Is such a local style really good?

Su Mianmian even thought that after the end, he would take this to the gold shop and sell it. Maybe he could make a set of jewelry.

Of course, it's just her YY.

It's better to collect such gorgeous invitations.

In the lower right corner of the invitation is the prince mark of hamandi.

Huo Ting glanced at the time and frowned slightly.

"I can't spare this time." Huo Ting's light way.

A lot of things were arranged a month or two ago. At this moment, they can't be cancelled at all.

Su Mian hears the words and says, "Oh, it doesn't matter. I'll go there myself."

After hearing Su Mian's words, Huo Ting's brow was even tighter.

He said, "no, I don't trust you to go alone."

The leader of the three said anxiously.

"Mr. Huo, please rest assured that we will protect the princess from any harm. This is the prince's engagement banquet. He hopes that his relatives can come to bless him and sincerely hope that the princess will have a happy memory this time. "

"Yes! We will all protect the safety of her royal highness. The other two respectfully followed the leader's words.

Su Mian nodded hard at one side.

Anyway, she's also hamandy's sister, her brother's engagement dinner. If she doesn't attend, it's too much to say.

"Uncle, I know what you are worried about, but you can see that the prince has sent people to come here personally, and my safety is certainly no problem. I'll go there for a while. You can rush there as soon as you're finished. Maybe you can attend his engagement dinner later. "

Huo Ting's eyebrows were still frowning. He was still uneasy, especially when he thought of her being shot.

three D people looked at them and whispered, "Princess highness, please don't forget your highness, prince also invited him."

Su Mian Leng Leng, asked, "who is lah?"

Huo Ting: "..."

"That's your son."

Yeah! Almost forgot.

"No problem. I'll take winter and winter with me." Said Su Mian.

"Great!" Three people in country D began to cheer.

"I don't seem to have agreed to let you go." Hoting said.

"Uncle..." Su Mian took his hand and said softly, "uncle, you can see that my body is better. It's better to have a rest."

Huo Ting is still frowning, how to think how uneasy.

At this time, K suddenly spoke.

He said: "Mianmian, if you go to country D, I can accompany you, just to help you review your lessons."

Su Mianmian did not expect that K would become his own savior!

She hurriedly looked at Huo ting with hopeful eyes and said softly, "uncle, you should be relieved of K's ability, right? I'll be fine with him. Besides, he can help me review my lessons. So, you can rest assured that I will go! "

Huo Ting turned to look at K and said coldly: "are you sure you can protect the continuous safety? Don't let her get hurt? "

When he went abroad, he could not reach even if he had the ability. Therefore, he must ensure Su Mian's safety, so that he can rest assured.

K nodded solemnly at him and said with a smile, "I'm sure!"

Huo Ting looked at him for a while, and finally nodded.

"Well, I'll give mianmianmian to you and make sure she's safe before I arrive."

"I will." K turns his head and blinks at Su Mianmian. He is in a good mood.


Country D.

This is a very rich country. It would be very appropriate to describe it with the words "rich and flowing oil".

Although it is not the first time to come here, when Su mianmianmian and Dong Dong, etc. come here and look at the surrounding scenery, there will still be a dazzling and quite shocking feeling.

The country by the sea seems to be connected with the sea everywhere. You can see the blue sea at any time. When you look at it, there will be seagulls flying in front of you from time to time, leaving a series of shallow calls, but leaving joy in your heart.

All kinds of famous cars, BMW and Lamborghini, which can be seen everywhere on the road, have become the most common cars here.

The most shocking thing for Su Mian is the architecture here.

The buildings in country D are very strange and unique. They are all seen in science fiction movies, but they are often seen here.

Those buildings, you can't imagine why they can appear here. In a trance, they really come to a world of science fiction.

As for the palace Su Mian looks out of the window, still so shocking.

Although the building of the imperial palace is not so high as a whole, it is very grand. You can't even see the end of the palace at a glance, and you can't guess the extent of the palace.The inner part of the palace is mainly gold, which is more noble.

I don't know how long it took. The car stopped.

After they got off the bus, a group of people came up. At first, he was a man dressed as an internal attendant. He came forward and saluted everyone respectfully.

A moment later, he stood up and smiled at Su Mian, saying: "Princess HARAMA, little prince RAH, now Prince hamandi is having an important talk, and can't come to see you right away. So, he sent me to invite the two to the lounge for a rest, and he will come to see you as soon as he finishes. "

"OK." Su Mian smiles and nods.

"Princess highness, your highness, please come this way." The waiter turned around respectfully and led Su Mian and his party into the Imperial Palace lounge.

This is a special place for entertaining close people. It's very big and luxurious.

Su Mian and them have not come for the first time, so there is no shock of the first time.

After a long walk, the waiter opened a door, turned sideways, and let everyone in.

"I'm very sorry," said the waiter. "I have to go back to Prince harmandi. I can't stay with him for a long time. These two attendants will be responsible for all your needs. Please don't hesitate. "

He said, turning sideways, pointing to two men in white standing behind him.

"OK, thank you." Said Su Mian.

After the courteous salute of the waiter, withdraw.

Winter stretched a stretch, "Baa Baa, are you tired? Does the arm hurt? "

"I'm fine." Su Mian smiles. Her injury has been healed long ago. Where will it hurt.

"Dongdong, don't be a nervous master like Uncle, I'll be fine." She knew that before she came, Huo Ting had a deep talk with Dongdong about her body.

"Well then." Dongdong sat down next to her and looked up at the two palace waiters, as if he had suddenly thought of something.

"May I see Damon, please?" he asked