Hamandi compared a middle finger to Yedan's back.

Su Mian was shocked when she saw it.

He turned and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't control it for a while."

Su Mian smiled and said, "I didn't see anything."

Hamandy smiled back.


"Just a moment, please!" Cried Jin cancheng.

Su Mian looks back at him.

"Goddess, you see now that the queen has come to her senses, then, can you promise me a date Fulfilled? "

He asked carefully, a very afraid of her half way back.

Su Mian looked at him with a silent expression, and really didn't know what to say.

This is the time. Is this suitable for him?

I don't want to be like him Yeah!

After thinking about it, Su Mian said politely: "that The queen has lost her memory. "

"She woke up." Jin cancheng is very serious about this point.

Su Mian shook his head and said, "you said that the queen would return to normal, but how can amnesia be considered normal? So, you're only halfway there. "

"You can't do that, can you?" Jin cancheng feels that there is a feeling that the situation is not so good.

Su Mian smiled and said, "of course we can, so our agreement will be cancelled naturally, don't you think?"

Jin cancheng said wrongly, "no, absolutely not. You promised me, how can you repent?! No, or I'll die sad. "

He waved his hand hard, showing a very sad expression.

Su Mian stared at him, speechless.

She thought, do you have to be so thorough?

At this time, I can't listen to the winter and winter that I have been watching for a long time.

He jumped out and said, "I know a good solution!"

"Oh, you are really a lovely little boy!" Jin cancheng praised.

Su Mian understands Dongdong, and naturally knows that he won't be so kind-hearted.

"You want to date my mommy, don't you?"

Jin cancheng nodded hard and said, "it's a date with your sister."

Up to now, Su Mianmian is the sister of Dongdong Speechless.

"In that case, I'll date you instead of Mommy!"

"Wait! What is the conclusion! Little brother, don't make fun of me, will you? " Jin cancheng shouts.

"I'm serious." Dongdong looks at Jin cancheng with wide eyes, indicating that he is telling the truth.

"No! No! If you go to McDonald's and order a hamburger, but someone gives you French fries, would you like to? " He waved hard at Dongdong.

"You can either cancel your appointment with Mommy or take me with you." Dongdong gives him two ways.

It turns out that this is the purpose of winter and winter.

He didn't come to help him at all.

Jin cancheng feels a headache. How can he get rid of this little devil?

Dong Dong doesn't wait for Jin cancheng to speak, but directly hugs Su Mian's arm and stares at him in a defensive manner, saying, "don't take Mommy without my consent."

"How can that be?" Jin cancheng refused without thinking, "the goddess promised to date me alone. What do you do as a little kid?"

"I followed, of course, to protect Mommy." Dongdong said bluntly, "in case some wolves can't control themselves and do something terrible."

Jin cancheng stoops slightly, looking at Dongdong from the opposite side.

"Do you have to call your sister your mommy?"

"She's my mommy." Dong Dong is a little angry, saying word by word.

Jin cancheng starts a tug of war in his heart. For a while, he can't make a decision.

Looking at Dongdong's resolute face, he knew that he might have only two ways to go.

One way is to give up, the other is to take the little devil with you.

But it seems that neither is the best way.

After thinking for a while, Jin cancheng reluctantly raised his hand and surrendered.

"Well, let's go together."

Although I have a mop bottle with me, it's better to date with the Goddess than cancel.


The next day, Jin cancheng drove with Su Mian, while K followed with Dong Dong.

Jin cancheng looks at the car that has been stuck in the back from the rearview mirror, and feels dizzy.

He was also drunk on the date with two mops.

Why did you bring K?

Because Dongdong said, "I don't have a license to drive by myself, or do you want me to take your car?"

Of course notSo, it's the way it is now.

Jin cancheng comforts himself. Somehow these two lights are still a little far away from him.

"Goddess, tell me honestly, what is the relationship between Dongdong and you?"

Until now, he couldn't believe that Su Mian would have such a big child, because the age difference between Su Mian and Dongdong was not big.

So, let him believe that Dongdong is Su Mian's child, he really can't do it.

He firmly believed that Su Mian and Dong Dong must have united to deceive him.

Su Mian turned to look at Jin cancheng and said seriously: "doctor Jin, I'm very serious to tell you that I'm really married, and I have two children. As for Dongdong, although he is not my own, he is also my child, just like my own. "

Jin cancheng still didn't believe it. Although he didn't say anything suspicious, the skeptical look in his eyes revealed the real idea in his heart.

"Show you my family photo."

Su Mianmian takes out his wallet from his bag and puts his family photo in front of Jin cancheng.

"This is my husband and my two children, and winter."

Su mianmianmian points to the person in the photo and introduces 11 to Jin Cancheng.

Looking at the picture, Jin cancheng is stunned.

Subconsciously, he put his foot on the brake.

With a sharp squeak, the car stopped with a brush.

The following K didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. Seeing that he was about to hit the car in front of Jin cancheng, he quickly stepped on the emergency brake.

The sharp brake sound, squeaking, shaking ears hurt.

It's easy to stop the car. K jumps at his feet angrily. He leans his head out of the car window and shouts loudly.

"Jin cancheng, you're itching again. Is that right? Do you know how to drive? If you can't drive, roll down. No, if you can't drive, hand in the sponge. "

But Jin cancheng, who was sitting in the car in front of him, didn't seem to hear K's roar at all. He took Su Mian's picture and looked at it carefully.

He found that the eyebrows and eyes of the twins in the picture are really similar to Su Mian 's long eyebrows and eyes, which is not only explained by the four words that people have similarities.

Jin cancheng was hit hard, as if he could not accept the fact.