Dongdong, looking at it, said anxiously: "it's over. They are so congenial. I'm not going to come to country D and have to change a daddy, is it? Although Huo Ting is a bit domineering and sometimes unreasonable, I still love him! "

Dongdong said sadly, but his expression is still so impressive

I can't flatter you.

K looked at him and said, "I can, I can understand a child's uneasiness when facing his parents' emotional problems, but if your father hears you, I think he will express his ideas more directly..."

That is to beat Dongdong.

Dongdong looks at K and says, "little uncle, since you started to make up lessons with BAABAA, you have been very dogmatic. Now, what are you doing? I'm going to call Daddy and complain! "

Finish saying, he hurriedly from the pocket out of the cell phone, called Huo ting.


When the phone was connected, Dong Dong didn't wait for Huo ting to speak. Why did he shout, "Daddy, when will you come here?"

"Two more days." Hoting said.

"No, daddy, you have to come right away." Dongdong said unquestionably, "if you don't come back, you will be robbed by the bad guys."


"Ah, Hello! Is dad still here

"In!" Huo Ting gnashed his teeth and said, "tell me the details of the story!"



Su Mianmian and Jin cancheng have talked for a long time at the seaside. In fact, most of the time, Jin cancheng is talking about his teacher. Su Mian is a listener.

In fact, dating is more like listening to Jin cancheng thinking about the past.

Anyway, Su Mian wishes him to find his teacher as soon as possible.

After coming back from the seaside, Su Mian saw hamandi sitting and waiting for her with tired face.

Seeing her come in, hamandy squeezed out a smile and asked, "HARAMA, come back, have a good time on the date? Mr. king didn't embarrass you, did he

Su Mian smiled and nodded, went to sit down beside him and said.

"It was a good date. We went to the seaside to have a chat and have a look at the scenery. Dr. King has also changed his mind. From today on, we will be friends. "

Hamandy was a little shocked.

"How could this happen?"

Before that, Jin cancheng said that he was willing to pay his life for the goddess. In order to date Su Mian, he even beat a face into a fuel tank by K. how could he put the goddess down completely in a short time?

Hamandy looked a little bit intolerable, wondering if this man was too fickle.

Fortunately, HARAMA did not choose him, or he would not be too insecure.

Su Mian smiled and said: "in fact, Dr. Kim is a very good man. He decided not to pursue me anymore after he knew that I had been married and had three children. So I think he's a good friend. "

Hamandi smelt the words, smiled and said, "it turns out that it is so. In that way, Mr. king is really a good man. I'll pay attention to him and introduce him if there is a suitable girl. "

Su Mian smiled and did not continue the topic.

Hamandi rubbed his forehead, looking very tired.

Su Mian looks at hamandi, and finds that his eyes are also dark green. It seems that he stayed up too late.

Obviously, there have been so many things happening recently, he has been overloaded, which has caused some physical reactions.

"Harmandi, don't worry too much. The queen will be better." Su Mian said softly, "if there is something wrong with your body, who else can protect the queen?"

Hamandy nodded in silence and said, "I understand."

Su Mian said again, "you look so bad. You should have a good rest."

Hamandi was silent for a moment, looked up at Su Mian and said.

"In fact, Dr. King said that the situation of the queen is not so bad, and there is still hope of recovery. I should be objective. The queen will have a day of recovery, maybe this day... "

"Soon." Su Mian said firmly, "as long as we have hope, there will always be a solution."

"Thank you."

At this time, hamandi's attendant ran in, after a respectful salute, and said, "prince, the queen is awake, and she wants to see you."

Hamandy, a little shocked, asked, "what else does the queen say?"

The waiter looked at Su Mian and paused before he continued, "she said, if the princess is also here She wants to see the princess... "

Hamandi didn't find anything strange about this sentence. He nodded, then turned to Su Mian and said, "HARAMA, let's go together."Su Mian nodded.


When she arrived at the Queen's bedchamber, she was still guarding at the door.

Seeing them coming, I hurriedly saluted them with a more respectful attitude than before. Obviously, what happened before was to make her more alert and know who could not offend.

Hamandi waved to the female officer and asked, "how is the queen?"

"Prince, please rest assured that the queen is in great shape and has twice as many meals today as before." The female officer replied respectfully.

Hamandi nodded and told the female officer to lead the man up to search her body.

After a while, everything was settled, and hamandi led Su Mian into it.

This time in, Su Mian found that the indoor situation seemed quite different from the previous one.

Last time I came in, the light in the Queen's bedroom was very dim. No matter where I looked, it would give me a dark and hazy feeling.

But this time, the light inside is very bright, and the big mirrors that the queen likes perfectly expand the space, making the bedroom look bigger and brighter.

The change of light also brings great changes to people's mood. From the previous repression to the present relaxation and comfort, it is not just comfortable.

When entering the Queen's bedroom, Su Mian found that her face looked a little better than before.

It seems that after detoxification, her body is slowly recovering.

At this time, the queen sat on the head of the bed, with a golden pillow on her back, watching them smile.

"Nice to meet you, my majesty." Hamandy comes forward and salutes respectfully.

Su Mian is also busy following, saluting the queen with the manners of country D.

The queen smiled, waved at them, smiled and said, "get up! No need to be polite. "