"You will not be soon."

As soon as Qiao Anqi's words came out, Huo Zun immediately asked, "what do you mean by that?"

"Huo Er Shao, please respect yourself!" The bodyguard stopped him again.

Qiao Anqi looked behind her, and then a man with an umbrella stepped forward, bowed to Huo Ting, and said, "Huo Shao, Huo Er Shao has been missing for a long time."

"Lawyer Wang?"

Lawyer Wang has always been Huo Zhenyuan's lawyer. His appearance means

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Mr. Huo came to our law firm three months ago and made a will in front of us. So, I'd like to tell you that at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, please come to our law firm on time. I'll read out Mr. Huo's will then."

After that, Lawyer Wang once again made a salute to the crowd, and then pushed back to the crowd.

"Have you heard what Lawyer Wang said?" Qiao angqi complacently said, "tomorrow you several remember to arrive on time."

"All right, get out of here. I really don't want the old man to go unclean." Huo Zun waved and said, "let's go."

"I said you can worship..."

Huo Ting was not angry at all, but slowly put his right hand into the inner pocket of his coat, and then took it out. When he took it out, the black hole of the gun was directly aimed at Qiao Anqi's forehead.

The latter was shocked, his face suddenly paled, and a drop of cold sweat slipped from his ear.

She never thought Huo Ting would have a gun.

Huo Ting snorted coldly, "I'm going to worship my father now. Does anyone dare to stop me?"

Leng Li's eyes swept one by one, including Qiao Anqi, but no one dared to contradict.

"You, you put down the gun!" Qiao Anqi said uneasily.

There was no more complacency in her face.

Huo Ting didn't put away the robbery. He shot several times in the sky.

Bang Bang Bang

Joanne screamed with fear.

Su Mianmian also squatted down and carried the two babies into his arms.

Winter Leng Leng Leng, did not expect that they will also be su Mian up.

Isn't he a big boy?

Huo men can't hide in women's arms.

After winter and winter, he thought and thought, forget it, only occasionally. He held out his small hand and held Mianmian and his brothers together.

But Xiaoxi and Beibei are very calm, not frightened.

"Get out of the way!" Hoting said coldly.

Qiao angqi dare not stop him any more. She murmured to the madman and retreated.

Huo Ting then took back his gun. He turned to look at Su Mian and said, "Mian, Dongdong, let's go and worship the old man."

"OK." Return to the road in winter and winter.

They went over the crowd towards the tombstone.

The tombstone of Huo Zhenyuan is very ornate, and the bust of him is engraved on the top of the one person high tombstone.

The black Zhongshan suit, with a heavy face, looks like Huo ting.

Huo Ting looks at the photo of Huo Zhenyuan quietly, with a complicated look.

"Mommy, this man Who? " Asked Xiao Xi.

Su Mian replied, "he is your grandfather."

Before the birth of the two babies, Huo Zhenyuan was extremely looking forward to seeing them, but after the birth, he never saw them.

So it's no wonder they don't know they have grandfathers.

Dongdong respectfully saluted Huo Zhenyuan.

For Dongdong, grandpa is just a noun, and he has no feelings with him.

Huo ting and Huo Zun have mixed feelings.

In particular, Huo Zun's eyes turn red when he sees the photo.

When people are gone, they always think of something beautiful.

Before Qiao Anqi married, his relationship with Huo Zhenyuan was actually OK. How could it become this step?

The light rain has been falling. Everyone's face is wet. It's not clear whether it's tears or rain.

Huo Ting looks at Huo Zhenyuan in the picture. After a long time, he whispers: "old man, is this your choice?"

For the sake of that woman, she would not hesitate to be divorced from her father and son, and would not hesitate to be laughed at.

Pay so much, what can be exchanged?

Cold coffins, dark floors?

At that moment, Huo Ting clenched his fist, and his whole body was full of uncontrollable anger.

"Big brother, I still don't believe it. That's how the old man went." Huo Zun said.

"I'll find out. If there's something wrong with the cause of his death, I'll never let the culprit go."

His voice was very light, but he was still heard by Joanne Qi standing behind him.

She was angry, like a kitten who was annoyed. She stretched out her sharp claws and rushed straight to it.

Hoting's bodyguards come forward and stop her.Qiaoanqi desperately grabbed the handkerchief and said angrily, "Huo Ting, what do you mean by that?"

Soon everything was hers. Why didn't they look at her?!

And Su Mian! What's so great about you!

To see her say nothing!

Hoting didn't care about him at all.

Huo Zun turns around discontentedly and says, "what does my eldest brother say to you? You stare at us all the time? Isn't it your lack of heart? "

"You!" "Qiao angqi angrily scolds a way," you bully a weak woman very interesting? "

"Neuropathy, who spoke to you?" Huo Zun said impatiently, "whoever answers me is a psychopath!"

"Well, you will pay for what you said." Qiao Anqi coldly left this sentence and took a group of bodyguards to leave the cemetery.

After the end of Dongdong's onlooking, he said, "Er Shu, she still took your words. Did she admit that she was insane?"

He didn't go far enough, and he was half angry when he stopped listening to Dongdong's words.

She can't go back and scold Huo Zun, can she?

She clenched her teeth and thought, tomorrow, you have nothing!

Do you still laugh?!


Huo Zun and Dong Dong secretly make an eye.

Huo Ting ignores what just happened. He looks at Huo Zhenyuan's picture in silence.

For Huo Zhenyuan, all he can do is to send him on his last trip today.

After a while, Su Mian couldn't help sneezing.

Huo Ting turned to look at her and realized that he had been here for a long time.

He stood up and said, "long, let's go."

Su Mian nodded, and she helped Dongdong up. Dongdong looked at Xiaoxi, his younger brother, who was very lively. He couldn't see him. This guy even reached for Huo Zhenyuan's picture.

Dongdong quickly grabbed him back and said, "Baa Baa, hold Beibei, I'm looking at Xiaoxi."

Su Mian nodded.

When they left the cemetery, Huo Ting finally looked back at Huo Zhenyuan.

Goodbye, old man! I hope you won't be so confused in your next life.