But man is a white tiger. He is very cute. He got on well with him last winter.

Hamandi saw that Dongdong liked danman so much, so he sent one of his children to Dongdong. Now the child still lives in Huo's house.

This time, what Dongdong wants to see most is danman. There is no one.

One of the waiters heard the words and nodded.

"Of course, but now man is with Prince hamandy, so he may not be able to see him for the time being."

Dongdong looks a little disappointed, but he doesn't ask too much.

"But Damon's wife is here. Little prince, would you like to see her?"

Winter winter a Zheng, then nod.

"Well, Damon and I are good friends. Of course we should meet his wife."

There was a strange look on the waiter's face, but Su Mian didn't notice it.

He said: "little prince, but man's wife is not very good tempered. When she will pass by, if she scares you, please don't be afraid..."

"Don't worry, I won't be afraid." Dongdong turns around and asks Su Mian, "BAABAA, would you like to go and see it together?"

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "OK, K, do you want to go together?"

K shook his head.

He's not interested in animals or anything.

The waiter then said, "Your Highness, please follow me."

Under the guidance of the waiter, Su Mian and them left the lounge to meet Dammam's wife.

It's a bit off set. When they passed, it took them about ten minutes.

At this time, but man's wife is outside in the sun, is locked in the cage, squinting, looks a little leisurely.

When Dongdong saw it, he suddenly showed a surprise look and wanted to run there.

But at this time, the waiter was busy holding him back and stopping him from running. "Your Highness, her temper is not very good, just look far away."

His voice didn't fall, just squinting his eyes, the peaceful tiger suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, Dongdong felt like another two sharp knives.

Oh Fierce roar in the ear ring, winter subconsciously rubbed the ear, but the eyes are more and more bright.

The tiger completely got rid of the peaceful look before. It roared fiercely at Dongdong and waved its claws at him from time to time.

The sound of claws on the railings is as sharp as scraping on the railings with iron tools. It even seems to be able to see the sparks from collision.

"That's awesome." Dong Dong is a little excited and waves at the tiger.

Even the long lost mantra of winter's excitement came out.

Su Mian hears the words and grabs Dongdong's hand quickly. She is really worried about Dongdong's excitement.

"BAABAA, do you think Damon's wife is really powerful and domineering, but how does she tame her wife?"

Su was speechless for a while, and she thought of the silly tiger.

She couldn't understand the problem.

She looked at the ferocious female tiger, and thought that Haman could not match even one claw of it

"Isn't it cute?"

Tiger world, she really don't understand, perhaps but man's wife really like it's cute is not necessarily.

"I want one of these Wife. " Winter murmured.

Su Mian hears the words and shakes his heart.

All of a sudden, there's a sense that the aesthetic of my own children is a little crooked.

What to do? Does she want to call uncle Shenma?


They watched the tiger for a long time until a waiter came to tell them that hamandi had finished the meeting and rushed to the lounge to see them.

"Winter and winter, let's go back first. The tiger can watch it another day." Said Su Mian.

"All right." Although he is still a little reluctant.


By the time Su Mian and them rushed back, hamandy was already waiting for them in the lounge.

When she went in, Su saw hamandy sitting on the chair.

Today's hamandi, dressed in a white robe and a white headscarf, looks darker against each other.

I haven't seen it for years, but hamandy hasn't changed much. To make a difference, it's more mature and more handsome.

Seeing them come in, hamandy was very happy to stand up and walk.

He went to Su mianmianmian and said with a smile, "HARAMA, welcome home."

Then he opened his arms to Su Mian and smiled happily.

After a moment, he let go of Su Mian and wanted to kiss her on the cheek.

K is looking at it. He thinks it's a bit inappropriate. He steps forward and reaches out to stop it.

Hamandy looked at him strangely, not quite understanding what it meant that the man suddenly rushed out to stop himself."Almost enough." Said K.

Hamandy raised his eyebrows, a little unhappy. "Who is he?"

Su Mian introduces them with a smile.

"Harmandi, he's my brother K."

"Brother?" Hamandi said the word heavily, half a sound later, it seems to understand.

Hamanditon looked surprised, turned around and hugged K.

Rao is quick, but for a while he didn't look out, but he didn't dodge. He was held by hamandi.

Hamandi smiled and said, "HARAMA, he is your brother, I am your brother, so he is also my brother."

"Welcome home, brother." As soon as he finished speaking, he gave k a warm kiss on his face.

After K is kissed by him warmly, the whole person is not good.

He leaned against the wall.

Hamandi let go of K, turned to Dongdong and said, "Dear lah, I haven't seen you for a long time. You seem to have grown a lot."

Dongdong is frightened by his kissing K. he hides behind Su Mian and is unwilling to stand out.

Hamandi looked at him and whispered, "lah, can I hold you?"

Dong Dong hesitates a little. His uncle is too enthusiastic to adapt.

Su Mian pushed Dongdong with a smile and whispered in his ear, "go."

Winter and winter came out hesitantly and said.

"But you can't kiss me. I'm a man. I don't like men's kisses."

Harmandi said sadly, "OK."

He happy past, a hold him up.

"It's really grown and weighed a lot." He said to kiss Dongdong's cheek, but Dongdong covered his mouth with his hand.

"It's said that we don't want to kiss."

"Ah I'm used to it. I didn't mean to. But honey, it's etiquette for us to kiss the cheek. You should get used to it. "

"I don't like it." It's cool in winter.

"Well then." Hamandy won't make it through winter.

He then put down the winter and winter, and said.

"You are tired when you come here. Let's have dinner together! For your coming this time, I specially recruited a chef from China. I hope you like it. "

"Thank you." Su Mian agreed with a smile. He was really hungry.

"Let's go for dinner." Hamandi pulls Dongdong out first.