As soon as the Queen's voice fell, Prince Yedan was dragged down by the guards before he could finish his last words, and the on-site media personnel immediately rushed on.

"Is everything you said true, queen? Did Prince Yedan really poison you? Is there any other evidence? "

"Queen, did you cancel his inheritance because Prince Yedan poisoned you?"

"Queen, are you very sad that Prince Yedan did this? What would you do with it? Will it call the police? "

At this time, the media personnel are like flies in the blood, swarming in, firmly encircling her majesty.

Their problem is extremely sharp, like a handle of a knife, with a sharp blade stabbed at the queen.

At that moment, the queen, who had not recovered completely, was very sad. She was on the verge of falling down at any time.

In fact, no one can be more heartbroken than the queen.

She was sad because it was her own son. When his son poisoned himself for some purpose, no one could understand the pain.

"I'm sorry, the Queen's just recovered. She can't be too tired." Hamandi walked up to the queen with a sad face and opened his arms to stop her. He said to a group of media personnel, "all the questions that follow are for me to answer. You may rest assured that I will give you a complete answer. "

The media were stunned, but when they saw that the queen was really tired, they agreed to turn around and surround hamandi.

The queen sighed and left the scene with the help of a close female official.

Seeing that the queen was so sad, the female official could not help comforting: "queen, I can realize that it is not easy for you to make such a decision today. You must be very sad, but please take care of yourself."

"No, you will not understand the pain in my heart." The queen whispered, "but I'll take care of myself. I can't fall!"

Some pain, only the parties understand.

At this time, a police officer led two policemen up.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for disturbing you at this time."

The queen stopped and looked at him, waiting for their words.

"I'm sorry, Queen. I'd like to delay you. I'd like to know something about the poisoning." The official said.

"I know what you want to ask." The queen interrupted him with a wave and said, "let's go to the lounge over there."


The police officer nodded respectfully, followed the queen behind and went to the next lounge.


At the same time, Su Mian and huoting are standing by and watching Dongdong quietly.

He is dealing with the media together with hamandy. Although he is still young, he has a calm demeanor and looks like an adult.

Su Mian said with emotion, "I can't believe that Dongdong can handle it so well. Looking at him, I feel like I'm useless."

Hoting shook her hand and said, "you don't need to use it. You just need me."

Su Mian smiled, as if he had not heard.

After a while, she added, "I can't imagine that winter has really become a prince."

"It may be fate, but it is also his own choice. Without his consent, the queen would not dare to make such a decision directly. No one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do. "

Yes! No one can force Dongdong to do what he doesn't want to do.

Su Mian looked at the shining winter on the stage, and suddenly there was a sense of achievement in my family.

That's Dongdong, her child, so proud to think about it!

Did you?!

"Continuous." Huo Ting looks at Su Mian and looks at Dong Dong.

Although the man was his son, he was a little upset.

In short, Huo Ting is jealous again.


Su Mian hum.

"Let's go on a date!" Hoting said.

"Appointment?" Su Mian asked a little surprised, "when? Now? "

"Yes! Now! " Huo Ting nodded slightly. He held out his hand to Su Mian. "Mian, let's go."

Su Mian looked up at him, then handed over his hand and smiled.

"Good! My prince! "


Dating is a very happy thing, but when Huo Ting repeatedly conceals the location of the date, Su Mian suddenly feels a little strange.

"Uncle, are you sure you won't tell me?" Asked Su Mian.

Huo Ting shakes his head slightly. "When you get to the place, you will know."Su Mian holds her forehead. She turns to look at the scenery outside and suddenly feels a little familiar.

"Eh, uncle? How are we here? " Su Mian asked in some consternation.

Isn't this the orphanage where she and Jin cancheng came together last time?

"Appointment." Huo Ting said solemnly.

Su Mian was stunned. "Date? But why do dates come here? "

Huoting doesn't explain, but directly pulls Su Mian out of the car and enters the orphanage.

Seeing them coming in, a little boy came running quickly and rushed into Su Mian's arms.

He looked up and smiled brightly. "Beautiful sister, why are you here again?"

Su Mian smiled, crouched down, pinched his face, and said, "sister, come and see you."

"Thank you beautiful sister." The little boy is very polite in thanking.

He turned to look at Huo Ting behind Su Mian again, and asked strangely, "but why did you change a boyfriend?"

"And Ah, Hello! Don't talk nonsense, little boy! " Su Mian deliberately made a fierce expression.

"I didn't say anything. He's different from yesterday's brother."

Su Mian smiled, rubbed his head hard, and said, "you know too much."

Before she had finished speaking, she felt a cold wind coming from behind.

Looking back, she saw Huo Ting looking at herself with a black face.

Su Mian smiled awkwardly. She stood up, took his hand and said with a smile, "uncle, don't listen to him. Children don't understand anything. They're bullshit. "

Huo Ting glared at her fiercely, didn't speak, and took her straight to the seaside.

Along the way, Su Mian found something wrong no matter how slow he was.

The route huoting took her along was the one she took with Jin cancheng that day.

Su Mian said with a smile, "uncle, are you too childish?"

The innocence that she and Jin can have come true can't be innocence anymore?!

Huo Ting looked at the surrounding scenery and said lightly, "I just like the scenery here."

He would not admit that he was jealous.

Su Mianmian: "..."

All right! Just like the scenery here!

Su Mian took his hand and said, "let's walk back slowly."

Huo Ting: "..."

Is the lamb kidding?!