Along the way, Su Mian didn't know Huo Ting ran several red lights, but she knew that she had eaten some meat buns.

Three in a row! At the end of the drink, she couldn't help burping.

"Uncle, don't be nervous. I feel that I will have a smooth production this time."

Su Mian holds Huo Ting's hand. She feels his fingers are cold.

Huo Ting kissed Su's forehead and said, "I'll wait for you outside."

Su Mian nodded.


After su Mian was pushed into the delivery room, Huo Ting sat on the bench outside and felt cold all over. It was like being watered with a basin of snow water containing ice. His hands and feet were numb with cold from his bones.

He unconsciously rubbed his hands, as if to ease his mood, as if to make himself warm.

This kind of anxious waiting has happened for the second time, but the feeling of the two times is quite different.

The last time Su Mian was pregnant with twins, it was very smooth, but it was very difficult to give birth and suffered a lot of crimes.

In addition, he was in a bad situation at that time, so his memory was also a tough ordeal.

So far, he can't fully recall how he spent that time. Every time I think about it, I feel that my heart will hurt a lot.

And this time Although his condition is OK, Su Mian's condition is not good.

She is pregnant with a very hard, can not eat, sleep is not fragrant.

So what's going to happen now, hoting is still not sure.

It's not that he wants to think about the bad things on purpose, it's totally uncontrollable, and involuntarily, those bad pictures will automatically come to your mind, and you can't expel them by any means.

At some point, Huo Ting even had a kind of situation that went back to the past and was controlled by hallucinations again.

That feeling is really bad.

Huo Ting rubbed his eyebrows hard to make himself sober.

He told himself in his heart that it would be OK. The doctor also said that Su Mian's situation is not bad. As long as there is no special situation in the middle, there should be no problem.

In the angle that other people can't see, Huo Ting hangs his head and keeps saying in his heart, "nothing will happen."

I don't know how long later, Huo Ting only felt that there seemed to be three more children around her.

I don't know when Dongdong brought his two younger brothers here.

He looked up at Dongdong.

Dongdong can't help but ask, "Daddy, plus this time you have three experiences, how can you still be so nervous?"

Huo Ting looked back at him and said coldly, "you don't understand. Don't ask so many questions from children."

Some things can only be understood by the people who have not been fathers. No matter how many times this kind of thing has been experienced, when it comes again, that kind of tension and uneasiness will still come to haunt you and torture you.

Dongdong opens his mouth, but seeing huoting's cold appearance, he feels better not to talk more.

He's eight years old, and it's a bit ugly to be spanked again.

Say it again! No one can save him now.

Dongdong moved his position and ran to sit with his two younger brothers.

"Brother Dong, is Mommy having a sister?" Asked Xiao Xi.

"Yes." Return to the road in winter and winter.

"That sister was born, would you not like me?" Xiaoxi asked a little sad.

"What are you worried about? Even if my sister doesn't come out, I like Beibei more than you... "

Xiaoxi: QAQ!

"Well, don't think too much. Let's wait for my sister to come out." Winter said.

"OK." Xiaoxi is just asking. If my sister comes out, brother Dong will not bully him. It's good.

Dongdong has been looking forward to this sister for a long time.

He asked BAABAA, BAABAA said he would have a younger sister for him, so Dongdong firmly believed that this time, the one in his belly must be his younger sister.

In this torment, time slipped slowly, and in a twinkling of an eye, a few hours passed.

Suddenly, there was a tinkle in my ear.

It was like a magic spell that broke the cage of huoting in an instant.

He raised his head sharply and looked at the delivery room. Then he saw the automatic door sliding slowly in front of his eyes. The doctor came out of the door and was undoing his mask.

Huo Ting was stunned, and then he got up and ran.

"What's the matter, doctor?" He asked anxiously.

The doctor replied with a smile, "Congratulations, Mr. Huo, your mother and daughter are all well, and your wife has given birth to a little princess."

Because the door of the delivery room was pushed open and not fully closed, Huo Ting heard the baby crying from inside, a very loud voice.

His heart sprang out, he leaned against the wall, completely relieved.At this time, the nurse came out with the baby in her arms. She looked at Huo ting and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Mr. Huo, the little princess weighs five Jin and two liang, 520, which is really a good idea."

“520?” Huo Ting was stunned.

"Yes, there are few such coincidences. Would you like to hold the baby?"

Huo Ting nodded. He took over the little princess. He looked down at the little princess in his arms. Although she was just born, her skin looked good. She was white and clean. She was not as wrinkled and red as other children were when they were born.

Her eyebrows and eyes are like Su Mian, which makes Huo Ting like this child at first sight.

Huo Ting instantly softened his face, slightly bowed his head, and kissed the little princess.

Welcome to the world, little princess.

"Daddy, I want to see my sister!" Dongdong pulls the clothes of rahodin and reminds him not to forget himself.

Huo Ting bends down and asks Dong Dong to have a look at their sister with some children.

"Whoa! How lovely my sister is! " Cried Dong Dong excitedly.

This is his sister! He hoped for his sister for a long time. He vowed to take good care of her and make her the happiest little princess in the world.

After watching for a while, Xiaoxi felt that her sister was so bored and kept her eyes closed all the time. It was not fun.

North North: "..."

What is sister? It's not as interesting as a math problem.


When Su Mian woke up again, it was a few hours later.

Huoting has been at her side, in the moment when she wakes up, she holds her hand and looks at her firmly.

"Mianmian, you have worked hard. She is a girl. She is very beautiful and looks like you."

Su Mian smiled and said, "in fact, when I was pregnant with her, I had a feeling that she should be a girl."

"Thank you." Hoting said.

Su Mian shook Huo Ting's hand, and they looked at each other tenderly for a while.

Happiness bloomed in Su's eyes. She said with a smile, "it's good to meet you, uncle. I'm very happy now."

Huo Ting felt her eyes and said with a smile, "I'm also very happy!"

Yes, they are very happy!

I will be happier in the future!

----At the end of the pape