The arrival of the little princess made the whole Huo family fall into a joyful atmosphere. The child, who was loved by all, was finally named Huo Chenxing, a little named star, which means the brilliance like a star.

On this day, the star princess finally has a full moon, which is a big event for the Huo family.

Early in the morning, after washing in winter and winter, I put on a white suit and ran to the star room.

The nanny was shocked when she saw Dongdong. She smiled and said, "young master, it's so early."

Since the star was born, the first thing to do in winter and winter is to visit her.

"And sister?" Winter asked.

"Today is the full moon banquet. We just bathed the young lady. This meeting is getting dressed..."

Just as she was talking, the maid picked up the star.

Little star is wrapped in a soft quilt. She is too small, so she must be wrapped tightly.

Star's head is wearing cute little tiger ears. Maybe it's because Dongdong comes to see her every day. She sees Dongdong and smiles at Dongdong.

Dongdong walked over, reached for her hand and asked, "did the stars drink milk?"


At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Xiaoxi and Beibei are looking around with their heads stretched out.

After seeing winter and winter, Xiao Xi suddenly showed a kind of expression.

He got up so early tomorrow! I still can't beat brother Dong!

"Good morning, young masters. Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I can't see my sister after breakfast Ah, but it's not as early as brother Dong if you don't eat... " Xiaoxi said and walked over.

The best position has been occupied by winter and winter, so he stood a little bit.

Most of the time the baby is sleeping. This time, the little star starts to yawn again and starts to sleep with his thumb

"I just came here! Why is my sister sleeping again? Does she always sleep well? " Xiaoxi subconsciously stretched out his limbs and said, "if I sleep more, I feel uncomfortable."

Dongdong didn't even look at him, still smiling at the sleeping star in the crib, as if she didn't hear Xiaoxi at all.

Being ignored by Dongdong, Xiaoxi said she was really sad.

He looked at the stars, suddenly saw her slightly clenching her mouth, blowing a small bubble.

Xiaoxi felt so surprised that she reached out her fingers to touch her face.

However, his fingers just reached out and he was caught by Dongdong.

Dongdong looked back at him and said, "you can't touch the star sister. You are so stupid. What can you do if you infect her? So you can only look at her, not touch her. "

Xiao Xi said wrongly, "brother Dong, you lied to me. How can stupid people infect?"

He doesn't read much, don't cheat him!

Suddenly, the little star opened his eyes, I don't know if she was woken up. She looked at the front blankly, and would cry when her mouth was flat.

"The stars are lovely, don't cry." Dongdong reaches out to hold the small hand of the star.

Xiaoxi blinks, and wants to learn from Dongdong. He holds the other hand of the star. As a result, Dongdong slaps him mercilessly. His mouth is flat and he wants to learn from the star to cry.

It's just that no one's watching him.

He painfully turned his face to one side, just looking at the north side of the expressionless looking at him.

At this moment, Xiaoxi realized that he was the elder brother, so he held back the two tears in his eyes.

North North looked at him, but he didn't tear him down. He calmly said, "you'd better not touch the star sister in the future."

"Why?" I also like stars, and I want to hold her

"Sister Xingxing is now Brother Dongge's eyeball. Nobody can touch it." Beibeidun, and said: "if you don't want to be beaten, listen to me."

Xiao Xi's face is broken. Why, he is also brother da. Why doesn't brother Dong play with his sister?

Sobbing, it's not fair.


At that time, apart from the north, no one found that the sister control of Dongdong was so serious.

In other words, all of them are controlled by younger sister and daughter.

Huo Xingxing has never walked before he was two years old. Every time he goes out, he must be holding it in winter and winter.

After two years old, Su Mian couldn't see it anymore, forcing the stars to learn to walk.

When the stars revolt, they don't need to speak. As long as they look at huoting with two bags of tears, huoting can't stand it.

"Mianmian, the stars are still small, or we..."

Su Mian said angrily, "little what?! She's two years old! She is lazy. When they are her age in winter and winter, don't say go, they will run! "


"No, but! You say one more thing, sleep on the sofa for me in the evening! " Su Mian is angry."The stars are still small..." Huo Ting took Huo Xing up and said, "it's not good for children to walk too early."

The star sniffed and said, "Daddy, the stars are so tired."

Su Mian can't see any more. He grabs Huo Xingxing from huoting's hands and drives him out.

Only in this way can stars learn to walk

However, such resistance is not only due to hoting.

Dongdong is the one who gives Su Mian a headache.

"BAABAA, I think you are too strict with the stars." When Dongdong came back from school, he saw Huo Xingxing rushing to his arms with tears in his eyes. Before he could get out of the joy that the stars would walk, he was frightened by Huo Xingxing's tears.

You know, this sister was brought up by him.

From small to large, she can count the times of crying with her fingers.

All of a sudden, the whole person is not good in winter.

Huo Xingxing doesn't speak very well, but he can complain.

After Dong Dong knows what happened, he makes a chart of children's development and analyzes the data one by one with Su Mian.

Su Mian saw the data in front of her, and she was very happy.

"So, you mean that the education after the stars will be given to you?"

"Yes, BAABAA, please rest assured." Winter said.

Dongdong is now ten years old, but his psychological age is more mature.

Su Mian was speechless to him. She spread out her hand and said, "whatever you want."

Since then, Huo Xingxing's education has become a matter of winter and winter.

So, when the media took a picture of Huo Xingxing going out with a pacifier and reported it, a famous educator criticized Huo's education problem in front of the media. The child was four years old and could not live without a pacifier, which had a bad impact on the child's intellectual development, right

Dongdong smiled coldly after watching it.

Then he found out through some way that the private mistress of the educator was two years older than the married child. Then, the incident was inadvertently exposed and smoothly became the top story of the education circle for a week.

"No one can say my star." After reading the newspaper of that day, Dongdong put it aside with satisfaction.

At this time, Huo Xingxing finished the last mouthful of milk and said cleverly, "brother, I have finished drinking. Let's go to school."

"Good." Dongdong smiles.