After the wedding, it was the day when Joanne Qi pulled the strings.

She has been waiting for this day for a long time. She called doctor Qian several times in the morning.

However, Dr. Qian came late and finally came. His elder martial brother didn't wake up.

With patience, Qiao angqi asked eagerly, "doctor Qian, can I remove the gauze?"

Her face was wrapped in gauze, and she could not see her face, but the full expectation in her eyes revealed her real emotion.

It was obvious that she was in a hurry to wait for the day.

Doctor Qian smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to speak, his senior brother came in.

Seeing him, Joanne Qi's eyes are shining even more.

"Dr. Wu, will you come in person?" Qiao angqi said with a smile.

It would be better if Dr. Wu helped himself.

Dr. Wu looked at her and said to Dr. Qian, "Xiaoqian, what else do I say you are waiting for? Can't wait to see Mrs. Huo? "

Elder martial brother, do you want to come here to watch the fun?!

Dr. Qian shook his head and smiled. He waved to the nurse not far away. "Come and help."

The nurse smiled and said, "OK, doctor Qian."

Holding a tray, she went to Dr. Qian's side, and helped him to remove the gauze from her face.

Circle after circle, it looks like the things wrapped in mummies.

The white gauze was covered with all kinds of mucus and bloodstains, smelling the pungent smell of medicine.

Can't say the disgust, looks lets the human feel the nausea.

However, several people at the scene seemed to have been used to it for a long time, and no one showed a special look.

Finally, all the gauze on Joanne's face was taken apart.

Qiao Anxi looked at the two men with expectant faces. She moved from the face of Doctor Wu who hung her head and played games to the face of the little nurse, and finally fell on the face of doctor Qian.

"Doctor Qian." "I, how's my face?" she cried eagerly

Dr. Qian just looked at her face and smiled, but he just didn't speak.

Qiao Anqi was a little uneasy in his heart, subconsciously reached out to touch his face.

But when the hand is about to touch the face, it stops again. She dare not touch her face.

But at this time, Dr. Wu suddenly put down the video game.

He looked up at Joanne with that strange expression. Unsatisfied satisfaction is like staring at your favorite work.

"It's good, it's really good." He touched his chin and smiled, "younger martial brother, how are you? Is my skill getting better and better?"

He spoke in a tone that seemed to take Qiao Anqi as a product.

When Qiao Anqi listened to this, she was naturally dissatisfied. However, she finally realized that her face was more important and she was not angry.

Since Dr. Wu said she was satisfied several times, it means her face is OK.

"Come on, show me the mirror." Joanne called at the little nurse.

The little nurse promised, hurriedly turned around to take the mirror back, facing Qiao Anqi, slightly raised.

Qiao angqi looked at the mirror in front of her with full expectation. Her mouth was smiling. At that moment, it was like a flower in bud.

For a moment, her eyes were round and her face was unbelievable. She raised her hand to touch her face and rubbed it vigorously, as if she felt something was covering her face.

"Impossible!" Joanne Qi panicked. "This is not my face."

She grabbed the mirror from the little nurse's hand and looked at it closely.

But no matter how she looks, the face in the mirror has not changed.

When you laugh, she will laugh. When you are angry, she will also be angry.


Joanne Qi screamed and slapped her mirror to the ground.

"Why not your face?" Dr. Wu smiled happily, and the man came close to her, reached her ear, and breathed softly. "You see, I'm such a good man. I give you a perfect face. I don't have to worry about the damage of my face. It won't hurt any more. How good is it? "

Joanne Qi shook her head in horror and murmured, "no, it's not my face."

"Who will believe you?" Dr. Wu stood up straight with a smile. "It's better to have a comfortable face."

"Who the hell are you?" Qiao angqi is frightened and angry. She grabs the quilt and looks alert.

These people even turned her face back. They knew she was Sophie.

"You will know, but not now." Dr. Wu seemed to have lost interest and began to play games again.

Turning around, he said as he walked out, "lock her up.""OK, senior brother." Dr. Qian promised with a smile and chased Dr. Wu out with the little nurse.

Until the three disappeared at the door, Qiao angqi, no, it should be Sophie before she was back.

She screamed, ignoring her shoes, and rushed to the door.

"You can't do this. Let me out..." She grabbed the door and pulled hard inside. "Open the door, you bastards. Damn it. Do you know who I am?"

She slapped the door hard and hurt her hands.

Sufeifei's face was even more angry. "You think it's OK to shut me up? My people will find me! You will not die then. "

A rage sprang up from her heart, and she looked at the closed and tight door in front of her eyes, and immediately became very angry.

How dare these people do this to her!

When her people arrive, she will not let them go!

She wants them all dead!

After she had walked in countless circles in the ward, she went to kick the door with her feet.

"Ah." Sufeifei was in pain and fell to the ground with her feet in her arms, crying in fear. "Why should I be arrested? You bastards, did I kill your family? "

Wuwu Sufeifei was crying, but her anger could not be suppressed, so she grabbed the next thing and began to hit the door.

As she smashed, she scolded, "you short-sighted dogs, I'm the chairman of Huo's enterprise, how dare you shut me up? Seek death, yes, you seek death, I will not let you go. "

Sufeifei was stunned. She didn't know whether she was scolding people outside or telling herself. When she got to the back, her voice had become hoarse because of crying.

"Who are you?" she murmured, leaning against the door, her eyes blankly

Sophie realized that someone had buried a hole for her to jump down.

What's more, the pit seems to have been dug a long time ago?!

There is only one person who can do this!
