After listening to Huo Xingxing's words, all the people were stunned and looked at her inexplicably. ?

I don't understand why she said that.

Huo Xingxing himself would like to slap himself.

What is my choice? What's the name?!

Bad! How can I get back here?!

Huo Xingxing's face was red. She stammered, "I I mean, big brother said before that my boyfriend will get his consent in the future, so his girlfriend will also get my consent

"You said What are you talking about? " Su said without words.

"I, I......"

From the beginning to the end, Dongdong looks at Huo Xingxing with a smile and no words.

Han Mengjun took a look at him, guessed what he thought in his heart, and felt it necessary to stand up and say a few words.

She smiled and said, "brother Dong, is this your star sister?"

Dongdong took a look at her and said, "star, come and say hello to your Junjun sister."

Such a dialogue between the two people is to mention the topic Huo Xingxing just said.

"How are you, Junjun?" Huo Xingxing said cleverly.


Today's dining place is on the top of the third floor. Although it's on the top, it's also decorated very warmly.

There is a large space next to the flower house. At this time, there are several long tables with various barbecues, desserts and Chinese snacks on them. They look very delicate and attract people's attention.

Han Mengjun was attracted by those beautiful cakes, especially strawberry cakes.

At that moment, she really wanted to rush to have a close contact with those cakes.

I haven't been informed for a long time. God knows how long she hasn't eaten such delicious cakes.

On the other side, there are two big umbrellas and some tables and chairs under them. It seems that they should be used for tea and chatting.

As for the other side, there is a glass skylight, which is a small room with a sofa and a table. It is also a warm place to chat.

There are servants to prepare for barbecue. While waiting, Han Mengjun and Dong Dong are pulled into the glass house by Su Mian.

After the servant sent some desserts and drinks, Su Mian took Han Mengjun's hand and said, "Mengjun, are you tired of filming at ordinary times?"

She hasn't had a scene in a long time.

Be in a hurry

"Not tired." Han Mengjun replied.

Su Mian takes a look at her, and then says to Dongdong, "Dongdong, go to help Mengjun get some food."

She is actually looking for a reason to support the winter.

Dongdong looks at Han Mengjun, then gets up and leaves.

"Dongdong, it's not here now. Tell me the truth." Su Mian asked seriously, "is your relationship with Dongdong a boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Han Mengjun's heart sank, but his face showed doubts and grievances.

She said, "Auntie, are you not satisfied with me?"

She said, her eyes slightly red.

Su Mianmian saw that her face was still tense. She quickly drew a tissue and explained, "don't cry, I don't mean that..."

Before Dongdong, she was silent all the time. Suddenly, she had a girlfriend, and just Huo Xingxing said that, so she wanted to try Han Mengjun.

Now it seems that she misunderstood.

Han Mengjun choked and said, "I know that my identity is very different from brother Dong's. I and I don't really want to be long. I just like him."

When she said this, she always looked at the winter outside the transparent glass door, and her eyes were full of love.

"I have been working in the entertainment circle since I was a child. I know that many people have bad ideas about this circle, and think that the people in this circle may be very disordered, but I am not such a person. Because I love acting, I never leave." Han Mengjun looks at Su Mian, her eyes are clear.

"For so many years, I have never done anything against my conscience. Even if I can't get a small role every year and eat instant noodles every day, I haven't given up my insistence Auntie, I know it may not be suitable for me to tell you. I just want to show that I like brother Dong's heart, just like I love acting. "

"I love him, I will never give up on him!"

After she said that, Su Mian was very moved.

Han Mengjun's words were very sincere and moved her.

Originally, I was worried that the winter winter games would casually find a girl to cheat her. Now seeing Han Mengjun's performance, Su Mian felt that no one would be able to act so seriously.

The shame and gentleness, love and admiration in that eye, the real seems to have materialized, how can there be false?

No girl ever said these words in front of her. With her eyes, she believed that Dongdong found a girl who really loved him.It has to be said that Han Mengjun's acting skills are so good that he deceived Su Mianmian.

Su Mianmian said, "then you should always be good."

Han Mengjun raised his head in disbelief and said with red eyes, "Auntie, don't you object?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "I have no objection. I support you."

Han Mengjun reached out to cover his face, leaving tears of joy.

At this time, Dongdong comes back with food.

"What's the matter?"

Han Mengjun sniffed. She stood up and said, "excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom first."

After she left, Su said with emotion.

"Dongdong, you find a good girl this time. You must cherish Mengjun. She really loves you."

It seems that her acting has deceived Su Mian.

Dongdong smiled and said, "I will."


Half an hour later, the Huos sat together for dinner.

Han Mengjun found that the people of the Huo family still have rules. When eating, the position seems to have been fixed, which can be seen from the natural position of all people.

After they sat down, the servant gave them all kinds of food. For a while, Han Mengjun felt a bit dazzled. The dinner of rich people was really luxurious.

Suddenly, Han Mengjun was attracted by something. She found that Huo Ting actually peeled the shrimp shell for Su Mian himself instead of letting the servant prepare it.

It's not the first time to see Huo Ting's skillful movements.

She looked back at the shrimp on her right, and a thought flashed through her mind.

She pinched a shrimp and peeled it skillfully. Then she put the shrimp on the plate in front of Dongdong.

She looked at him with love and said in a soft voice that could intoxicate the dead: "brother Dong, I remember that you like shrimp best. Can I peel it for you?"

"No, I can come myself." Winter said softly.

Han Mengjun continued to peel shrimp for him, and said, "I like to do something for brother Dong, which is something I feel very happy about."

Dongdong looks at her tenderly. There is a spark of love between them, which blinds the eyes of single dogs.

Su Mianmian sees everything in his eyes and is more and more satisfied with Han Mengjun.

Although she knew that it was the boy who was supposed to peel the shrimp for the girl, Dongdong was her son. As a mother, she was inevitably selfish and hoped that her child would be taken care of.

But now Han Mengjun's action is to let Su Mian completely rest assured.

Finally, a meal ended in such a happy situation.

At the time of leaving, Han Mengjun was always pulled by Su Mian. He repeatedly made a promise that he would come to see her often later, and then he was released.

After getting on the bus, Han Mengjun waved goodbye to the people of Huo's family. Until she could not see their figure again, she gently breathed out a breath, relaxed herself and did a good job. The smile on her face disappeared.

It's very fast, as if it's a change in a second, as if it's a face change in Sichuan. In the blink of an eye, it's incredibly fast.

Such ease of release and retraction shocked both winter and winter.

"Your acting is really good."

Han Mengjun smiled and said, "thank you for your praise. The most important thing is that you are satisfied. You've given me the price of a female star, and I'll always be able to pay for it. "

"Happy cooperation." Dongdong reaches out to Han Mengjun.

Han Mengjun looked at him, then stretched out his hand, put it on his hand, and said, "happy cooperation."