After seeing the police, the queen came back to her bedroom tired, but not long after she just came back, the police call came again.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. Prince Yedan is crying to kill himself. He must see you."

"Suicide?!" The queen was frightened.

"Yes, although the bodyguard rescue was timely, Prince Yedan still broke his head. Depending on the situation, he shouldn't be playing Would you like to see me? "

The queen was silent for a moment, and she said, "I'll be right there."

Maybe this is the last thing her mother can do for her son.


When the queen went to the detention room and saw Ye Dan's tragedy, the queen immediately felt heartbroken.

No matter how sad she was or how disappointed she was with Prince Yedan, it was her son, born in October.

At this time, Prince Yedan was lying in a corner, his head was covered with gauze, and there was a dark red bloodstain in the corner of his forehead.

The bloodstain soaked in gauze was so conspicuous that Prince Yedan even looked pitiful.

The Queen walked over and sighed deeply.

When she saw him hurt, she still felt uncomfortable, even sad and sad.

Prince Yedan rushed to hold the Queen's leg in tears and kept shouting.

"Mother, I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong. Will you forgive me this time?"

He hugged the Queen's leg and rubbed his head against her leg. He was very sad.

"I am your own son. No matter what I did wrong, your blood is still in my body. You let me go! Cancel the lawsuit! I don't want to be in a place like this! It's going to kill me! "

Prince Yedan rubbed the queen with tears and snivels. He didn't know whether he was dirty or not. Would he make people unhappy.

Prince Yedan looked up at the queen, his eyes full of supplication.

"Forgive me this time, will you?"

The queen sighed and raised her hand to touch Prince Yedan's head.

She said softly, "why should I have known today? Why do you poison me when you know I'm your mother? "

Prince Yedan's crying stopped a little, he shook his head and said: "it's not like that, in fact, I was cheated. At that time, my staff said that it was a tonic, good for your mother's health. But But I never thought that drug would be poison. "

Prince Yedan showed a look of remorse, crying very sad.

"I'm so stupid. Why didn't I think it might be a spy sent from another country? Conspiracy, it must be conspiracy. Mother, please believe me. I don't know in advance. I was deceived! "

Prince Yedan said how pitiful he was. He looked like he had been cheated.

He cried like a child, but the words he said were just passing.

"Mother, if you don't believe it, you can send someone to catch the bodyguard, as long as you ask again, you can know the truth of the matter."

Prince Yedan hugged the Queen's leg again, "mother, please, let me go! If you think about it, I am your own son. How could I do such a cruel thing to you? "

The queen looked at Prince Yedan with a very sad and sad look. Looking carefully, her eyes were red, and even some crystal tears could be seen in them.

"Ye Dan Why do you look like this? It's all like this You still... "

The queen touched his head and almost couldn't help crying.

"Mother, don't you believe me?" Prince Yedan looked up and asked incredulously.

"Can I still believe you? How can I believe you? "

The queen sighed, drew back her hand and stepped back.

Prince Yedan looked puzzled and asked, "why don't you believe me?! What I say is true! Mother, why do you treat your son so cruelly? "

"From the moment you poisoned me, you are no longer my son. Even though my mother has given you opportunities again and again, you still haven't grasped it. "

The queen sadly backed away from him.

"Ye Dan, if I really lose my memory, then, what you said today, I will believe it, and really give you a chance to be my son again."

"What What do you mean? " Prince Yedan's eyes widened uneasily.

"In fact, I didn't lose my memory at all. All I have done is to cheat you. I hope you can sober up a little bit and be the original kind-hearted you

The queen shook her head and sighed, "so when I wake up and pretend to lose my memory, I want to erase all the past and give you a chance to start again. But it's a pity that you didn't take the chance. ""I, I......" Prince Yedan could not speak with his lips trembling. It was obvious that people had been scared to be stupid.

"What you don't know is that I come to see you this time, or hold a glimmer of hope. As long as you sincerely admit your mistake, I'm willing to give you a chance to change. But it's a pity that you told such a terrible lie. "

The queen shook her head sadly. "At that time, you said poison words by my bedside, which still reverberated in my ear. It was so clear, like poison, which eroded my heart and made me miserable."

The queen swung around with her back to Prince Yedan.

Ye Dan, what I can do for you, my mother has done for you. This is the last time I'll see you. You can reflect on yourself in the future! "

Having said that, the queen turned and went out.

The police who had been with the queen watched everything, he said, looking at Prince Yedan with mixed feelings.

"Prince Yedan, oh, no, I can't call you prince in the future. The queen has divorced you from the relationship between mother and son."

For such a lunatic person, they, the prison guards, naturally have a way to deal with him!

It's intolerable to dare to treat their beloved queen like this.

He believes that no matter what he does, people will support him.

"No! I am the prince! You must call me prince! " Ye Dan cried madly.

Until this moment, Prince Yedan didn't wake up to admit his mistake.

Perhaps, this is his biggest sorrow.

"Prince! Dream of you! " The man kicked Ye Dan's stomach hard and said, "what you have committed is intentional homicide. You will face up to 30 years' imprisonment. Return to the prince! ha-ha! Spend the rest of your life here! "

