"Today, I will tell you my choice!" The queen smiled and said, "but before announcing the result, I made two decisions. After making these two decisions I may lose something, but... "

The queen looked softly at hamandi and Prince Yedan, and then said.

"But I will still stick to this decision. Because I feel that I must not forget my original intention, not to mention my kindness and kindness. "

When the queen said this, Prince Yedan suddenly began to frown, feeling that there was something wrong with what she said.

Why do you say that all of a sudden?

His little eyes began to flicker with some inexplicable uneasiness, and the previous firm belief seemed to disappear suddenly.

At this time, the queen just looked at him, and the two looked at each other.

Although Prince Yedan began to murmur in his heart, he still smiled at the queen tenderly and intimately.

If people who don't know each other see their eyes and smiles, they will think that the Queen really likes Prince Yedan, and even has identified him as his next successor.

Prince Yedan also has a little confidence.

At this time, the queen continued: "the first of the two decisions I have to make is to give the throne to the little prince lah! From today on, little prince lah is the successor of our country D. "

The crowd was shocked. Few people on the scene knew who RAH was.

Only some of the people who attended the dinner party yesterday had some impression on RAH. After all, the queen had been holding a child's hand yesterday and had not let it go.

The queen smiled and went on.

"But since the young prince RAH is still young, before he admits it, all state affairs are entrusted to King hamandi. When the young prince reaches adulthood, Prince hamandi will return the state affairs to him, who will formally inherit the throne. "

The Queen's news caused the audience to be completely shocked. Even Su Mian was shocked and speechless.

"How could this happen?! Can I hear you wrong? "

She had no idea that the queen would make such an unexpected decision.

Hamandi was surprised at first, but soon returned to normal, agreeing with the Queen's decision.

Yes, he wants to compete with Prince Yedan for the throne, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to take the position from Dongdong.

As long as the person sitting in that position is not Yedan, he has no objection.

"What is that?" Prince Yedan roared, "queen, how can you do this? What is lah? He's not of pure blood. I don't know if he's from our royal family. "

"Shut up Ye Dan! Don't disgrace the royal family! " Said hamandy coldly.

Yedandai doesn't care what hamandi says. He yells at the queen, "queen, how can you play like this with such a big successor?"

The queen looked at Prince Yedan very disappointed and shook her head slightly.

"You will say these words as I thought. Now, I'd like to say my second decision is to break away from your mother and son relationship. From today on, I will have nothing to do with Yedan! "

Prince Ye Dan stares round his small eyes, looks at the queen fearfully and says with gnashing teeth: "what are you talking about? Are you crazy? "

"Ye Dan!" The queen shouted, "don't you know what you did wrong up to now?"

"Wrong? What did I do wrong? Am I not good enough for your mother? Listen to you wholeheartedly, only do what you like. What do you think of me? "

People are also a little confused, do not understand why the queen at this time to make such a decision.

Even if you don't like Prince Yedan, you won't be divorced from him. This situation is too serious.

The queen looked at Ye Dan angrily, looked around at the people, and said, "I wanted to leave you a little face, since you don't want to Good! Ye Dan, do you really think you can hide the truth about poisoning me? "

Prince Yedan looked at the queen in some shock, with a look of disbelief.

"You're shocked, aren't you?" The Queen's voice sounded very sad. She choked, "how can I know nothing about what my son has done? After I woke up, I decided to give you another chance. But Why are you still not sure? "

Prince Yedan's body trembled a little, even some did not dare to see the queen.

"Don't I know the people you put around me?" The queen sighed and looked away at Prince Yedan.

"I gave you opportunities again and again. I thought you would pick up your good heart again. Unfortunately, you didn't Ye Dan, you have let me down

"Nonsense!" Prince Yedan shouted, "queen, you are too much. I am your own son. Why do you do this to me? ""Ye Dan, you are my son, yes, but you have not done what a son should do!"

"In fact, I just want you to be kind and kind. It's a pity that your heart has been blinded by power and interests, and you have already lost that pure heart. "

The queen shakes her head helplessly. Without waiting for Prince Yedan to say anything, she immediately asks, "Yedan, why do you look like this?"

After hearing the Queen's words, ye Dan said loudly, "I think you are confused. I am your son. If you don't hand over your throne to me, you should give it to a person with impure blood and unknown origin? Come on! The decision is not final! The queen has lost her mind! "

"Well, you've lost your mind. It's useless for me to tell you more." Said the queen in pain.

But even if she is disappointed with Yedan, she also remembers her identity. She doesn't want to continue to tell Yedan, which will only make people laugh.

But Prince Yedan couldn't understand the Queen's pain. He waved his arms randomly, and suddenly he took a big step towards the queen.

He shouted loudly, "the throne is mine! You don't want to take my throne away. "

He looks like he's going to die with the queen.

The crowd was shocked. Hamandi responded very quickly. He ran to catch Prince Yedan from behind.

Other bodyguards in the hall rushed to help hamandi hold Prince Yedan.

A moment later, the queen sighed and waved to the guards.

"Take it down!"

I can't imagine that ye Dan even didn't want the last face, which really disappointed her!