimental treatment which was not very safe. Although the final result enabled him to retrieve the memories, it also brought some side effects.

And this side effect can make people have hallucinations and depression

The most important thing is that there is something wrong with the medicine uncle is taking now, so he can't continue to take it.

"Now the hallucination of huoting is very serious. If we don't pay attention to it and treat it, we will probably..."

"How could this happen?!" Su Mian bit his lower lip and asked with the pain in his heart, "what will uncle do?"

It turns out that Huo Ting did so many things behind her back, and she didn't even know it.

Thinking of these days, Huo Ting could not sleep. Thinking that he was often suffering from hallucinations, she felt uneasy.

Uncle is stupid.

She is angry and distressed now. In fact, she told Huo Ting before that it doesn't matter if she can't find those memories.

As long as they have each other in their hearts, even if they lose those memories, they will have more and better memories in the future, won't they?

Xia Yi looked at the way she was going to cry, sighed in her heart, and said, "it will destroy him."

Su Mian looks at her with wide eyes.

Xia Yi reaches for Su Mian's hand. Her hand is shaking.

"His temper will become more and more impatient, and he will be unable to control himself. If there is depression again, it will be a very bad thing."

"Doctor Xia, help me, help uncle." Su Mian grabs Xia Yi's hand and earnestly asks. "You are the only one who can help us now."

"Don't be so cute." Xia yihurriedly reached out to wipe her tears and said, "you can't cry and hurt your eyes while sitting on the moon. I will help you. I came here today to help you. "

Su Mian took a strong sniff, quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and showed a strong smile. She said, "what should I do now?"

Xia Yi was relieved. She was afraid that Su Mian would cry all the time. Her eyes were red and swollen. Huoting saw her. She was absolutely unlucky.

She cleared her mind and said: "little cute, judging from the current situation in the court, his situation is very serious. Before, it was only when I went to bed at night that I would have hallucinations. Now I can also have hallucinations when I am awake. "

Before, they had a fight in front of Su Mian's delivery room because Huo Ting had a bad illusion and then let his mood out of control.

"Is it so serious? So what should we do now? Do you need surgery? "

"It's no use having an operation." Xia Yi is helpless and says, "in fact, although his brain has been severely damaged before, it has already been well. So, the most important thing now is not to let him be stimulated any more. "

"It doesn't sound very difficult." Su Mian road.

Xia Yi shakes his head directly and says, "but it's not easy to do it."

Su Mian looks strange, "why? Isn't it just for him to rest more, not to be angry, not to work hard? "

"It's not that easy." Xia clapped her on the back of the hand to show her not to worry.

Su Mian hears the words and thinks that uncle can't sleep every day now. Then he is busy with his work and suddenly understands Xia Yi's words.

It's easy to say, but it's really hard to do.Seeing Su Mian's despair, Xia thought that he would not be too cruel?

She reached out and patted Su Mian on the back of his hand, saying, "you don't have to worry too much. In fact, it's not so serious. As long as he controls the source of fear, has a good rest, controls his mood, has a lot of rest, he will soon be OK."

"The source of fear?" Su Mian was confused and asked, "how can I find this?"

There are many things that people are afraid of. Although she doesn't feel that huoting is afraid of anything, from the current situation, there must be something in his heart that he is afraid of. Otherwise, he won't have that terrible illusion.

But how do you find out what's scaring hoting?

Xia Yi opens his hand and looks helpless.

"I've given you the solution, little cute. Next, you can only rely on yourself to seek the truth. I can't help you. "

"If I asked Uncle directly, would he tell me?"

"This I don't know. " Xia Yi said, "you can try it."

Su Mian looks down and thinks seriously.

As soon as Xia looked at it, he couldn't help laughing and said, "in fact, with my understanding of Huo Ting, he should be most afraid of losing you."

Su Mian stared at her.

"Because the last time he lost control, it seemed to be about you. He dreamed that you had children Cough, something's wrong. " Xia Yi said, "so, I think his source of fear is probably related to you. If you think in this direction, you should be right."

Su Mian felt that his chest was heavy, a kind of unspeakable affliction.

Without her knowledge, uncle was suffering alone.

She rubbed her face hard and said, "thank you, Dr. Xia. I think I know how to do it."

If it was uncle who paid more, it's her turn from now on.