When they got up, the queen asked the female officer to give them a seat, tea and snacks, and wait until both of them sat down.

The queen said, "hamandy, why are you here alone? I haven't seen your sister for a long time. I'll bring her with me next time I come here. "

Hamandi looked at Su Mian strangely and said, "my sister is here."

"Where is she?" The queen looked around and asked blankly, "you are naughty again I heard that she went to school before. Today is a working day. Can't she come back from truancy? "

"Go to school?" Hamandy was more confused and said, "no, my sister hasn't been to school for a long time."

Su Mian heard that there was a little embarrassment and hung her head. She thought, can she say that she will go to university soon?

The queen was puzzled.

"Didn't you go to school? How can it be? I remember very well that she went to school. "

Hamandi smiled and shook his head. "No, HARAMA hasn't been in school for a long time."

He smiled and took Su Mian's hand and said to the queen, "queen, look, she is my sister HARAMA. I brought her here to see her majesty today."

The queen looked at Su Mian very seriously, with strange eyes.

Very strange, very confused, as if they do not know the person in front of them.

"It's not her She's not Salama. " The queen shook her head.

Hamandi was shocked to look at the queen, and it took a while to find her voice.

"Your Majesty, do you remember everything?" He couldn't believe it. The queen didn't remember him before, but now she remembers Salama.

The queen pressed her head as hard as she could, as if her memory were messy. No, it should be chaotic. She could not sort it out for a while.

She shook her head and said, "there are some fuzzy memories, but they are messy."

Hamandi said sadly, "Your Majesty, Salama has been dead for many years."

As if she didn't believe it, the queen asked, "God! Is this true? "

"It's true." Hamandi nodded with her eyes fixed, and said, "Your Majesty, you have no mistake. Salama has really left us."

There was also a look of sadness on the Queen's face.

"That child, I really like her. I didn't expect that she went there so young..."

"Queen, please forgive me." Hamandi respectfully took the handkerchief from the female official and sent it up. "You are not in good health and should not be too emotional."

The queen slowly took over the handkerchief from hamandi and wiped the tears on her face gracefully. Then she nodded and said: "I understand. Prince hamandi is at ease. By the way, I vaguely remember Salama as if she had a child, didn't she? "

"Yes, her majesty." Hamandy nodded softly.

"Then I'd like to see him, Prince harmandi. Come with the little prince tomorrow." Said the queen.

"OK." Hamandy agreed respectfully.


But the next day, when hamandi came to see the queen with Dongdong, he met a very unexpected person.

This makes the situation, which is already unclear, even more invisible.

"Prince hamandi, little prince lah, the queen told me that if you come, please go into the reception room and wait for a moment." The female official said after greeting and saluting.

"Who is the queen meeting?" hamandy asked, a little queer

There was a strange look on the female officer's face. She hesitated for two seconds and said, "well, Prince Yedan just came here and was talking to the queen in the bedroom."

Hamandi's face then showed a trace of anger, damned Ye Dan, is really everywhere can not be without his figure.

"Prince harmandi, why don't you wait first?"

"All right." Hamandi nodded and agreed, although he really didn't want to be in the same space with Yedan. However, he also wanted to see what medicine Ye Dan was selling in the gourd.

After entering, they sat down in the reception hall.

In fact, the reception hall is very close to the Queen's bedroom, which is only separated by a corridor and a door.

And now the door was open, and there was a waitress at the door.

Hamandi and Dongdong sat down in the chair of the reception hall. Just after their buttocks were covered with the cushion, they heard a disgusting and puking flattery coming from the interior of the dormitory.

It was Prince Yedan's voice. He was holding the Queen's hand at the moment. There was sadness in his small eyes. He looked carefully, as if he could see that his eyes were a little red, as if he had just cried.

"Mom, you must be better. Seeing you like this, I'm really upset. I hope I can bear the pain instead of you." Said Prince Yedan.

"I'll be fine." Said the queen softly.Prince Yedan was immersed in his sad mood and told the sadness in his heart.

If you don't know, you think the queen It's not good again?!

"I've been very sad these days. Come here a few times a day almost to see if you are awake. But every time I leave disappointed, my heart is as sad as a needle I can't eat well and I can't feel delicious. People are thin! "

The queen didn't know if she was disgusted by him and coughed suddenly.

Ye Dan quickly picked up the tea cup placed on the bedside table beside her, and gently handed it to the Queen's lips.

"Have a drink of water! I've tried. The tea is warm. It's just in the mouth. "

"Thank you." The queen took a deep look at Prince Yedan, dropped her head and took a drink. She waved at him and said, "OK, I don't need any more."

"OK." He put the cup back and said.

"If you have any needs, please let me know. I will do it for you as a son." He rubs his little eyes sadly, making them redder.

"You have a heart."

"No, you don't understand. Looking at you now, I can't share the pain for you. I'm so heartbroken. My son is really useless!"

"Don't say that." The queen patted Ye Dan's back of the hand comfortingly and said, "I know what you mean. Besides, it's none of your business for me to happen like this. You don't have to blame yourself. "


The queen looked at him kindly and said, "it's not too early. Go back first, and I'll see the little prince lah."

"Lah?" Ye Dan was stunned, but immediately laughed and said, "that little guy is still very interesting, and I like him very much."

He stood up and smiled softly at the queen.

"In that case, I won't disturb the queen. My son will go back first, and come to dinner with his mother later."

"OK." The queen also has a gentle face, as if she likes Prince Yedan very much.