It's a fine day on X, and it's sunny Tuesday. Today, my second brother said that I'm fat. I'll ask Abby if I'm fat. Daddy said I'm not fat. I'll ask Mommy if I'm fat. Mommy said I'm going to be O-FAT. What does o fat mean?

I can't write that word

Big brother comments: you are not fat at all, star. Your second brother has eaten so well recently. I think it is necessary for him to do some exercise.


It's a fine day on X, but it's sunny for a while. My second brother got up early recently, and then he was noisy. I couldn't sleep well.

I have no appetite for breakfast. I don't want to eat any more than two sandwiches.

Big brother comments: darling, eat more!


Hochensie doesn't know where he offended big brother recently.

Suddenly, I was ordered to get up at six o'clock every morning and run around the Huo's house for 20 laps, even if it didn't take two days. He said that he quarreled with his family to rest and let him run around the periphery

Now, when he came back from exercise every day, his family got up and had a good breakfast.

Huochenxi went up and took a bath in a hurry. When he came down, he saw that the star was eating the third sandwich.

He couldn't help saying, "stars, do you still eat?"

The star looked up at huochenxi and asked, "second brother, if you want to eat, there are many more over there."

Huo Chenxi did not know how he grew in the past two years. He grew taller and taller, his face grew more handsome and his mouth became more and more poisonous.

He said, "I'm not going to eat, I'm just lamenting that you can eat as much as our family. If you eat like this, you'll probably weigh the first in our family."

Huo Xingxing didn't understand what he said. He thought he was boasting about himself.

"Big brother says it's a blessing to eat!" Huo Xingxing said happily.

In fact, Huo Xingxing is not so fat. She is just a little fatter than the average eight year old, and most of the meat grows on her face, so she looks exaggerated.

"If you go on like this, you won't get a boyfriend. No one likes fat people."

"What is a boyfriend? Is it delicious? "

Huo Chenxi: "..."

Huo Chenbei can't see any more. He said, "Hi, can you shut up?"

How can someone be so stupid?! I've been punished by brother Dong! I don't know where I'm wrong.

Then I'm still defiant of death

Didn't he see brother Dong look at him meaningfully and smile for a long time?

I can't believe such a fool is his brother.

Huo Chenxi hears the words, turns around and sees Huo Chenbei holding an English original.

"North, if you read too many books like this, your brain will become more and more boring."

Huo Chenbei took a look at him. He couldn't see any more. He put down his napkin gracefully and said, "I'm full. Please use it slowly." With that, he left the table first.

"So fast! I'm just here! " Cried hochensie.

I don't know if Huo Chenxi's words just stimulated Huo Xingxing. On this day, Huo Xingxing only ate three sandwiches, so he didn't eat them.

"I'm full, too." She put down her chubby hands.

Dongdong looked at her and asked with a smile, "I have a snack prepared for you. If you are hungry at school..."

"No, I want to eat less. I want to have a boyfriend!" Huo Xingxing really thinks that his boyfriend can eat.


Dongdong's expression is slightly stunned, and he says, "OK, when I come back in the evening, I will prepare my boyfriend for you. Would you like to have it baked or steamed? Or do you want to eat in pieces? "

Hochensie's juice popped out.

Huo Xingxing looked at it, frowned and said, "second brother, you are not clean!"

"Sorry!" Huochenxi picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth.

Huo Chendong reaches out to hold Huo Xingxing and sends her to school. It's an unhindered job in winter and winter every day.

"Elder brother, am I a little heavy?" Huo Xingxing asked worried.

The 16-year-old Dongdong is over 1.8 meters tall. Although he doesn't have eight abdominal muscles, he still has six. He's a teenager. When he laughs, he's no longer childish.

His three-dimensional facial features and half of his hybrid genes make him look more attractive.

Huo Xingxing has found that every day when big brother sends her to school, many girls come out to see her Big brother of.

In fact, Huo Xingxing is very happy. They will send her many snacks.

However, once she had a stomachache, the eldest brother would never give her any more food outside.

Although the eldest brother dotes on her very much, but angry also very terrible.

Huo Xingxing dare not listen to Dongdong."My stars are not heavy at all." Winter said softly.

Huo Xingxing smiled happily.

"It seems that the second brother is useless, so he can't hold me." She said.

Dongdong's eyes darkened. When he went out with Huo Xingxing in his arms, he asked the maid to send Huo Chenxi a delicious meal.

When Huo Chenxi saw the green tea cake, he was very moved.

"I didn't expect that brother Dong cared about me so much. He gave me my favorite green tea cake in the morning, which really made me feel embarrassed It seems that I misunderstood him before Ah Sink, water! Give me water! "


Huo Xingxing, who has been sitting in the car here, asked curiously, "why did the second brother suddenly shout so loudly?"

She heard it clearly here, so you can tell how miserable huochenxi was!

Winter good temper said, "maybe he saw cockroaches."

"Second brother is useless. I'm not afraid of cockroaches."

"How brave the stars are!" Winter and winter boast.


I had my boyfriend today. It's not delicious at all.

No matter it's steamed or baked, it's not delicious. It's very strange. I'll never eat this again.

It's bad!

Comment: if you don't like it, don't hand it in later.

In addition, the sun can be described as "sunny"

After another two years, Huo Xingxing never wrote a diary again.

After waiting for two weeks in winter, I couldn't help asking.

"The second brother said that it's childish to write diary. When I grow up, I don't want to be a childish child."

So Huo Chen, whose face was bruised, begged the little princess of the Huo family to start writing a diary.

If she doesn't keep a diary, brother Dong will have less fun.

"Well, for your poor second brother's sake, I will grudgingly agree!"

Huo Chenxi: QAQ

What a bad feeling! how to deal with it?

Huo Chenbei, passing by, couldn't help saying, "idiot!"

Hochensie: sleeping trough! Can we still have a little compatriot love?!


Big brother, I know today that diary can't be shown to others! Over the years, you've read and commented on my diary!

What to do?

Then my diary is not my diary?

Comments by brother:

(at the beginning of the next chapter, everyone grows up, and the last one starts...)