When Huo Ting came back, Su Mian was half lying in bed.

The indoor headlight is not turned on, only the desk lamp on the bedside table. Through the lampshade, it shows a little faint yellow light, swaying on Su's white face, casting a mottled shadow.

The dull atmosphere made Huo Ting feel bad at the first time.

He was stunned. Then he walked slowly, sat down beside the bed, held Su's hand tightly, and asked, "little sheep, why did you go to bed so early?"

Su Mianmian turns around and looks at huoting.

Huo Ting saw that there were tears on her face, and his brow wrinkled suddenly, showing a trace of displeasure, "Why are you crying? Tell me, who bullied you? "

No matter who dares to bully Su Mian, you should be prepared to bear his anger.

"Someone bullied me." The tears on Su Mian's face fell silent. She smiled more ugly than crying. She said, "you are the one who bullies me."

Huo Ting was puzzled and said, "Mianmian, what do you say?" How could he bully her? It's too late to hurt her.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting frowned and asked, "who has been here today?"

Chen CE can't be with him all the time, Huo Zun?

It's impossible. In fact, he doesn't know much, so it's just

"Has summer come?"

"Can we put the topic on us and not talk about other people?" Su Mian said with a little collapse.

This scared Huo Ting, he quickly hugged Su Mian, patted her on the back, said.

"Mianmian, don't worry. You can say whatever you want to know. Don't do that. I see your tears are like a knife cutting my heart..."

"When you do this dangerous experiment, do you think about my feelings? Won't my heart hurt? " Su Mian hugged Huo Ting's arm and cried, "uncle, how dare you? Why... "

Eyes began to slightly red, said that can't cry, but why or some can't help it?

Every time I think about it, my heart starts to quiver.

How dare he stimulate the brain by electric current?

Huo Ting's face darkened. He frowned and said in a cold voice, "did Xia Yi tell you?"

"You don't care who told me that." Su wiped his tears and looked up at him. "Uncle, how long are you going to keep it from me?"

"Mianmian, don't worry. Look, I'm ok now."

Huo Ting tried to speak to Su Mian in a very gentle tone, "I didn't mean not to tell you about that, I just wanted to tell you when it's over."

"How could it be ok?" Su Mian cried out excitedly, "that's the experimental treatment, which has never been successful before. Dr. Bart is very powerful, but he is not completely sure. He is doing experiments with you at all. "

The more she said it, the more she felt hurt and aggrieved. She also complained about Dr. Bart. He knew it was very dangerous. Why did he help Huo ting with the experimental treatment?

How can he compensate an uncle for her in case of an accident?

"Don't be excited." Seeing Su Mian's appearance, Huo Ting was also frightened.

He didn't think of it. Xia Yi even told Dr. Bart.

He hugged Su Mian very hard. "It's gone. Don't be angry again, OK?"

Su Mian pushed him away, not happy, "how can it be ok? You can't sleep because of hallucinations every day. Aren't you going to tell me such a big thing? "

Huo Ting's breath is sluggish. She even knows about it?

"I just don't want you to worry." Huo Ting was helpless, he said, "you have a big stomach, you can produce at any time. If I tell you the truth at this time, in case of an accident, you are not the only one who will be hurt. Mianmian, I dare not take risks, do you understand? "

Don't say that he was in a bad situation at this time. Even before he had no illusions, he didn't dare to take risks.

In his heart, Su Mian is the most important. What he wants to make sure is that she is OK. As for the rest, he can't control so much and doesn't want to.

Even if Su Mian gets angry when he learns the truth, he enjoys it.

Everything, as long as she is safe.

"Well, let's not say that for the time being, but what's the matter with medicine?" Su Mian asked nervously, "I heard that there seems to be something wrong with the ingredients of the medicine. Not only can it not cure you, but it will make your hallucinations more and more serious!"

Huo Ting was a little upset. He thought that Xia Yi had said that Is there anything she didn't say?! Even something wrong with the medicine was said.

Now little sheep are having a baby. Worrying about so many things will definitely affect their recovery.

However, his face did not show any dissatisfaction.He held Su Mian's hand and said softly, "it's not sure for the time being. Xia Yi is just sure that there is something wrong with the medicine, but it will take time to find out if Dr. Bart replaced it."

"Then what?" Su Mianmian was very worried and said, "uncle, there is something wrong with the medicine, so you can't take it any more now?"

"Don't worry." Huo Ting hurried. "As soon as Xia gave me a new prescription, I'll be all right soon."

Hoting opened her hand again and held her in her arms. "Mianmian, can you believe me? I'm really OK. In fact, as long as you are by my side, as long as I can be with you, I have nothing to do. "

Looking at the tenderness on his face, Su Mian's grievance in his heart is like the flood of the sluice gate, which has erupted and can no longer be controlled.

Her Whoa, cry out, the feeling of grievance, let Huo Ting extremely distressed, can only use all his strength to embrace her, gently pat coax.

"It's OK. It's all over." Huo tingrou soothes.

Is it really all over? Why does she think it's not that simple?

Su Mian's mood was a little better after venting for a while. She sniffed and said, "uncle, I have a question for you. If you can answer me seriously this time, I won't be angry with you."

"Well, you say."

"What scares you the most?" Su Mian thought about it and asked directly.

After hearing Su Mian's words, Huo Ting suddenly stiffened slightly.

Su Mian felt it. She looked up at him and looked at him.

She said, "you must not deceive me!"

Huo Ting looked at her deeply, sighed, then hugged her hard, and said in her ears.

"What I fear most That is to lose you! "