In the evening, Su Mian talks about K with Huo ting.

As soon as Uncle heard the name of K, he began to be jealous.

Su Mian is speechless, she said, "uncle, K is my brother, you are really unnecessary to eat this vinegar."

"Mianmian, are you a little too nice to him?" Huo Ting said unhappily, "besides, if you want to ask for tutor, I can help you find it."

In fact, what Huo Ting wants to say is that he doesn't need to go to the exam at all. He can take care of any school he wants to go to.

Su Mian couldn't help turning a white eye and said, "I want to take the exam myself. Besides, don't talk about it. I think K's coming back this time has something to hide from me..."

She wanted to ask about the Su family, but K didn't answer her question positively.

It's been more than two years. In fact, she's already let go.

If it wasn't for Sophie, she wouldn't even think of them.

"You want to know?" Asked hoting.

Su Mian nodded and said, "do you know? Uncle, since I knew that Qiao Anqi was Sophie, I have I'm very insecure. "

Huoting takes Su Mian to the study and hands her a document.

He took a deep look at her and said, "in fact, I have been contradicting whether to show you this survey data."

Su Mian showed a surprised expression. She took over the thick stack of information, opened it and looked down.

She turned page by page, with a feeling of Indescribability in her heart.

The information is about sufeifei, everything.

At that time, Su Feifei once kidnapped Su Mian. Huo Ting was so angry that he drove all the people of the Su family abroad.

In fact, even if so, their family's life will not be too sad.

Suweize has already transferred Sujia's industry abroad, and such a large amount of money is enough for them to eat and use. It's enough for a lifetime.

It's a pity that sufeifei was so extravagant that she could not change her nature even if she changed her place.

Abroad, spending money is still extravagant, regardless of the current situation at home.

As for suvizer, he has his own world in China. But when he went abroad, although he had some money in his hand, no one was willing to take care of him.

Compared with abroad, that is fundamentally different.

At the age of suvizer, it can be said that he was not successful.

His life is not comfortable and his mood is not good. In fact, his temper was not very good. Now, it's even more inflamed. He can't find a way to vent his anger. At last, he can only throw all his anger on the head of Bai Meifeng.

Every time his temper comes up, he will start to beat baimeifeng. And it's more and more ferocious. She can't get out of bed for several days.

It's OK to fall twice at a time, but for a long time, where can Bai Meifeng survive.

If it wasn't for Sophie, she couldn't make it.

Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. When a person is oppressed for a long time, once he resists, the consequences are terrible.

While baimeifeng was angry and scared, she and sufeifei killed suweize by mistake.

After killing people, both were scared.

But people are dead. They can't let the facts change.

Later, Bai Meifeng was arrested. She admitted that she killed people, while Sophie fled, lost her place and fled everywhere.

The information that Huo Ting found is here at last, and can't be found further.

After reading all the information, Su Mian closes the folder.

Suvizer's life was miserable, and he was killed by his close relatives.

"Uncle, after reading these, I found that I had no feeling for them." Su Mian asked, "do you think I'm cold-blooded?"

"No." Huo Ting holds her hand and lightly says, "he was so cruel to you in those days. Now it's his own fault."

Su Mian leans her head on Huo Ting's shoulder.

She understood what K didn't say. Su Zheyu was a cowardly man. Knowing that his father was killed by his mother and sister, he couldn't accept the reality

So he disappeared.

So, he will finally tell k that he wants to be a normal person.

Because, his family are all "abnormal"?!

"Mianmian, don't think about it. These things have nothing to do with you. They are all irrelevant people."

Uncle is right. No matter what suvizer has done to her before, it will disappear in the fence of memory with his death.

Everything is gone.

It's all over


Qiao angqi didn't have time to find Su Mian's troubles recently, because she was in big trouble."What do you say?" She screamed, losing her image.

Although the manager at the other end of the phone was afraid, he said: "madam, it's true that Zheng Shao has delayed the cooperation with our company indefinitely."

With that, he heard the sound of breathing on the other end of the phone, which was a little oppressive. It was obvious that Qiao Anqi was very angry.

"Impossible." Joanne Qi tried her best to find her voice. This cooperation has been determined for a long time, and it is impossible to change it halfway.

Long before Huo Zhenyuan died, she had already begun to discuss this cooperation with Zheng Shao.

It can be said that for the sake of this cooperation, Zheng Shao has already begun to prepare for it, and there is absolutely no need for a sudden cut-off.

She doesn't believe it. There must be something wrong.

"Madame, how dare I lie to you?" The manager began to cry.

"Qiao angqi said maliciously:" you have made it clear to me, what's going on

The manager secretly grabbed the pad and wiped the tears on his face. Then he continued to hold the mobile phone and said eagerly: "madam, actually when I heard this news, I didn't believe it. After all, it's an early decision, and both companies have made preparations for it. "

Joanne Qi was there, snorting, "how dare you tell me something you are not sure about? I spent so much money to ask you to do things. That's how you perfunctorize me? "

"Madam, you misunderstood me. We dare to In order to verify the truth of this matter, I also went to Zheng Shao's company. In the end, I personally confirmed it from Zheng Shaona. "

Qiao angqi suddenly felt that her face began to hurt again. She covered her face with one hand and grasped the phone with the other hand. She was furious. "How could this happen?"

What's wrong with Zheng Shao?

"I don't know why, but if it is true, our company will be in trouble. If you delay like this, I'm afraid... "

The manager's face was so sweaty that he couldn't speak any more.