"Why don't you talk?" Winter asked.

Han Mengjun silently turned a white eye in his heart, but said in his mouth.

"If you think it's right."

Dongdong hears the words and turns to look at her.

Seeing her sitting quietly in the chair, her face was a little nervous. If she had not known that they were pretending, she would have behaved like a parent.

Tut Tut, this man is really professional.

It's strange that with her acting skills, how can she not be popular?

It seems necessary to have a good investigation.

"Gentleman, I need to explain something to you first." Said the soft voice of winter and winter.


King, your sister!

Han Mengjun replied with a smile, "don't worry, brother Dong. I'll listen."

Also let me call you dong Ge, see if you are disgusted?!

but no matter how many Tucao make complaints about Han Mengjun, the expression on her face is still impeccable.

"In fact, what I want to tell you is very simple, mainly two points. First, when we go to dinner later, if they ask you any questions, you will act according to my eyes. If it's not a question you don't have to answer, I'll answer it for you. If it's a question you need to answer yourself, you need to think about it, and answer it according to the information I gave you and the look I gave you at that time. "

Cut, is not to let her adapt to the circumstances!

Alas, it's not easy to make money!

Say it again! The so-called information only has a simple introduction of less than 200 words.

With her ability of never forgetting lines, can you write them down at a glance?!

Han Mengjun nodded softly and said, "OK, I remember."

Dongdong added, "there is another thing you need to pay attention to."

Han Mengjun looked at him and make complaints about himself.

Why does this man like to talk in half?! Can't you just say it once?

"You said." Han Mengjun asked, pretending to be enthusiastic.

"My mommy has a good temper, so you don't have to bear any psychological burden at all. She is very good to everyone."

Han Mengjun: "..."

She didn't care, okay?

What does it matter if your mother likes me or not?! It's none of my business?

As long as she doesn't doubt that we are fake!

Anyway, our agreement says that as long as we believe, we don't want to like her.

In fact, the point is that Han Mengjun likes himself to others There's not much confidence in that.

She has been more black than pink for so many years.

No way, who let her debut in the first play is a controversial role, attracted powder also attracted black.

A few years later, she has no new works.

The powder is slowly turning.

Only black has been

It's cruel, okay?!

"My mommy likes to make desserts. When entertaining guests, she usually prepares strawberry cakes..." When it comes to this, Dongdong pauses. Of course, he doesn't say that because he likes eating very much. He says, "besides, she likes to see other people show that satisfaction when they eat what they make. It's a very happy thing for her."

It seems that his mother is a very agreeable person.

Strawberry cake! It's just that she's hungry. She can eat more later.

Huo Chendong looked at Han Mengjun's expression and said, "but..."

Yes, but.

She knew There won't be such a good thing!

In general, there are but words, but the front words are nonsense, OK?!

Han Mengjun looks at Dongdong.

"If you don't want to eat..." Dongdong lengthens the volume and signals Han Mengjun to pay attention to what he is going to say next. "Of course, I hope you can eat as much as you like, because if you don't, my mother will be very disappointed. Of course, if you really don't want to eat it, you can pass it to me and I'll take care of it. But in any case, I don't want you to leave the dessert still. "

That will make me sad.

"Why not?" Han Mengjun asked strangely.

The question on her face made Dongdong feel strange.

"Am I wrong?"

"I like dessert." Han Mengjun said after thinking.

Dongdong is even more surprised. "Aren't stars all dieting to lose weight and not eating?"

Han Mengjun began to be silent.

That's right But she hasn't received the play for a long time.

And how can we let go of the chance to eat foreign food.

Dongdong looks at her expression and knows that her previous information is not comprehensive.

"You are such an interesting man." Dongdong thought about it and said with a smile, "according to the data, you don't seem to be such a dull person, but sometimes you are dull as if you can't speak. What is the real you like?"Han Mengjun is still silent, but he thinks in his heart that what she looks like has nothing to do with him.

According to their contract, they just need to show that they are lovers in front of outsiders, very close.

But in private, she seems to have no obligation, no mood or idea to entertain him.

If she is willing to be such a social person, she will never be in this position.

So, as long as they can get along with each other peacefully.

"If you want me to show some enthusiasm, it's OK." Said Han Mengjun.

Dongdong is shocked and understands Han Mengjun's meaning.

It turned out that she took it as work all the time.

It's a job, though.

Dongdong smiled and said, "I want to be real and natural, if you feel free."

"Of course, I'm professional." Han Mengjun gently agreed, and began to silence.

This time in winter and winter, he didn't feel the accident. He smiled.

The car was running smoothly, and soon it was on the highway. Han Mengjun thought about it and asked.

"If you are free, can you introduce your family to me? I need to know more. "

Although there are some introductions in his materials, they are not very detailed. After all, some things are indescribable in language.

"Of course." Dongdong smiled and said, "my mommy has a good temper and is very good to people, so you don't need to pay much attention. My father is a person with a cold temper. In those days, as long as mummy was not involved, he was usually easier to communicate. As for my second brother He is simple. As for my third brother, he is very clever. So, you try to talk less with daddy and the third brother, say more wrong, it's easy to help... "

Han Mengjun digested what he had just said in his heart, and after he put huoting and Beibei into the title of dangerous person in his heart, he also had a relatively clear understanding of the Huo family.

"What else do you want to know?" Winter asked.

Han Mengjun shook his head. "No, I have a general understanding. There should be no problem."

"Well, in that case, it's up to you later!"

"No problem!"