Dongdong has a small chest and says, "yes! I'm a big kid! I can take care of BAABAA and my brothers later. "

Huo Ting coughs hard at this time.

Dongdong took a look at him and added, "and daddy."

"I don't need you to take care of me, neither do your mommy. She's my woman. I'll take care of her." Huo Ting said very seriously, "just take care of yourself. We'll be back soon. You're here to listen. You can't skip class or fight. You know?"

"I know." Dongdong looks up and asks, "can I go to see you when I have a holiday?"

"Of course." Said Su Mian.

Dongdong hugs Su Mian and says, "BAABAA, I will miss you."

"Me too."

What to do? Before she left, she began to be reluctant

Huo Ting, on one side, looked at the two men's sticky strength and shook his head speechlessly.


Half a month later, Su Mian and they are ready to leave.

This time, they went to a small town in France, which is rich in lavender. The population of the whole town is only over 1000, most of them are old people. The environment here is beautiful and the four seasons are like spring, which is very suitable for recuperation.

Huo Ting gave Huo's work to Huo Zun for the time being, and Huo Zun expressed great panic.

He has been used to it since childhood. If he is allowed to study explosives in the research room, he is OK and can do well.

He is not good at being president and making decisions in meetings.

For this reason, Chen CE, who has been following Huo Ting, can't help but stay to help Huo Zun.

And black housekeeper also can't follow, he needs to stay in s city to take care of winter and winter.

Finally, along with Su Mian, Mary and the captain, as well as two other nannies, were in charge of taking care of the two babies.

"Little cute, come here." Xia Yi said with a smile.

Su Mian patted Huo Ting's hand and said, "I'll go first."

Huo Ting looked at Xia Yi and released his hand.

"Brother, when will you come back? I'm really afraid alone. You know, I'm most afraid of meeting. What if I fall asleep at the meeting? " Huo Zun took Huo Ting's hand and kept howling.

Huo Ting: "..."

He's afraid to talk to him again, he can't help beating people.

Chen CE understood Huo Ting's eyes. He hurriedly went up and said, "boss, please rest assured that if you fall asleep, I will wake him up when the meeting is over."

Huo Zun: "..."


Xia Yi hands Su Mian a medicine bag on his back. The latter takes it and opens it to find that it is divided into two small bags.

She looked up a little puzzled, "Dr. Xia, these..."

"The blue bag contains the medicine I prescribed for the court. There is a small note in it, which lists the way to eat. As for the other one, it's a first aid kit. After all, it's quiet here. In case of any emergency, it's more convenient to have one. "

"Thank you."

Xia Yi smiled and handed over a small bag, saying, "there is a pair of handcuffs, ropes and other tools used to restrain people in it."

Su Mian was surprised and puzzled. When he took the bag, he opened it and found that what she said was in it. "Dr. Xia, we don't seem to be able to use these things."

"You can use it." Xia Yi said with a smile. "The drugs I gave to the court this time were all those with few side effects. It was just because of this that the efficacy was not so good. In this way, it is easy to hurt you when the court falls into illusion. What's in it is used to restrain him when he has hallucinations, in case of unnecessary troubles. "

"Stay." Huo Ting agreed to take the bag from Su Mianmian and put it properly.

Seeing this, Xia Yi suddenly said, "little cute, court, I have something to remind you. My idea is to hope that the court can reduce its dependence on drugs and rely on its own willpower to defeat hallucinations. These nerve soothing drugs, more or less, can make people dependent, so, to eat less or try to eat less. "

"I remember." Su Mianmian grabs a small book and seriously records Xia Yi's words.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she looked up and said, "doctor Xia, since it's not good to take medicine, can we not take it?"

"No way." Xia Yi shook his head and said, "the situation in the court is very serious. It's impossible to go on without taking some drugs to relieve nerves. Therefore, we must come to eat it on time, but as the situation gets better, the amount of medicine will be reduced. "

"So it is." Su Mian showed an expression that I understood, and quickly wrote down several strokes in the book.

At first sight of Xia, he smiled twice and then looked at Huo Ting positively. "In fact, the most important thing is when the court has hallucinations. Once you find out that the court has hallucinations, it's better to lock the court in the room, and you should watch him. If the situation is more serious, it's better to tie him up. ""Really?" Su Mian is a little sad.

Where is the treatment of hallucinations? It's like detoxification.

Just thinking about it, she felt sour.

"Uncle..." She turned her head and looked at Huo ting. Her eyes were a little red.

Huo Ting is light, not nervous at all. He took Su Mian's hand and whispered, "believe me, it will be OK."

Su Mian nodded hard.

"It will be all right! You'll be better soon. "

Xia Yi looked at them with a smile and said, "you should be prepared mentally. The process of treating hallucinations will be very long, and you can't worry. Maybe a few months, maybe a year or two, it depends on your cooperation. Anyway, I will fly to see you every month. "

"Thank you, Dr. Xia." Su Mian said gratefully.

Xia Yi shrugged and said, "it's OK."

After they had finished speaking, Dongdong ran over, took the long hand of rasu, and said, "Baa Baa, do I have something to tell you?"

Su Mian bends down, and then Dongdong says in her ear, "Baa Baa, I secretly tell you a secret about daddy. He actually liked you a long time ago. I peeked at his diary not long ago. Did you know each other in the cake shop? He fell in love with you at first sight... "

Su Mian looks up at huoting, who looks at her deeply.

It suddenly occurred to her that their first meeting

It turns out that at such an early age, they put each other in mind?

Dongdong is still talking, but huoting's eyes are more and more gentle.

Su Mian suddenly felt that he didn't need to be afraid even if there were any difficulties waiting for him, because they were together!