The car stopped in front of a luxury villa. Dongdong turned to Han Mengjun and said, "are you ready?"

Han Mengjun smiled and looked at him affectionately. He replied, "brother winter."

Dongdong smiled and said, "yes, the eyes are very professional."

He got out of the car and reached out to her.

Han Mengjun put his hand on his arm, and the two walked in.

It has to be said that in terms of appearance, the two are really very matched. When they come, they seem to be the characters in the picture.

Su Mian waited at the door early in the morning.

Huoting can't see it. He asks her to go in and have a rest. When Dongdong comes back, it's not too late to come out.

Say it again! Where are parents waiting for their son?!

"Mianmian, let's go in and wait." Hoting said.

"Wait a second. They should be coming in winter." Su Mianmian said, "I asked Dong Dong for a long time, but he didn't tell me who she was. I haven't seen him so interested in any girl..."

Huo Ting frowned and said, "be obedient, go in and wait, you just got a cold..."

At first, he was very dissatisfied with Su Mian's making cake by himself today.

Even though he has given most of his work to the children now, his face is still very scared. The gas field is here.

But this person does not include su Mian.

"If you want to go in, go in by yourself." Su Mian waved.

Although the children have grown up now, the years have not left too many traces on their faces.

Su Mian looks like a man in his twenties. When he stands with Huo Xingxing, he is only misunderstood as a sister.

Naturally, hoting had no way to take her.

At this time, Su Mian exclaimed.

"Ah! They are back! "

Su Mian ran out excitedly, and Huo Ting followed her coldly.

Han Mengjun saw a woman in her twenties coming towards them.

She thought, so young, should not be Huo Chendong's mother.

She was followed by a 40 year old man with similar facial features to that of Huo Chendong, but he didn't usually smile and his eyebrows and eyes were cold.

"Mommy, I'm back." Dongdong smiles and releases Han Mengjun's hand.

She grew up with surprised eyes.

God! It's a mother, isn't it young?!

How does the Huo family maintain themselves?!

Dongdong held out her arms and kissed Su on her cheek.

I don't know why, I didn't like the etiquette of country D very much when I was a child, but now I feel very good, especially when I come back to visit Su mianmianmian, I will do it thoroughly.

After seeing Huo Ting's black face, Dong Dong just stepped back and let Su Mian go.

"Mommy." Dongdong gave a little cry, but didn't care about Huo Ting's terrible eyes and said, "I brought my girlfriend to see you."

"You child." Su Mian clapped his arm with a smile and said, "why don't you bring your girlfriend back and let others in quickly? Go and invite them in."

She said as she stared at Han Mengjun.

Han Mengjun saw that everyone was looking at himself, so he came up and said gracefully.

"Good aunt, good uncle. My name is Han Mengjun. Nice to meet you."

"Good boy, come in with me." Su Mianmian is very satisfied with Han Mengjun.

Although the child looks very gentle, but the eyes are very firm, you can see that he is a smart child.

Dongdong has his own ideas since he was a child. If he is a very docile type, it's hard to control him.

Generally speaking, at the first sight, Su Mianmian is still a little slower for Han Mengjun.

Han Mengjun is also very good at looking at people's faces. She can probably guess that the Huo family thinks Su Mian is in charge, so she thinks that if Su Mian is flattered, Su Mian believes her.

So this "work" is successfully completed more than half of it?

"Mengjun, how do you know Dongdong?" Asked Su Mian.

This question!

She was ready!

Han Mengjun looked at Dongdong shyly and said, "we met at our friend's birthday party."

"Birthday party?" Su Mian Leng Leng, asked, "which friend is it?"

Dongdong's character is not like someone who can go to a friend's birthday party.

Han Mengjun hears the words, looks up at Dongdong with emotion, which means that he is embarrassed to say it.

In fact, the real reason is, which friend

She doesn't know either! They didn't have the right lines at all!

People have not done so detailed ah!

Dongdong said with a smile, "it's Angela."Su Mian didn't ask at once when she heard the name. She said with a smile, "ouch, let's talk about it first. Don't talk at the door."

Who is Angela?

Han Mengjun took advantage of the time when we didn't see, made a wink to Dongdong.

Dongdong pulls her and whispers in her ear, "my ex gossip girl."

Han Mengjun turned a white eye.

At this time, Su Mian just turned around and looked at them.

Han Mengjun immediately reached out his hand and patted Dongdong on the shoulder. When Su Mianmian saw her, she took back her hand embarrassed.

It looks like they are flirting.

Su Mian smiled and bent his eyebrows and eyes, silently relieved.

She was worried that Dongdong would find someone to cheat her.

At present, this is not the case at all.

It can only be said that Su Mian is too naive!

Dong Dong is not a casual person. He is looking for professional actors.


"Auntie..." Han Mengjun lowered his head and looked annoyed.

Su Mian covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "it's OK, young people are more lively. You go on, I don't see anything. "

Han Mengjun is even more embarrassed.

"What are you shy about? That's not the strength when you hit me. '

"Brother Dong, aunt is here. Don't talk like that."

"It's my mother who's talking about you." Dongdong said with a smile, "then you won't fight back."

"Auntie, don't listen to him. I'm not like that."

Su Mian said with a smile, "I believe you, winter is love to talk."

What a warm and interactive scene, Huo Xingxing's eyes are staring. If she had not known the truth in advance, she would have thought that elder brother and sister Mengjun were a couple!

Or are they really a couple?!

"Star, what are you doing here?" Su Mian cried in a low voice.

"Ah!" Huo Xingxing came out and hugged Su Mian's arm and said, "Mommy, do you like sister Mengjun very much?"

"Of course." Su Mian nodded with a smile.

"Great!" Huo Xing can't help but relax and say, "then I didn't choose the wrong person."