It's getting closer and closer to the expected date of delivery. Huoting is getting more and more nervous, almost staring at Su Mian all the time.

The last accident cast a psychological shadow on him.

He was afraid that this time it would be like the last time, when he was not around her, he would come up with something.

Especially these days, Huo Ting is more focused. Su Mian has no personal time at all.

Now, let alone eating, even drinking water should be controlled.

Su Mian couldn't stand it, so he gave Huo ting a task.

"Uncle, I'd like to have Fried Bun, Xiao Lin's." Su Mianmian said, "go and buy it for me."

Xiaolin Fried Bun she said is a special food of s city. The point is that its store is very far away, 30 kilometers away from the Huo family.

Obviously, Su Mian wants to support Huo ting.

Huo Ting frowned and said softly, "I'll let others buy it."

"No way." Su miantou said, "if you don't buy it yourself, I won't eat it!"

But after saying that, Su Mianmian thought it was a little wrong!

If you don't eat, I think you'll feel better?!

She immediately changed her tongue and said, "I will, I will not have a baby, let her stay in my stomach all the time!"

Huo Ting: "..."

Is it necessary to deprive children of the ability to see the new world in order to fry?

Pregnant women are unreasonable creatures

Su Mian patted her stomach and said, "uncle, you can decide!"

Hoting was speechless, and he didn't want to stimulate her at such a juncture.

I have to appease first.

"Well, I'll buy it for you, but you can't be naughty at home."

"No!" Su Mian said happily, just next second, she ouch, a face tangled with the stomach.

"What's the matter?" Hoting felt that his little heart was about to pop out.

"Fried buns are still for the faction." Holding her stomach, she said with a stiff expression, "I think my amniotic fluid is broken."

Huo Ting was stunned.

"To be born?"

Huo Ting's nervous hands and feet don't know where to put them. He tries his best to let himself walk to Su Mian's side.

Su Mian nodded, humorously.

"It seems so."

But Huo Ting was not in the mood to joke. He bent down to pick her up.

"I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Su Mian suddenly holds Huo Ting's arm.

"I, I have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Hoting's nervous eyes began to drift.

"I want to wash my hair." Su Mian bit his lower lip and said with the pain that followed.

Huo Ting was stunned. She washed her hair at this time. Are you sure she was teasing him?

Su Mian looks at Huo ting with some bitterness and complains, "you didn't allow me to wash my hair when I was in the moon last time."

Huo Ting: "..."

Blame me?

"For a month I've been smelling bad hair for a month! " Su Mian doesn't like it anymore. She doesn't want to go through it again.

"Continuous!" Huoting is helpless extremely, "amniotic fluid broke, we go to the hospital first OK?"? When I get to the hospital, I'll wash your hair, OK? "

"Not good." Su Mian refused without thinking.

"Even if the amniotic fluid is broken, it will not be produced immediately. Last time, I waited for more than ten hours to start producing." She looked at Huo Ting angrily and said, "uncle, if you don't wash my hair, I won't go to the hospital and have a baby."

Anyway, her hair is itchy and painful. She will never experience it again.

Huo Ting was angry and anxious. She was so angry.

"Uncle!" Su Mian grabs Huo Ting's arm, because the pain adds another strength. "It hurts You, don't delay. "

Huo Ting is going to beat people up, delay time? Who are the two of them delaying?

"Uncle!" Su Mian suddenly screamed.

Huo Ting is frightened, feels the pain from the arm, Huo Ting nods decisively and agrees, "OK."

He picked up Su Mian and stepped into a special bathroom.

This bathroom was specially designed by him after su Mian got pregnant. Everything is for her convenience.

The most peculiar one in the bathroom is a reclining chair, which is specially used by hairdressers to wash people's hair.

Huo Ting helps Su Mian lie down on it, takes off the shower from the wall, adjusts the temperature and starts to wash her hair.

He has been washing her hair these days, so his movements are very skillful.

First wet her hair with warm water, then apply some shampoo, rub it, rub it, and then rinse it with water.After repeating this action, the hair will be washed clean.

"Uncle, it's more and more comfortable for you to wash your hair." Su Mian said with a smile.

Huo Ting stares at her. He is not in the mood to talk to Su Mian now.

He grabbed the clean towel next to her and began to wipe her hair gently.

"Well, bear with me. I'll dry your hair for you. Soon we can go to the hospital."

"Hurry up, uncle." Su Mian said as she tried to control her breathing. Now, she thought it was almost to the limit.

In fact, there was no need for her to urge. Hoting was more anxious than anyone else.

He picked up Su Mian and went back to the bedroom. He found a hair dryer and began to blow her hair.

He didn't blow it all. After about half of it, huoting said, "it's continuous. OK. We'll go to the hospital now." He stood up and planned to carry her.

"No way." Su Mian suddenly grabbed Huo Ting's arm again.

When hearing the word, Huo Ting felt that his heart would stop.

When did she dare to toss?

"Go to the hospital first." Huo Ting said unquestionably. "Continuous, obedient, don't make nonsense, it's a big thing to have a baby."

"I'm hungry." Su Mian said wrongly, "I'm really hungry. When I have a baby later, I will use a lot of strength. What can I do if I don't have enough to eat? "

Huo Ting looks at her stupidly. Is that all right?

"Uncle, I'd like to eat Fried Bun." Su Mian said again, "eat now."

Huo Ting was scared to death by her, but asked: "Mianmian, are you sure you can still eat now?"

He really wants to shout, little sheep, stop it, OK?!

When is it? How can I eat it.

Su Mian nodded, "yes, I want to eat."

Huoting couldn't help it, and couldn't resist Su Mian's idea, so she had to tell the kitchen to steam a few meat buns to satisfy her appetite.

The difference between steamed buns and fried buns should not be too big!

Su Mianmian was not happy when she saw the bun, but she couldn't care too much. Just after she bit the bun, Huo Ting rushed out with her in his arms to take the bus.
