After tomorrow, Su Mian knows from huoting that Su Feifei's operation is going well, and then it's time to wait for the thread to be removed.

It's also waiting for the people behind the scenes to show their feet. This line has been put for so long, and the rest is waiting patiently for the fish to get hooked.

"What are you thinking?" Asked K.

Su Mian hurried back to her senses and said, "I......"


"No." Su Mian focused on the textbook again and asked, "what I just said is this question."

K put his hand on the top of the book and said with a smile, "if you don't pay attention now, take a rest first."

"I can..."

But K insisted. He shook his head and smiled at Su Mian.

At this time, the black housekeeper came up and said, "madam, there are guests coming."


She has not told Xiaojing about her return. Who will come to see her?

"Since there are guests coming, you can meet them first." K smiled and said, "black housekeeper, please give me some more chocolate biscuits, thank you."

"OK." The black housekeeper looked at the empty plate and exclaimed that all five of them had finished.

"Prepare a little more, it's just too little." Said Su Mian.

Black housekeeper: "..." That's for five.

People and animals are harmless.

"OK, I'll have it delivered right away."

"K, then sit for a while, and I'll come back later." Said Su Mian.



Su Mian had just entered the living room when she heard someone shouting at her.

"Madame Mianmian."

Su Mian is slightly shocked. She is surprised to see Mary here.

She was wearing a black dress, delicate makeup, gorgeous red lips, and a pair of ultra-high-heeled black leather shoes of the same color under her feet.

"Sister Mary, why are you here?" Asked Su Mian.

Mary and the captain followed them abroad. After returning home, Huo Ting took Mary's long vacation for the following reasons.

She wants a blind date!

As an old leftover girl, it's really sad that she doesn't have a boyfriend. How about having a miserable Valentine's day alone every year?

Therefore, she asked Huo ting for a long holiday, claiming that she would not come back to work without marrying out.

Mary nodded softly, handed Su Mian an invitation with her hands, and said, "madam, I'm here to invite you to my wedding."

"Wedding?" Su Mian was surprised and said, "are you getting married? What about the captain? "

Marie raised her eyebrows and said, "what 's the matter with him?"

"Ah..." Su Mianmian said, "he likes you."

When he was abroad, the captain always liked to bully Mary. Of course, Mary was the last to bully her back.

It's just a childish way to bully people who like it. It's just It was so naked that everyone could see that the captain liked Mary.

This time Mary asked for a long holiday to make a blind date. The captain also said that she would ask for leave. However, because the work couldn't be handed over, she didn't ask for leave successfully.

Should not because of this, sister Mary found someone else to get married?!

The bride is married. The bridegroom is not me Don't be such a cruel plot, OK?

"All right. So you all know. " Mary said with emotion, "it's really his business this time..."


Su Mianmian quickly opened the invitation and saw that the groom's name was the captain.

She couldn't say whether she was relieved or did.

Mary proudly said, "in fact, I don't have to choose him, but I think it's almost over. He is thick skinned and easy to bully."

Su Mian smiled and said, "I think you're very suitable. Congratulations, but the wedding time is so urgent.

next week is the wedding. Why don't you inform us earlier?"

These two people are so special no matter what they do.

A week's time, can you make it?

"It's not that bastard. It's only the best day that day. I can't find someone to design the wedding dress. It's a loss." Mary's fiery way.

"In this way, the matter of choosing the day is to follow the ancient etiquette. The captain is right, Mary. Don't be angry." Su Mian gently advised.

In fact, Su Mian thinks that the captain is anxious to marry Mary home. They are so happy that their enemies have been quarreling for more than two years. In terms of the time, they should be happy.

In fact, it's not fast.

"It's all the time, no one has it." Marie make complaints about it.

Su Mian pulled the corners of her mouth awkwardly, smiled and refused to take the words.

It took Mary a long time to mutter to herself before she recovered her composure.

She said with a smile, "madam, in fact, I'm here today to ask you for help in addition to sending invitations.""What's the matter?" Su Mian nodded without waiting for Mary's answer: "as long as I can do it, I will help."

"Well, we still lack a pair of flower children for our wedding. I wanted the wedding planning company to find them for us, but the time was too short. They said they couldn't find them, so I thought Don't know if two young masters can be my flower boy? "

"But don't flower girls want a man and a woman?"

Generally speaking, the flower children at weddings are all one man and one woman. It seems that no one has ever seen anyone use two boys to make flower children.

Mary looked at Su's face and said uneasily, "two boys It's OK, too. "

Is that ok?

"I In fact, I don't know much about it. " Su Mian said with deliberation.

"Mrs. Mianmian, if you feel embarrassed, let it go. When I don't say anything." Mary sighed and said, "I think you and boss are very happy, and I've watched two young masters grow up, so I hope my wedding can make them flower children..."

Mary said all these things, and Su Mian could not refuse.

She said, "if you think it's appropriate, I have no problem here."

"Thank you, Madame!" Mary said happily.


"So, who of you is going to wear a little skirt?" Asked Su Mian.


Huo Zhenxi and huochenbei two people point to each other very tacitly.

Then they looked at each other, and said in a tacit voice, "Mommy, I don't want to wear a skirt."

Su Mian looked at them and said, "can I do it all at once?"

"Not good." The two babies simply refused.

Dongdong watched the three people talk about this problem for a day, but there was no result. He came over and pulled rasu's hand and said, "BAABAA, this problem is very simple. I can help you solve it in a word."

"Ask for help in winter!"

Dongdong smiled and said, "look at me."

At this time, Xiao Xi suddenly had an ominous premonition. He could not care to quarrel with Beibei. He threw down his suit and ran to the door.