Recently, there have been so many troubles in the company. Stocks, in particular, have fallen in tandem.

If it wasn't for the cooperation with Zheng Shao company, I'm afraid it would not last.

And now it's happening again. I don't know what the company will look like.

"Enough." Qiao Anqi interrupts his phone, glances at him, and hangs up.

What the hell is going on?

Because of her anger, one of her faces was distorted, not like a person.

Her face hurt so much that she was in the sofa. After a while, she began to relax.

She grabs her cell phone again and dials Zheng Shao.

When the phone rang again, no one answered. Qiao Anqi was even more angry.

It's just like building blocks. When one layer of building blocks has problems, all the building blocks will collapse completely.

Pressing the anger in his heart, Qiao angqi calls Zheng Shao again.

Rang for a long time, just when Qiao angqi was about to hang up, the phone suddenly connected.

Qiao Anqi immediately snorted angrily: "Zheng Shao, what's the matter with you? Why is the cooperation suddenly shelved? And I'm still looking forward to putting it on hold. You'd better give me a reasonable explanation. "

Zheng Shao is sneering over there.

"Cooperation? You still talk to me about cooperation? Where else am I in the mood to cooperate with you? Now I can't protect myself. As for you, please help yourself. "

Recently, his own company has been sniped in all aspects.

All the reserve funds are transferred out, let alone the new plans, even some of the old ones are put on hold.

In such an environment, he has no time to worry about other people's lives.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Shao hung up the phone without waiting for Qiao Anqi to reply.

Looking down at the beeping phone in her hand, Qiao Anqi couldn't suppress her anger any more. She threw the phone out and broke it into pieces.

Looking at the fragments of that place, Qiao Anqi was even more upset, but her face began to hurt more and more, like someone holding a knife scraping the bone of her face.

It's a pain from the bone, it's hard to bear.

She covered her face for a long time, but she did not see the relief of pain.

"Damn it." She cursed in a low voice and clapped her hand on the table.

After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and called Dr. Qian. As soon as she got through, she couldn't wait to ask, "Dr. Qian, have I arranged the operation time?"

She can't wait for a moment. The pain is so bad these days. She has taken several bottles of pain medicine.

If you go on living like this, I don't know if you will die of pain. I'm afraid that you will become a ghost like a human.

"It has been arranged." Dr. Qian finally brought good news to Joanne.

Joanne Qi finally laughed, but she couldn't see how terrible her smile was.

"When is that?! My face can't wait... "

"You can rest assured that the operation will be scheduled for next Monday. My senior brother will operate on you personally."

"That's great!"


The two children of Huo family have adapted to go to kindergarten. Huo Chenxi's means of skipping classes are not worth mentioning in front of that winter and winter.

Besides, there is iceberg baby who has been watching him in the north, so he can only be obedient.

It's just that when Xiaoxi gave his love letter to Beibei, the most lovely girl in her class, he blew up again.

he is as like as two peas in North, he is also more lovely than Beibei, what he eats is more than Beibei. Why not love him?

To this end, North North looked at a face angry big brother, very sensible to pass the love letter to him, said, "I give you."

Then, once again to stimulate the fragile little heart of Xi, he ran with tears.

Who wants your love letter! That's not for him! Whimper My brother is a real nuisance.

Su Mian looks at this scene without words. When she really wants to find Xiaoxi, huoting says.

"If you can't find your second brother to solve your own work, you can beat him up."

North slanted head to think, said, "can I beat it?"

"Yes." Huo Ting returned.

Su Mian couldn't see it anymore, and said, "wait a minute, Xiao Xi is lovelorn. It's not good for him to do this again!"

"You can't spoil him too much." Hoting said.

It's not a pet, is it?

Su Mian is just crying.

Why do Huo's men like to use their fists to solve problems?

"Mianmian, I have something to tell you." Huo Ting shifts the subject, "about Sophie."

Su Mianmian is sure to be successfully transferred by huoting. She doesn't care about Xiaoxi. After seeing her parents in the north, she decides to leave for Xiaoxi."Uncle, what's going on?"

Huo Ting thought for a moment and asked, "Mianmian, do you remember the information I read with you before?"

"I remember." Su Mian replied softly, "from the data, the reason why Sophie can come back for revenge is that someone supports her behind her, and this person should be Zheng Shao. Isn't this confirmed? Is there a change? "

"Yes, there is another person behind sufeifei. Zheng Shao is just a cover."

"How could this happen?" Su Mian is shocked.

How could this matter be so complicated? What kind of background does Sophie have? No, it should be said, who has she known in the past few years?

"I've dealt with Zheng Shao before, but I found that he wasn't the one behind sufeifei after I broke him." Huo Ting Road.

He leaned back with a cold tone. "Zheng Shao and Su Feifei are not as connected as I expected, and Su Feifei's work is sure that someone is supporting her, but there is no Zheng Shao's shadow. It can be seen that there must be a person who has never been seen to control Sophie from behind. "

"Then who is he? Why deal with us? " Asked Su Mian.

Hoting shook his head. "I haven't found it yet."

The man is so hidden that now he has no clue. However, since Su Feifei is in his hands, sooner or later he will be able to find out everything.

Su Mianmian was afraid. I thought that if Zheng Shao was solved, then Su Feifei would be solved completely. But who could have thought that now there is another behind the scenes.

Originally, the black fog from the side suddenly came back, deeper, heavier and more terrible than before.

The cold in her body is not as cold as that in her heart. She can't imagine why someone has to deal with herself secretly.

"Don't be afraid." Huo Ting shook her hand and said, "she will have an operation tomorrow. When her face changes back, the people behind the scenes will show their feet..."


That's really fast