"Stop him!" Cried winter and winter.

The black housekeeper at the door resolutely picked up the escaped little Xi.

Dongdong looks at Xiaoxi with a bad smile and asks, "Xiaoxi, what are you running for?"

Xiaoxi looked like she was going to cry and said, "brother, don't you want me to wear a skirt? When can I run if I don't? "

Dongdong touched his head and said, "I didn't let you wear it."

"Ah?!" Big brother is so good?!

"Only if you run away, you can wear it!"

"Big brother, I'm not running!" Xiao Xi cried out.

"All right! Since you don't run, you must be willing to wear it, so you should wear it! It's such a happy decision! "

"Big brother QAQ..."

Looking at them expressionless in the north and North, I thought, how could such a stupid man be his identical brother?

Su Mian looks at Xiaoxi with tears and looks at him pitifully.

She rubbed her forehead, which was just too much to bear.

"Otherwise, you decide to guess How about that? " Su Mian suggested.

Xiaoxi looks down and thinks. It seems to be easier to accept.

If you guess boxing, he will not lose to Beibei.

Dongdong looked at it, and couldn't help turning a white eye. How could such a stupid person be his younger brother?

With Xiaoxi's intelligence, it's impossible to win in Beibei.

Huo Chenbei said coolly, "Mommy, you'd better change your way."

Su Mian, with a puzzled expression, asked, "can Beibei tell me why?"

Compared with naughty Dongdong and Xiaoxi, Beibei is not too obedient!

Generally speaking, Su Mian will be obedient to what he says.

Huo Chenbei looked at Huo Chenxi, and after meeting the latter, he also showed a puzzled expression. Then he said: "Xiaoxi is too stupid. He always loses when he guesses with me."

"Hochen north." Huochenxi roared with fire.

Su Mian hurriedly grabbed Huo Chenbei and whispered: "Beibei, I can't talk to my brother like this. Even if that's true, it can't be said that. My brother will be very sad. "

"I don't want to be a flower boy." Huochenxi stared at them angrily and said, "you all bullied me."

"You're too stupid to be told?" Winter said.

"Whoops, Mommy..." Xiaoxi cries and shouts Su Mian.

I hate to be said stupid. Where is he stupid? He's just simple. He's not as complicated as his brother's head.

"Don't cry! The Huo men don't shed tears! " Winter said angrily.

Xiaoxi was most afraid of winter and winter. Hearing this, her tears immediately closed.

Su Mianmian: "..."

Since having two younger brothers, Dongdong has suddenly become a reliable elder brother!

What a feeling in my heart!

Beibei looked at Xiaoxi and said, "Xiaoxi, come and wear your skirt."

"I don't want to..." Huochenxi looked at him without crying and said, "I can't wear a skirt as a man!"

"In exchange, I will refuse the little princess and return her love letter." Huo Chenbei said lightly.

Huo Chenxi was shocked. He turned his head and looked at Huo Chenbei suspiciously. "Really?"

"Of course." Huo Chenbei nodded coolly, "I never lie."

"All right." Under Su Mian's astonished gaze, Huo Chenxi raised his chest and said, "as a brother, how can I let him do what he doesn't want to do? So let me do it! "

He walked over, padded his heels and patted Huo Chenbei on the shoulder. I am the eldest brother and I will treat you well.

Did you agree?

"Mommy, what are you still doing? Help me to wear it! Aunt Mary's wedding is about to begin! "

Su Mianmian: "..."

Is this changing too fast?!

I knew I would give it to Beibei at the beginning.


Su Mianmian helped the two brothers change clothes and walked out of the dressing room one by one.

Outside, Mary and the captain are already waiting for them.

When I saw the three of them coming out, especially the two brothers, almost everyone couldn't move their eyes.

Because it's so cute.

as like as two peas, but two different faces, adorable adorable, it seems that people can't help but want to kiss.

"Mary, I gave them to you." Su Mian walked over with a smile and handed the two babies to Mary.

"Don't worry, madam." Mary said with a smile, "little man, please."

"You're welcome." Xiaoxi said with tears in her eyes.

And the north is cool.


Their wedding ceremony is held on the beach. In the situation of buffet, everyone is a party, simple but comfortable, so that everyone who comes here will not be constrained.Although Mary didn't invite many people to the wedding of the captain, as the Secretary General of Huo ting and Huo Ting's fame, many media came to the scene.

They followed and recorded the whole process of the wedding.

Huochenxi is wearing a wig and a white skirt, while huochenbei is wearing a black suit. Both of them carry a small basket of flowers in their hands. Following Mary and the captain, they scatter flowers as they go. They are just like the golden virgin beside the queen mother.

A lively and lovely, see people laugh, sometimes take out a sugar from your body to give you, instantly get all the people's love.

The other is very quiet, but at a young age, he looks like a heavy old man. Many people feel that they have seen Huo Ting, which is a small version of him.

In this way, the two flower children completely took away the aura belonging to the bridegroom and the bride, and became the most dazzling star.

After the ceremony, the wedding banquet began. Because it's in the form of a buffet, the atmosphere is particularly good.

The endless blue sea, with the salty sea wind blowing in the face is particularly comfortable. From time to time, there will be seagulls flying over. They are not afraid of people. They circle and sing in the air. It seems that they want to sing a new wedding march to Mary and the captain.

Huochenxi and huochenbei are more like fish in water, especially huochenxi, who runs all over the beach. His happy laughter is flying over the beach, adding a lot to the wedding.

At the end of the wedding, the reporter found Su Mian and asked them to take a picture together.

Uncle doesn't like taking pictures. He looks at them in black.

The reporter did not dare to talk to Huo Ting, so he was embarrassed to see Su Mian.

Su Mian smiles and pulls Xiaoxi and Beibei together.

At her request, Huo Chenxi and Huo Chenbei made a gesture of peach heart, and she stood behind them, leaning forward slightly and falling into the peach heart, smiling brilliantly.

There was a click.

A reporter shot the shutter at them.

No one expected that this picture would become the front page headline of the next day, and the two young masters of the Huo family had no different names for a while, and they became the most popular people.