
The drizzle, like the tears of sadness when lovers break up, flutters and falls with the wind.

Huo Ting appeared at the top of the landing gear of the plane. He was dressed in a pure black suit with a white flower on his chest. His face was heavy and he could not see what he was thinking.

He was holding a child in his right hand, in his same black suit, and his chubby little face was full of smiles. Holding a small plane in both hands, he is playing happily.

He holds a black umbrella in his left hand. When he raises it, he shakes it gently. The black umbrella is like a peacock on the screen. His thin body is plump in an instant.

Huo Ting turned back and whispered two words. This was the first step to get off the plane with the baby in his arms.

It was su Mian, who also had a child in her arms. They are also in mother and son's clothes, with a black tone and a little white flower on their chest.

What's different is that the baby in her arms looks the same as Huo ting. She tightly purses her lips and looks calm. With the same small face as Huo Ting, Huo Ting is the second one.

Su Mian looks down at the baby in her arms, with a flash of guilt in her face.

For two children, Su Mian has indelible guilt in her heart.

In the past two years, because of Huo Ting, she has neglected too many children.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the two children are not so close to her and hoting. The eldest brother is OK, his nature is more lively, but he doesn't notice anything.

But the second child is different. He is quiet. Although he is still young, he is sensible. He seldom gets close to his parents like a normal age child.

This situation may have something to do with sexuality, but Su Mianmian still feels that if she can accompany her children more in the past two years, their character will not become like this.

After they got off the plane, Huo Zun, Dong Dong and Chen CE were waiting for them.

"Baa Baa!" Dongdong runs to Su Mian.

In two years, winter and winter have grown from one meter one to one meter thirty-nine. For seven year olds, they are quite tall.

"Winter, long time no see, you seem A little higher. " Su Mian said with a smile.

Huo Chen in her arms looked at Dongdong in the north without expression.

"I'm one meter four now!" Said the winter.

Huo put his big hand on his head and said, "it's one meter thirty-nine."

"Second uncle is really annoying." Dongdong takes his big hand down.

Su Mian saw Huo Chenbei in his arms and said, "Beibei, this is your brother. Do you remember?"

Their two years abroad, as long as winter vacation will fly past.

However, the two children may still be too young to recognize people. Especially in Beibei, every time he is asked to call people, he has an expression of not knowing.

In fact, what Su Mian doesn't know is that her children are just too lazy to shout.

The little iceberg looked at Dongdong in the north, then turned to Su Mian, who had no interest.

Huo Zun said with emotion, "this child and eldest brother are very similar."

Huo Chenxi, another lively boss, cried happily and said, "cackle in winter."

Dongdong is now over the age of playing with children. He's really cool.

Chen CE came up and said, "boss, do you want to go there now?"

Huo Ting nodded and said, "go ahead. If we don't go to see the old man as soon as we get back, he will be angry..."


A group of people drove directly to Huo Zhenyuan's burial ground.

The cemetery is located on a hill on the outskirts of the city. It was bought by Huo Zhenyuan at a high price while he was still alive.

When they arrived, the tombstone of Huo Zhenyuan was full of people, all dressed in black, with black umbrella, solemn atmosphere, as if the air was solidified.

When Huo ting and them went this way, a black bodyguard next to Qiao Anqi first found out that he leaned over and lowered his voice: "madam, Huo ting and they are here."

"At last?" Qiao Anqi smiled coldly. The sweetness in her eyes was gone. All that remained was cold and terrible.

She turned back and led the seven or eight bodyguards to walk slowly towards them.

When they arrived, Qiao Anqi stopped and looked at huoting and said coldly, "what else are you doing back?"

Huo Ting looked at her coldly and said nothing.

"Brother yuan has been divorced from your father son relationship. I hope you don't harass him again."

Qiao Anqi's voice was a little sharp and cold, and her publicity was not like her husband just died.

"Have you said enough?" Huo Ting's cold way. He snorted and said, "if you have enough, get out of the way."

He spoke so sharply that he didn't give face at all, and in front of the crowd, Qiao Anqi suddenly turned black, thinking that Huo Ting was going to show his face deliberately."Huo Ting, don't go too far. When brother yuan was still alive, you made him angry again and again. One time, he almost got angry and was hospitalized. How disappointed he was with you when he was able to break away from you. Since he didn't want to see you before he died, I don't want to be angry with you after he died. "

She said, people once again step forward, without fear of looking at the opposite huoting, "please leave, whether it is brother yuan or I do not welcome you."

Huo Ting crossed Qiao Anqi's face with that cold vision, and swept to a group of Huo's relatives nearby. He said coldly: "break away from father son relationship? Can I have actual credentials? "

"At that time, it made headlines for several days. Why?! Don't you forget how many people are important? "

"So what? To break the relationship, we need to go through legal documents. I didn't go with the old man. " Hoting said coldly, "those are just disputes between our two father and son."

Qiao angqi's expression is stiff, low voice scolds angrily, "despicable!"

"What do you say?!" Huo zunhuo rushes up.

This woman even dare to scold his eldest brother in front of him. Huo Zun is so angry that he can't wait to beat her up.

After Huo Zun rushes up, the bodyguards around Qiao angqi are not willing to show weakness.

The two sides stand up against each other. Su Mian stands behind huoting holding a baby in one hand, while Dong Dong looks up at them coldly. He stands in front of Su Mian and starts to protect Su Mian and his brothers.

After a while, Huo Ting said coldly, "enough!"

The cold fury of Nathan was like an ice knife scraping on the faces of all the people, making them all hang their heads and dare not make a sound.

He then took back his sight, fell on Qiao Anqi's face, and said, "I am the eldest son of the Huo family. Can't I worship my own father?"

"You will not be soon." Qiao angqi said with a cold smile.