"Why? I really can't understand why you got married so soon when you are so young! " Jin cancheng's inexplicable grievance, he said, "you can have many choices, such as..."

"Like what?" Su Mian said with a smile, "like you? You want to say, can I choose you? "

Jin cancheng said seriously, "yes, you can choose me if you are not married..."

Su Mian smelt the words and burst out laughing.

She found out that this doctor with a very strange idea is not really bad, but the idea is very strange, and the brain circuit is different from others.

"No if, I'm married! Besides, even if I am not married, I will not choose you. "

Jin cancheng is about to cry. He keeps shouting why he is like this. He looks stunned.

"Because I don't love you! I love my husband not because he is my husband, but because he is him. " Su Mian said happily.

Jin cancheng looks at Su Mian and finds that when she says this, she radiates a strong happiness halo of abusing single dogs.

"Well, I can't imagine that I'm going to lose my love when I'm just in love." Jin Cancheng said sadly, "goddess, do you know? This is the 108th time I have been lovelorn. "

Who is more pitiful than him?

Su Mianmian: "..."

Jin cancheng returns the photo to Su Mian and rubs his face hard.

"Why don't you like me?"

"Dr. King, are you ok?" Asked Su in a low voice.

Jin cancheng shook his head. "I'm ok. I've been hit 108 times. I've developed a tough heart. So, this kind of blow is nothing to me. When I go back to sleep at night, I am a hero again at dawn. "

Su Mian couldn't help laughing and said, "you're OK."

"But our appointment will go on." Said Jin cancheng.

He didn't have that special feeling for Su Mian at this time, but he still wanted to continue this date.

It's his character to do everything from beginning to end.

"As you please." Su Mian said with a smile.

She's promised anyway, she'll do it.

"In that case, we're going to change our appointment." Jin cancheng thought about it and said, "go to the orphanage."

Su Mianmian: "..."

What's the date location?!

It's a freak!


Jin cancheng stops at the door of the orphanage.

The orphanage is facing the sea, and Jin cancheng's car is parked on the side of the road.

On the left, you can see the children playing inside through the railing wall, and on the right, you can see the endless sea.

There are some coconut trees planted on the edge of the cliff. The tall coconut trees cast a dark color, like a big umbrella, to give passers-by a short shade.

After getting off, they walked side by side, feeling the humid air of the sea.

Suddenly, Jin cancheng stopped. He looked at the children playing in the orphanage through the fence wall and said in a very sad tone.

"You know what? In fact, you are my ideal type and the perfect goddess in my mind. "

Su Mian looks at him puzzled. He doesn't understand why he suddenly brings up the topic.

Didn't they already say that?

"Don't do that, Dr. King, will you?" Said Su Mian.

Jin cancheng smiled, took out his wallet from his pocket, opened it and handed it to Su Mian.

"Look at this picture."

Su Mian looked down at the picture in her hand and found that it was a young girl in her early twenties. Her long hair was soft and spread behind her head. She was wearing a long white dress and smiled brightly.

The sun hit her face, making her even more soft.

Seriously, Su Mianmian finds that the girl in the picture is similar to her. It's not about how much they look like, it's mainly about the temperament, the feeling is very similar.

"She is?" Su Mian asked in bewilderment.

Jin cancheng said, "my goddess In fact, I am an orphan. "

"What?" Su Mian looks shocked. However, Jin cancheng is an orphan.

He always smiles so brilliantly, as if there is nothing in the world that can make him sad.

But I didn't expect that such a cheerful person would be an orphan.

Jin cancheng lowered his head and said in a light voice, "when she was in the orphanage, she was my teacher. Without her, I would not have achieved what I have today. "

"Is your teacher here?" Asked Su Mian.Only then did she realize that she had wrongly blamed Jin cancheng for coming to see her teacher rather than pursuing her.

Jin cancheng's face showed a very sad expression. He shook his head sadly. "No, she's not here."

The sad mood gradually spread from him.

"When I came back from my studies, she was gone. I looked for her for a long time, but I didn't get any news about her." Jin cancheng said sadly, "so, when I saw you at the door of the store, I thought for a moment that it was the teacher who came back!"

Su Mian thought and asked again.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Yes." Jin cancheng looked distressed and said, "the teacher is Asian, but I don't know which country..."

Yes, but with a picture, it's really hard to find.

Su sighed.

Jin cancheng continued.

"I'd love to find her and say thank you to her personally, but it's impossible for billions of Asians to find teachers in the vast crowd."

Su was silent and speechless.

It's really hard to solve.

"Actually, I don't have much hope now..." Said Jin cancheng.

His teacher is much older than him, and he should be almost forty now.

He wanted to find her, just to take good care of her.

As for a thought hazy in his mind, it can only be a thought, which he knows and understands.

"Dr. King, you will find the teacher." Said Su Mian.

Jin cancheng rubbed his face, put aside the solemn feeling just now, and smiled,.

"Of course, I firmly believe that. No matter how long it takes, I have to find a teacher. I will. "

Two people look at each other and smile, but their relationship suddenly draws closer.

While they were talking, Dongdong picked up the telescope and hid in the car to see clearly.