When the Queen's sober news came out, everyone's faces were different.

Hamandy was naturally very happy, and he cried out, "come on! Let's have a look! "

This is the best news he has heard in recent time.

As long as the queen wakes up, all the problems can be solved. Even if Prince Yedan has any plans, it will become idle work at this time.

And Prince Yedan's face suddenly showed panic and uneasiness. Although he tried to hide it later, there was still a slight uneasiness hidden in the corner of his eyes.

As he was standing opposite Su Mian, his reaction was clear.

A group of people walked to the Queen's bedroom door, but saw Jin cancheng standing at the door, not let them in.

"Thank you very much, Mr. king. Now, I'd like to see your majesty." Said harmandi politely.

Jin cancheng smiled awkwardly and replied, "Hey, the queen is awake, but Well, there was a little accident. "

Hamandy's heart, which had fallen, suddenly climbed to the throat.

"Don't be nervous! It's just a little accident! " Jin cancheng said with a smile.

It's just that the smile seems to be more guilty.

Hamandi watched Jin cancheng anxiously, trying to control his voice so that it would not sound too shaky.

"Queen What happened to her majesty? "

Jin cancheng pulled the corners of his mouth but didn't say a word. After half a sound, he scratched his head and said, "well, you can come in with me and see."

As he spoke, he leaned over and made way.

Hamandi looked at him, took a deep breath after a long time, and walked in first.

Naturally, Prince Yedan could not be left behind. He was also busy with the help of his attendants and followed in tremblingly.

All of them entered the Queen's bedroom under the guidance of the Queen's close female official. When they entered, the queen was awake and half lying on the bed.

She looked a little surprised when she saw the crowd coming in.

But they didn't notice it, because everyone was shocked by her lucidity.

Prince Yedan, in particular, did not dare to get too close. He stood behind hamandi and looked at the queen from afar, carefully observing the expression on her face.

However, the queen didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't go to see him at all. She just focused all her attention on hamandi.

This made Prince Yedan dissatisfied, but he felt relaxed.

He knew that he should not have such a complex feeling, but he could not stop his heart.

"Who are you?" The queen looked at hamandi for a moment and then suddenly said something that would frighten people.

Hamandy stared at the queen, speechless for a long time.

"I don't know you." The queen frowned and added.

Hamandi was completely stupid.

Is it amnesia?

Prince Yedan couldn't help but start laughing. At first, he just pulled the corners of his mouth in a small way. Later, he laughed without any concealment.

But no one cares about him at the moment.

"Mr. king, what's going on?" Hamandiqiang asked, holding back his displeasure.

"The queen lost her memory." After Jin cancheng said it, he saw hamandi's angry appearance, and quickly cleared up the relationship. "This matter has nothing to do with me, I'm only responsible for detoxification."

Hamandi looked into his eyes and shot out the fire. He just clapped his chest and said it was OK. What happened now and said it had nothing to do with him?

He really wants to hit people.

I don't know why. At this moment, he suddenly understood K wanted to beat people.

Because some people have a bad face.

"Prince harmandi, are you questioning my abilities?" Jin cancheng was not very happy. He said innocently, "the queen has been poisoned for a long time. It's not easy for me to detoxify her. But the toxin has had an impact on her body. It's not something I can control. You can't blame me."

He stared straight at harmandi, as if he didn't agree with his endless posture.

Hamandy looked at him deeply and sighed at last.

"I know it's none of your business. I'm sorry, Mr. king. I misunderstood you."

Actually, it's no wonder Jin cancheng is not willing to do it.

The disappointment of hope made him feel very sad.

"Mr. king, when will the queen get better?" Hamandi asked, regaining hope.

Prince Yedan is also busy listening. This is not only important for hamandi, but also for him.

Obviously, Jin cancheng didn't dare to make a guarantee. After thinking about it, he said: "I can't give you a specific time limit for memorizing this kind of thing, but I will try my best. Later, it depends on the Queen's recovery. If there is any news, I will inform Prince hamandy of it in time. "Speaking of this, hamandi can't say anything more. She can only nod her head silently and look at the confused queen with endless sadness in her heart.

It seems that everything is back to the original point.

The queen lost her memory, so the whereabouts of the Imperial battle became a mystery again.

If hamandi didn't get the scepter, he would not be the real heir to the throne.


All of a sudden, a wild, undisguised, wild laugh rang in the room.

All of them were stunned for a moment. They didn't understand who could laugh out in such a shameless situation.

"Hamandi, I don't think so! You've spent so much time Ha ha, are you wasting your energy? " Prince Yedan said sarcastically, "what if the queen wakes up? Without the emperor's war, you are still nothing! "

Hamandi looked at him coldly and said angrily, "Ye Dan, don't be so arrogant. What I can't get, you can't get either."

"Ha ha, how are you sure I have to arrive? Besides, even if I can't get So what? Anyway, you won't get what you want for the succession ceremony in a few days! The news is so popular! Ha ha ha... "

"What do you want to do?" "Yedan, don't do something that you regret! I won't let you do anything to hurt the queen. "

Prince Yedan disdained and said, "you'd better take care of your own affairs first?"?! Prince hamandy! "

"You will pay for what you do!" said hamandy

"What did I do? Harmandi, if you talk nonsense again, I will sue you for defamation! " Ye Dan said with an arrogant smile, "forget it, I won't care about you if you are going to be engaged soon! You can rest assured that I will arrive on time that day! Ha ha! "

After he had finished this unpleasant remark, he asked his attendant to help him out.