
Mianmian won't be so cruel to him!

Mianmian said that he will never leave himself!

So, this must be an illusion! It's not true!

Huo Ting opened his eyes again, looked at his eyes calmly, and said one by one, "I will not let you around. My thoughts can only be controlled by myself. Get out of here!"

He said that he put out his hand and clapped Su Mian. Suddenly, his hand passed through Su Mian.

"Su mian" disappeared!

When I open my eyes again, there is a stretch in the room, as well as Xia Yi.

"Continuous..." He shouted hoarsely.

Su Mian reached for Huo Ting's hand and said, "uncle, how do you feel now?"

Uncle suddenly had a fever and couldn't wake up. Then he kept talking in his sleep.

Su Mian was almost scared, but he didn't care about the middle of the night, so he hurriedly called Xia Yi.

When summer came, he was diagnosed with hallucination.

Su Mian is even more anxious to hear it. He has been shouting his name in his ear. Fortunately, he finally woke up.

Xia yawned and said, "just wake up, you can frighten little cute."

After Huo Ting woke up, he kept silent and stared at Su Mianmian. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Mian asked anxiously, "Dr. Xia, isn't uncle Shao silly?"

As soon as Xia came to have a look, he said, "it shouldn't be."

"Summer one." Cried hoting suddenly.

Summer nodded.

"I decided to cooperate with the treatment." Hoting said.

His hallucination is getting more and more serious. In the past, he only came to disturb him when he was sleeping, which made him not sleep well.

Now, the ability of hallucination seems to be getting stronger and stronger. It is no longer satisfied with jumping in sleep. It wants to appear in the world all the time and show Huo Ting his wild ability.

This is not a good phenomenon for Huo ting.

In the daytime, hallucinations still appear. They cross the boundary of day and night, and really show their ability.

The most terrible thing is not only that. What makes huoting feel panic is Su Mian's desperate words to himself in the illusion.

What huoting is most afraid of is that Su Mian will leave himself and have an accident. But in the illusion, these things often happen.

Especially in recent times, Su Mian has lost all sorts of feelings in his hallucinations. In many cases, he often has to be able to recognize that it is an illusion at the last moment, rather than the real Su Mian.

The most difficult thing for Huo ting to accept is that every time, he has to break up the illusion, even if it's fake, it still makes him feel bad!

Huo Ting is really afraid, not of hallucinations, but of hurting Su Mian without knowing it.

He finally made up his mind to cure his hallucinations.

Xia Yiyang raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised by his decision.

She thought that even Su Mianmian's advice would take some time. Who knows that she succeeded so quickly?!

"Just..." Huo Ting thought for a moment and said, "you can give me some more time, and we will not leave until we have finished the month."

In fact, Xia Yi suggested that huoting should stay away from s city and find a place to have a good rest.

The previous proposal was naturally rejected by him.

When hearing that Huo Ting was going to let go of all the treatment of hallucinations, Su Mian held his hand in surprise, looked excited and said, "as long as you agree."

Anyway, she is less than half a month away from the end of the month, not long.

The company is so big, uncle has to deal with it, and there are luggage. This time, Su Mian is ready for the long-term Anti Japanese war!


When they decided to leave s city to get sick, they found that there were so many things to prepare.

For example, how to tell Dongdong?

Su Mian was naturally reluctant to part with Dongdong, but Huo Ting didn't suggest taking him there.

Because they don't have the time and energy to take care of Dongdong, they need to take the two babies with them. After all, they are too young to leave Su Mian, but they will also ask the nanny to take care of them.

Winter and winter are different. He's smart. I don't think the nanny and bodyguard can see him.

One of the most important things in life happened in Dongdong when Su was struggling with how to talk to Dongdong.

That's a tooth change!

The place where the teeth are missing in winter and winter is just two big incisors, and the air leaks when speaking.

He looked at the mirror carefully and found that he was a lot uglier. When he heard Su Mian and Huo Ting were leaving, he was suddenly sad.

"BAABAA, are you not taking me because I am ugly?" Winter and winter wear hats and sunglasses recently, even indoors, at night.As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Ting wanted to hit his ass.

"Huo Dongdong, take off your sunglasses! What sunglasses do you wear at night! "

Dongdong looks at huoting in a melancholy way, and replies, "Dad is going to leave me more than you, and he cares about this little detail."

Huo Ting: "..."

"Honey, we're not leaving you. I'm going to treat your father this time." Su Mianmian and Dong Dong Dong get along like adults all the time. She always tells him the truth.

Dongdong lowers his head, but he knows more or less that daddy is not in good health. Baa Baa is accompanied by him for treatment, but he is still a little unhappy.

He covered his mouth and said, "then why did you take my brothers there?"

Huo Ting said impatiently, "well, Huo Dongdong, how old are you? And the baby? "

"Hoting, you will only attack me!"

"Huo Dongdong, you are against me! Dare to call my name directly! "

"In a hurry! Don't care about such details, Dad! " Muttering in winter.

"Well, uncle, please don't say a word." Su Mian hurriedly holds Dongdong in her arms.

“……” Huo Ting could not be fierce to Su Mian. He was stunned and said, "every time, how defeated a mother is!"

"Dongdong, what's wrong with your mouth?" Su Mian found that the expression he understood was very unnatural.

Dongdong quickly covers his mouth and says, "it's OK."

"Show me!"

"No way!"

Huo Ting's silent discovery, the two people once again ignored themselves.

Su Mian grabs Dong Dong's hand and starts scratching his stomach.

Dongdong tried hard to hold back his smile, but he couldn't hold it for a while. He laughed.

"Why, you changed your teeth in winter!" Su Mian finally saw it.

Dong Dong is stupefied, then continues to cover his mouth.

"BAABAA, isn't it ugly?"

"Not ugly! Honey, it's normal to change your teeth. Everyone will do this, which proves that you've grown up! " Su Mian said with a smile.